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Old 02-02-2010, 02:36 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29 View Post
Awwww, you say that like it's a bad thing...........some of them do like to be "claimed" , even if it's to face consequences later when they get caught screwing around.

Nothing wrong with it if its a fetish thing but I am talking about when the lady says something like// 'If I catch you seeing another lady I will out you everyway I can and fuck your whole life up"
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Old 02-02-2010, 07:37 PM   #17
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One reason not to post reviews, is that there were some full-on asshole members on the other board (some who made the transition here, unfortunately) who felt they had some edict from god to approve or disapprove of reviews publicly. In many cases, they didn't know what they were talking about.
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Old 02-02-2010, 08:04 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Onceler View Post
Reviews exist to allow the clients to make informed decisions. Not for the benefit or publicity of providers. They are not for public defending, braggadocio, or quid pro quo.
Permission should not be required to post accurate and decision worthy information in a public forum. If I were to be refused repeat service by a woman because of a review I posted, then I wasn't going to want a return appointment. In my opinion, a review is based on MY willingness to share the experience, not the lady's.

I am laid back on almost all topics on the board, but reviews are the reason I read and how I make decisions. If the integrity of that information is challenged and corrupted, might as well all go home then.

...balcony is closed...
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Old 02-02-2010, 08:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn View Post
Nothing wrong with it if its a fetish thing but I am talking about when the lady says something like// 'If I catch you seeing another lady I will out you everyway I can and fuck your whole life up"
That is very messed up. Any girl who is capable of doing something as awful as that is DANGEROUS to the hobby-period. There is no room or excuse for blackmail- in the hobby or out! I don't think I've gotten that reason for not being able to screen a gent before but if I do, that girl will never get a direct referral from me during the pillow talk time. Surely this type of behavior is too uncommon to affect the amount or frequency of reviews, though.
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Old 02-02-2010, 08:14 PM   #20
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When I request an appointment through P411, I know it lets the lady know my handle here and that I post reviews. P411 is awesome because I never have to ask a provider to give a reference for a specific request. My references are basically my 'OK's and my board presence just cements that I am for real. (I guess)

I don't know how it looks when the lady gets my P411 info or what she sees when she looks at my profile, but if she does her due dilligence when screening me she will know I will post a review.

I have only ever posted 1 negative review, but this is because I do my homework and read reviews before diving in. The one negative review was for a provider who I had connected with initially, and after a period of time where we had not had a session yet, I felt obligated to go ahead and have the session. I will never see someone just because I feel I have to or ought to for moral reasons etc... I will see the women I am attracted to, and provide good service (known by reading reviews).

If a lady has a no review policy I will likely not see her, because there will be no reviews. So I don't feel the need to ask permission, because as Onceler said, it isn't about advertising for them, but sharing an accurate account for fellow hobbyists.
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Old 02-03-2010, 01:43 AM   #21
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I will say one thing... the hobby has taught me some valuable business and marketing skills. More than any classroom. To the guy who said he wouldn't see the provider who advertises she has a lot of reviews in a short time. Your perception is that she is high volume, maybe lower class? I have 30 in 6 months. That is 5 reviews per month. High volume or just consistant great service? I have been toying with the idea and finally made a decision to raise my rates to new clients, in order to stay low volume. I know I have earned it and will maintain consistanty. Before I was low volume and and had lower rates, because I was trying to make a name for myself. Although I have a lot of fun in the hobby this is a business. In order to maintain an upscale incall, provide stellar service, and ammenities this must be done. As far as reviews, I don't think anyone should be scared to write a review because of a crazy provider. Those girls should be dealt with by the board imo. I will no longer ask for reviews, but a gent should feel free to do what he wishes, as long as the lady's identity is protected.
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Old 02-03-2010, 10:22 AM   #22
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My perception is that she is very high volume. I don't view 30 reviews in 6 months as that. Her claim is of a very much higher number of reviews in a much shorter time. I would put my perception of you as consistent service.
Personally I always put forth my best effort to provide an excellent hobbyist experience!

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Old 02-03-2010, 11:44 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29 View Post
That is very messed up. Any girl who is capable of doing something as awful as that is DANGEROUS to the hobby-period. There is no room or excuse for blackmail- in the hobby or out! I don't think I've gotten that reason for not being able to screen a gent before but if I do, that girl will never get a direct referral from me during the pillow talk time. Surely this type of behavior is too uncommon to affect the amount or frequency of reviews, though.
Yikes! I agree. I have never, to my knowledge, experienced anything like this in the hobby. I suppose some psycho could be behaving this way in the background and I would never know it. If this really has happened, would someone please out these jealous, blackmailing providers in an alert thread?

Thankfully, most all the providers I encounter provide references promptly and without drama when asked. I think most of us providers have a good relationship with each other and refer each other to our clients.
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:10 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by rekcaSxT View Post
When I request an appointment through P411, I know it lets the lady know my handle here and that I post reviews. P411 is awesome because I never have to ask a provider to give a reference for a specific request. My references are basically my 'OK's and my board presence just cements that I am for real. (I guess)

I don't know how it looks when the lady gets my P411 info or what she sees when she looks at my profile, but if she does her due dilligence when screening me she will know I will post a review.

I have only ever posted 1 negative review, but this is because I do my homework and read reviews before diving in. The one negative review was for a provider who I had connected with initially, and after a period of time where we had not had a session yet, I felt obligated to go ahead and have the session. I will never see someone just because I feel I have to or ought to for moral reasons etc... I will see the women I am attracted to, and provide good service (known by reading reviews).

If a lady has a no review policy I will likely not see her, because there will be no reviews. So I don't feel the need to ask permission, because as Onceler said, it isn't about advertising for them, but sharing an accurate account for fellow hobbyists.
With respect, I don't write reviews to advertise for the lady, and like yourself, I do my homework 1st. Hence, I have never felt the need to write a negative review (knock on wood), but I have seen some ladies that asked that they not be reviewed. I can respect that and have done so. The sessions would have been worthy of a glowing review, but for whatever the reason they did not want to be reviewed at that particular time. Maybe they didn't want it know that they had seen me!! LOL!

As far as providing good information to fellow hobbyists, you can do that without writing reviews, and I will always share info both good and bad.
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Old 02-03-2010, 01:18 PM   #25
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I have been on both sides- in the beginning I was scared to write reviews. As I got over the fear I just wanted to share some of the better moments or some that have a "new" twist. I see Alisha regularly(semi at least) but don't post most of them. I enjoy the trust that grows with seeing one provider regularly. The ability to read good reviews has been a plus and the person most encouraging me to explore a little has been alisha- not a jealous bone in her body.(pun not intended but intellectually acknowledged) I have not experienced the drama at all but that is partly because I have read the wonderful reviews of some poster that seem "true" to me and only visited those whom you said great things about- ella and savannah(thanks spud). I do plan to Sophia and Tess before summer. I also the wonderful Kat but wasn't posting yet and by the time I was it was past what I percieved as the "been too long to share now." Those who stay UTR have my complete understanding and support- I have been there- they may come out when and if they are ready. thegj
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:49 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Onceler View Post
Reviews exist to allow the clients to make informed decisions. Not for the benefit or publicity of providers. They are not for public defending, braggadocio, or quid pro quo......

......reviews are the reason I read and how I make decisions. If the integrity of that information is challenged and corrupted, might as well all go home then.

...balcony is closed...
I very much agree.

From Tron....."One reason not to post reviews, is that there were some full-on asshole members on the other board (some who made the transition here, unfortunately) who felt they had some edict from god to approve or disapprove of reviews publicly. In many cases, they didn't know what they were talking about. "
If someone was an "asshole" & didn't know what they were talking about, then i agree. But as Onceler notes above....the purpose of this board is to respectfully share information so that readers can make "an informed decision".

But....if there's not enough information in a review to make "an informed decision" ....then helpfully pointing this out (to the reviewer) is NOT having "some edict from god to disapprove".....it's merely pointing out (often to a newbie who is thankful to get some straight feedback) that MORE information is needed....for the average reader to make an informed decision.

Quality reviews on quality girls is what drives the positive activity of this board.....& they are what gets me to PM or pick up the phone....(that & the pic of a smokin' hot latina ),

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Old 03-21-2010, 08:51 AM   #27
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I have posted reviews. The ladies have asked if I would. If I were asked not to, I wouldn't. I've also left out some details. Some things occured that were private and that the lady doesn't provide to others. I also wanted the other ladies I'm interested in to be able to look at my reviews and reach some conclusions about how things might be when i'm with her.

I try to stay utr, but that makes the new lady more apprehensive the first time we meet.
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