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Old 08-02-2015, 02:32 PM   #16
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Serenity....in one of your reviews you had daty as an offered actvity. How is that any safer than doing a BBBJ. Seems the same risk. Didn't hear anythng n that review that clamed he used a dental dam or cling wrap. But only one guy partook in doing it......maybe there's an underlying reason........
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Old 08-02-2015, 02:43 PM   #17
Angel Fox
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If a girl is seeing you for Gfe doent that make you nervous of all the others
She is seeing Unprotected ? I'll take a shower , cuddle , dance , ect ect
But when it comes to taking off the rubber for anything I'm not down ! And
Girls don't know 80% of these guys stats ! Anything for a little extra ! I get
An outrageous amount of calls and texts for bbj & BFS from bp ! They wouldn't
Ask so much if some girl wasn't out there doing it ! I have children also so that
Isn't an option ! Then you have guys trying to slip the jimmy off ! Honestly I hate it too
But to each their own !
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Old 08-02-2015, 02:45 PM   #18
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And herpes yes is contracted by skin to skin during an outbreak ! I'm not fixing to see a gent if I see one bump at ALL ! Here's your refund there's the door no no no
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Old 08-02-2015, 06:51 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Angel Fox View Post
And herpes yes is contracted by skin to skin during an outbreak ! I'm not fixing to see a gent if I see one bump at ALL ! Here's your refund there's the door no no no
Herpes can be spread at almost any time. An outbreak is not necessary. It's most commonly spread during a phase called viral shedding where there is no sign whatsoever.

While the chances of transmitting and/or receiving herpes orally does exist the chances are generally slim. Most adults already have HSV-1 which causes cold sores. It's more common for the person giving the oral sex to give herpes HSV-1 to the person getting it than vice versa.

By performing oral sex on someone who has genital herpes HSV-2, it would be possible to contract oral herpes, but this is rare. Most cases of genital herpes are caused by HSV-2, which rarely affects the mouth or face.

While it's not necessary, both are most often transmitted when there is some sort of break in the skin, either genitally or orally, which allows for better transmission of the virus.

So, if anything, you're better off giving head than getting it.

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Old 08-03-2015, 12:13 AM   #20
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Would someone please send these complaining providers back to backpage!!! Geez! This is third grade bull crap!
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Old 08-03-2015, 10:14 AM   #21
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Ilovethemgirls68 haaahahahahaaaaa we are all having a legitimate discussion
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Old 08-03-2015, 11:29 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Serenity24 View Post
This is a Serious Matter but I Been Notice If Your not GFE You want get Far!!!!

Why tho?! I know it's a CHOICE But what about Your Health?!

Serenity Is Just Real as They Come if I was Doing Gfe I would Be Popular on here lol

Y'all really need to change Up on Here Especially In LOUISIANA...

And don't sit here and Lie and say yall don't LOVE it..

At least give the NON GFE GIRLS A chance!!

At least you know We safe!!!

When it comes to some ones health its easy to see if someone has a blister on their lip or vagina, or if you see a rash or anything out of the order.

The majority of guys on this site are clean and just want a different close to real feeling now and then (GFE) with passion and affection. Nothing wrong with it not being your preference but dont think the next girl isnt safe just becsause they do gfe...

Im sure you have had days where you sucked a guys dick bc you guys were going to fuck and you didnt think twice about using a condom while sucking his dick right? So what difference does it make on here??

I can see if the guy stunk or had a foul odor or even bumps on his dick but why is it ok to do it with a guy that you like and not a guy that your doing business with??

Non gfe girls ARE given chances, but mostly on sites that dont specify doing business with gfe..with that being said why be on eccie if your not gfe friendly? And get upset because your business is slow because you wont adapt to the site and the business it requires?
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Old 08-03-2015, 11:41 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by sxyveronica View Post
When it comes to some ones health its easy to see if someone has a blister on their lip or vagina, or if you see a rash or anything out of the order.

The majority of guys on this site are clean and just want a different close to real feeling now and then (GFE) with passion and affection. Nothing wrong with it not being your preference but dont think the next girl isnt safe just becsause they do gfe...

Im sure you have had days where you sucked a guys dick bc you guys were going to fuck and you didnt think twice about using a condom while sucking his dick right? So what difference does it make on here??

I can see if the guy stunk or had a foul odor or even bumps on his dick but why is it ok to do it with a guy that you like and not a guy that your doing business with??

Non gfe girls ARE given chances, but mostly on sites that dont specify doing business with gfe..with that being said why be on eccie if your not gfe friendly? And get upset because your business is slow because you wont adapt to the site and the business it requires?
What she said ^^^
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Old 08-03-2015, 11:45 AM   #24
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Ok, reasons for being GFE:
1. The safety issue is BS. Your chances of getting an STD from oral sex or kissing is slim and none. You literally have a better chance of being hit by a truck.

2. Income. You can charge more and work less. Want to make a million dollars and retire rather quickly?:

$1,000,000/$600 (2 sessions per day at $300 per hour)
=1,666 sessions

1666 sessions/ 209 days (working 4 days a year)
=7.97 years

Invest and spend your money right and you can retire or go into another area of work if you like. Of course this is just a quick work up so it may vary depending on a number of things.
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:49 PM   #25
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Send me back to bp lol I started on eccie clown
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:51 PM   #26
Melissa Madyson
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Default Yessss...

Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68 View Post
Ok, reasons for being GFE:
1. The safety issue is BS. Your chances of getting an STD from oral sex or kissing is slim and none. You literally have a better chance of being hit by a truck.

2. Income. You can charge more and work less. Want to make a million dollars and retire rather quickly?:

$1,000,000/$600 (2 sessions per day at $300 per hour)
=1,666 sessions

1666 sessions/ 209 days (working 4 days a year)
=7.97 years

Invest and spend your money right and you can retire or go into another area of work if you like. Of course this is just a quick work up so it may vary depending on a number of things.

What he said...^^^^^
I concur!!
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:00 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Serenity24 View Post
Send me back to bp lol I started on eccie clown
You DID NOT start on eccie! Lol! If so, explain how you got past the verification process. Lol
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:05 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by ilovethemgirls68 View Post
Ok, reasons for being GFE:
1. The safety issue is BS. Your chances of getting an STD from oral sex or kissing is slim and none. You literally have a better chance of being hit by a truck.

2. Income. You can charge more and work less. Want to make a million dollars and retire rather quickly?:

$1,000,000/$600 (2 sessions per day at $300 per hour)
=1,666 sessions

1666 sessions/ 209 days (working 4 days a week)
=7.97 years

Invest and spend your money right and you can retire or go into another area of work if you like. Of course this is just a quick work up so it may vary depending on a number of things.
Corrected 4 days a year to 4 days a week.
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:13 PM   #29
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GFE and covers are two totally unrelated things IMHO.

Your GFE status depends on kissing, hugs and demeanor.

Covered is covered. CFS is pretty much a requirement of any thinking person.

CBJ/BBBJ - and DATY - personal choices.

I've seen lots of CBJ ladies who are GFE all the way.

and I've had a BBBJ from someone who was clearly NOT GFE in any way.

That said, live your life, make your choices. Don't judge others.

And, this is a board dedicated to getting laid. Can we all just try and have some fun and get on with it?
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:16 PM   #30
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Y'all doing these dollar figures on what you assume provders will gross. Me thinks they are a little screwed and exgeratted.

I could name a handful of providers right now who have done this for upwards of eight years, none of them truthfully have grossed one mllion dollars. Maybee if they are pimped and controlled. Generally most independent providers shelf life is 2 to 4 years. You do realize for some ladies this is not only physically taxing but emotionally and sometimes spirtually taxing as well. There is financial danger they take as well. Taxes for instance, arrest, putting kids through school, maintaining their own social life and hope for common relationships and the common man, health risk, and maybe school.
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