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Old 12-05-2010, 01:54 PM   #16
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Default Your right

Originally Posted by gfeamanda View Post
Perhaps by providing, she IS putting the child first, especially if providing is her sole source of income. You think her stopping and getting a job at McDonald's instead, making $7.25 an hour before taxes is going to do more for the child than making $200+ an hour*?

Sorry, but your post smells a bit misogynist to me. If pregnant providers aren't your thing, that's totally cool, and I totally get that. But for you to think that you know better than a woman (no matter her condition) who she should and shouldn't have sex with, and for you to look down your nose at her for making a decision to do what she needs to do to look after her child, isn't so cool in my books.

But that's just my opinion.

*yeah, I know that many providers do have other sources of income, much better and higher-paying, beyond McDonalds- it's just used as an example

Not looking down my nose at all. To the contrary I put a pregnant woman at the top of the heap. But your right placing the child in the hobby environment is asbolutley the best thing for it. I hear all the time on this thread that this is the safest thing to do. It's not an economic thing at this point it's what's best for the child. So as far as high horses you might want to get off yours. Your right though it's just my opinion
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Old 12-05-2010, 02:13 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
Not looking down my nose at all. To the contrary I put a pregnant woman at the top of the heap. But your right placing the child in the hobby environment is asbolutley the best thing for it. I hear all the time on this thread that this is the safest thing to do. It's not an economic thing at this point it's what's best for the child. So as far as high horses you might want to get off yours. Your right though it's just my opinion
I think any woman who has children and is in this business runs a risk b/c of what the RW thinks about the business.

My PERSONAL opinion is that the business should not make a difference if the lady is not an unsuitable mother. I think it should be conduct that is harmful to the child that should determine whether or not a mother is unsuitable. And I DO NOT think this business qualifies as unsuitable conduct.

I think most ladies on here separate the demimonde life from their RL. For those that don't, I don't think they should be automatically disqualified from parenthood. I think it depends on a number of factors. This subject is a thread all in itself, and due to the nature of the subject matter, might be excluded by the Guidelines.

For the most part, I believe policy should favor having the child with the parent(s) whenever possible. To a certain extent, we have gotten into social engineering to the point that we are deciding who is suitable for parentage and who isn't when the issues aren't that damaging to the child(ren) involved. So, I think declaring a parent unfit should be rare and done only in the most extreme circumstances.
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Old 12-11-2010, 02:10 PM   #18
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I find pregnant providers erotic. I always keep an eye out for pregnant providers, so if you come across one send her my way.
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Old 12-11-2010, 02:36 PM   #19
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Me personally nah couldnt do it.
I say to each his own.
I have heard that pregnant p---- is the best though..lol

I feel like this if the girl is not pregnant with YOUR baby who gives a fuck.
That turns you off click off her ad and on to the next one.
She isnt bothering anyone .

If she likes it I love it.
I dont have a heaven or hell to put her in so who am i to judge?
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Old 12-11-2010, 03:11 PM   #20
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Well, I just so happen to be a pregnant provider, but didn't announce that until last week. It wasn't planned but I'm 43 yrs old and had been denied refills until I had a mammogram as I have fibrocystic disease and am prone to lumps, so they are harder to discern whether or not they are cancerous. Ugh... I hate breast exams!

BTW, this is why I made a point to mention that I am NOT into the lactating fetish thing. My breasts HURT but it feels really good to have my enormous nipples gently sucked! OMG! It's the equivalent of scratching a mosquito bite and very much a relief.

I'm approximately 7 mos along now and have only really been "showing" for the past month. I haven't been seeing new clients - well, there's a cpl of exceptions, but they were well-screened & advised I would be somewhat ymwv now. (It's funny how many fellas come out of the woodwork when you announce you're leaving. LOL "I've always wanted to see you! Please make an exception!") I'm a softie, but I had a lot of misgivings.

My announcement clearly stated that for the first time, I would be ymwv w/ a limited menu. I've always been considered a WILDKat, so that removed me from some lists immediately. Until the past month, my sex drive was unbelievable! Now, I'm feeling a bit unwieldy & awkward so it's more comfortable to be w/ someone I am already familiar with.

I don't want any rough treatment at all because of my concerns for being an older woman who's pregnant and although I'm a Greek lover, it's not a good idea when pregnant due to higher risks associated w/ bacterial infections. As for the pussy... it's always been praised as uber hot & tight, but as a human incubator??? Even moreso! Poor fellas... POP! lol Hard to handle...

Lastly, I decided to place the baby for adoption, so feel it's even more important that I be careful and the thought of having a bunch of strangers cocks bumping it around in there is somewhat distasteful. No offense to any of my wonderful clients. It's just a bit tacky in my opinion.

I wish I had more resources and weren't so low volume the past six months so that a different career option would be viable enough to provide for my son, myself & the unborn child. Sadly, that's not the case, so I've opted for relocating to Houston where the cost of living is considerably less than Austin. My son chose to stay behind and move in w/ Dad rather than be distanced from his friends and I completely understand that. I remember being mad at my dad when he moved us from the 'burbs to the city. "You can drive to see your friends!", I yelled. *shaking head* No wonder I got so many spankings! LOL

In the end, it's a personal choice and sometimes, the only choice. It's hard enough to find work these days, but try being an overly-smart non-high-school grad with no recent work history who's pregnant. Next to impossible. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Thanks for the P'sOV...
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Old 12-13-2010, 11:45 AM   #21
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I continued providing while I was pregnant and came across those who couldn't get enough of me and then others who were appalled that I would continue hobbying. I would have walked away if I got uncomfortable but I didn't....I even met with a gent ON my due date.

Soon after this latest arrival, the father of my older two were told about my profession. He DID try to take custody of the children...he didnt succeed. As a matter of fact the courts complimented my choice. I do have an education and COULD make this much money in a real world job...but I wouldn't be available to my kids after school, I would miss field trips, I may miss band concerts or football games. As a provider~as an independent business woman~I can work around my kids.

The "old school" conservatives will NEVER be convinced that working while pregnant is a good choice for the child...whether your work is at a factory, at a bank, or as a sex worker. It is YOUR body....YOUR choice just as it is the hobbyists money...hobbyists choice.

FTR, I thought I'd hate the lactating sessions but they ended up being my favorites....still have a tad bit of milk for anyone who may be interested
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Old 12-13-2010, 12:28 PM   #22
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I have always wanted to be with a lady that was prego, provider or not. Dont know why but it turns my crank.
There was one in my area recently but I did not have the means to travel to see her before her due date. Im still looking.
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Old 12-13-2010, 12:52 PM   #23
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personally .. i love pregos and have no moral scruples. But my feelings are , if you do not like pregos, then pass her by
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