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Old 04-25-2015, 10:11 PM   #16
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I will say, some recent interactions here, especially from providers really makes me appreciate a showing of intelligence even more. Even if I'm am just there for a quickie session lol. Good grief.
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Old 04-25-2015, 10:17 PM   #17
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"Many guys are labeling a Provider "smart" when the proper terms would be "of average communication skills" and "not ghetto."

Maybe. But I know intelligent when I see it and I'm more than sure others do as well.
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Old 04-26-2015, 10:34 PM   #18
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I'm sure it is a plus if you happen to come across a well-spoken and intelligent provider..

Looks are what draws clients in, I would think, but if you meet a provider who you have nothing in common with and can't hold a conversation with, well.. I could only imagine that's a buzzkill. Or maybe that's just me..

I know I feel somewhat awkward if the conversation just isn't seeming to flow but if someone just isn't there to talk at all I've gotten the hint before i prefer more slow-paced, GFE, seductive sessions... But I don't mind an all-out fuck fest every now and then

HOWEVER, if a provider is dumb as a door knob, "ghetto" as some people call it, or just has nothing in common with you intellectually, mentally, etc, then I would assume guys go to those girls to either hit it and quit it & have a good fuck every once in a while with no words needed... or you would seek out at least more intellectually suitable providers in the long run who don't make you feel like you're just fucking a blow-up doll.

Just my .02
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Old 04-26-2015, 10:49 PM   #19
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^^^^^ Exactly....what my sexy girl just said...ST69 muah!! You sexy smart girl....xo
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Old 04-26-2015, 11:19 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SNL9933 View Post
^^^^^ Exactly....what my sexy girl just said...ST69 muah!! You sexy smart girl....xo

Awww you're too sweet baby!
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Old 04-27-2015, 12:12 AM   #21
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I thinck the ridicule is more there simple grammatical mistakes as their writing profiles and threads ridiculing us guys right they're in there threads while their trying to say WE are the stupid ones for our comments is what leads to name calling.

While I think the expectation here is high school grad to some college or better, or possibly enough living to intelligently speak on a few subjects - I don't think anyone is going to avoid you, because all you can do is fuck like a pro and give an awesome blow job. I do however think the lack of education leads some to cry GPS or expect the hole to be priced at a lower price point.
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Old 04-27-2015, 06:09 AM   #22
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Default Smart is a turn on

Let’s not forget just how sexy “smart” is. Having a very smart woman agree to climb into your bed (or ask you into hers) is an affirmation of how attractive you are and that is a great turn on.

The opposite is just as true. If a woman’s conversational skills are not at a certain level, there is no feeling of accomplishment in winning her interest.

I am fully aware that the prime reason she is in my bed is the consideration, but the intelligence adds to the illusion that we both are trying to create.
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Old 04-27-2015, 07:31 AM   #23
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Very well said. So much of it depends upon what the guy is looking for.

I prefer 3 or 4 hour dinner dates. Given that I am significantly older than I used to be, there is always a goodly bit of time to talk and interact between moments of eroticism. So for me, a lady who can carry on an interesting conversation is quite important. It isn't education per se, it can just as well be experience. And whether ed or exp, personality is critical. I have been with PhDs and with HS grads who are both wonderful at keeping the entire evening interesting and seductive.

It is also why I prefer ladies 35-ish or so, because generally we have more in common.

I know there are guys who really don't care, and actually prefer if a lady hardly speaks and is out the door in 15 min. I am not speaking for them. But regardless, I would hope every lady sees inherent value in being interesting and a good conversationalist for much more than this line of work. For almost every lady, this is fleeting--while those skills will do her well her entire life.

Originally Posted by sweet.treat69 View Post
I'm sure it is a plus if you happen to come across a well-spoken and intelligent provider..

Looks are what draws clients in, I would think, but if you meet a provider who you have nothing in common with and can't hold a conversation with, well.. I could only imagine that's a buzzkill. Or maybe that's just me..

I know I feel somewhat awkward if the conversation just isn't seeming to flow but if someone just isn't there to talk at all I've gotten the hint before i prefer more slow-paced, GFE, seductive sessions... But I don't mind an all-out fuck fest every now and then

HOWEVER, if a provider is dumb as a door knob, "ghetto" as some people call it, or just has nothing in common with you intellectually, mentally, etc, then I would assume guys go to those girls to either hit it and quit it & have a good fuck every once in a while with no words needed... or you would seek out at least more intellectually suitable providers in the long run who don't make you feel like you're just fucking a blow-up doll.

Just my .02
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Old 04-27-2015, 08:06 AM   #24
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Ah, CJohnny, I see you are in a foul mood today. That is not like you, to take out your anger on peaceful folk here. Keep focused on getting your money back.

(But I do admit you are very prolific in this reincarnation. Recently you haven't gotten much past one or two posts, and you are up to 26 already!)
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Old 04-27-2015, 03:47 PM   #25
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- I don't think anyone is going to avoid you, because all you can do is fuck like a pro and give an awesome blow job. I do however think the lack of education leads some to cry GPS or expect the hole to be priced at a lower price point.[/QUOTE]

What ia GPS exactly, ?
Totally get u about price point. I noticed expectations fir Sugar Babies is higher
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Old 04-27-2015, 05:02 PM   #26
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GPS is Golden Pussy Syndrome. Depending on who you ask it's can be a few things.

A) what the guy accuse girls of having when they want to see a provider but the price point is not one they are comfortable with.

B) a new girl that prices herself on the higher end of her local market before she has even been reviewed or built a good reputation.

C) A drug addict with no education (former street walker) who finally figured out how to use a smart phone and then hiked her rates an extra 100-150 dollars.

D) What every hooker has on here. How dare we raise our prices when we've been in the hobby for a few months?

Personally, I feel as long as a lady is staying as busy as she feels like then her price is correct. If her inbox starts to look as barren as Death Valley she might want to reconsider her strategy.
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Old 04-27-2015, 05:58 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by sweet.treat69 View Post
...or you would seek out at least more intellectually suitable providers in the long run who don't make you feel like you're just fucking a blow-up doll.
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Old 04-27-2015, 06:27 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by SweetDulce View Post
This question pertains to both a previous thread here, and a thread in Diamonds& T. .

Do you Men REALLY care if a Provider is educated? (In the hobby only, not as SD/SB.)

So many posts ridicule Providers' intellegence and level of learning.
Seems Men always say they want a smart woman to share the hobby bed with, but actually just want a good listener and a Provider that can easily follow direction.
That's an interesting question. As several have already said, there's a lot of variety in what clients are looking for. I think it's important to keep in mind that there's more than one kind of intelligence, and some are more conducive to obtaining degrees and credentials than others.

Another thing that occurs to me is that any lady who successfully does "this" for any length of time ... a nominally illegal business in which she has to guard herself against the possibility of violence, refusal to pay, and disease from her clients ... such a lady is obviously not stupid. She can't be. Obliviousness is a luxury that only 8-to-5 desk jockeys can afford.

We hear a lot on here about the IOP, and I do not disparage some good illusion-of-passion. I enjoy it as much as anyone, I suppose. But in my case, what I tend to look for is more the IOC: the illusion of connection. I look for someone who will see me as a fellow human being. A fellow passenger on the short train ride from the cradle to the grave. Of course, I figure to offload some semen. But, if all goes well, I also hope to make a friend: someone I can come back to see again, have a little email correspondence. Not to cross the boundaries of demimonde propriety, but to have a visit that I can feel good about afterward. And I think that puts a premium on the lady having some emotional or social intelligence; some discernment. Knowing her people.

Also, I realize fully that age is not a requirement for developing those sorts of intelligence, and I'm sure that lots of the 20- and 30-somethings have it in plenty. But I find that, in general, the closer to my own age she is, the more likely I am to enjoy some good IOC. But (sigh!) ... at my age, there are few still working who are even close. That's what I get for getting old.
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Old 04-27-2015, 07:08 PM   #29
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No not on the first meeting. I think chemistry more important. If I have good chemistry with a lady conversation is never a problem.
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Old 04-28-2015, 04:19 AM   #30
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It's not education, so much as is she intelligent. I'll admit if I know a lady is college educated then I'll assume she's intelligent, though that's not always the case.

I've seen providers that I didn't have much chemistry with, but they were intelligent so the date still went pretty well and I'd go back to see them because everything was good. I've also seen providers who seemed less intelligent and were more concerned with complaining about guys lowballing etc. while on the date, we also didn't have much chemistry and I won't go back.

Will I see a chick that's a 10 but is all beauty and no brains? Sure but probably only once. I'd rather see a 7 who's smart and can carry a conversation about a bunch of different stuff than a 10 doesn't have a thought in her pretty head.

Luckily all the ladies I've seen on here and want to see on here seem to have both beauty and brains.
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