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Old 03-06-2015, 10:42 PM   #16
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I don't see how we relate to stores,imo eccie is the Big Box Hooker Store aka *Whore-Mart. We are simply the product on the shelf.

Now they sell Gucci perfume and Body Fantasy Body Spray on the same aisle in the Wal-Mart. I don't think the fact that the second brand is 10x cheaper than the first affects eithers sales nor the customers shopping experience.
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Old 03-06-2015, 10:47 PM   #17
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TFF! I'm buying the Body Fantasy and shoplifting the Gucci to maximize my trip to Whore-mart!
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Old 03-06-2015, 10:52 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
TFF! I'm buying the Body Fantasy and shoplifting the Gucci to maximize my trip to Whore-mart!
Are u happy to see me, or is that stolen Gucci perfume in your pocket?

I could just grind against you and transfer the scent ijs....
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Old 03-06-2015, 11:04 PM   #19
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Old 03-06-2015, 11:49 PM   #20
Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
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This thread is going places.
I like it.
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Old 03-07-2015, 01:26 AM   #21
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Congratulations to Whispers for the longest subject line in the history of ECCIE and to Shayla for the most unprincipled use of "their", "there" and the missing "they're" in the history of ECCIE.
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Old 03-07-2015, 01:39 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
Lets just say in my opinion no providers are better then the other, whether your skinny or top model type.
Were all fucking and sucking and getting paid for it, some choose to stay in the more affordable rates and make there money and some choose to act like there pussys made of gold and charge 300-400 an hour and get maybe 2-3 clients in a week 5 in a month. And some choose to make there prices higher and then you look at there reviews and obviously took what the haggler had.
Were all in the same kind of work and someone sees someone because of something they do or because their personality clicked, Not because the girls walking around with champagne or wine in a glass and pretending to be high class, their there to get there dick wet, and not to confuse it, cause I guarantee your not gonna say well your just sooooo special todays free. lol no all girls want there money and were all doing the same thing.
Higher rated girls are still whores to someone there just higher paid whores with the illusion that there shit dont stink.
Well hey, if anyone wants to use their snatch as a clown car it's no business and no judgement of mine. Another woman's business plan is of no concern to me. But since you seem to have decided to take cheap shots at me and others like me, forgive me but I. Just. Can't. Let. It. Slide.

You and I are not the same, we never will be. And contrary to how you so eloquently put it and by eloquent, I mean what seemed to be written by someone who would steal the straw from her own mother's kennel, I was very clear in stating that we are all, each of us man, woman and those who's gender is less opaque, whores in some manner. We are all buy-sexual. And one is not better than the other: the venture capitalist to the housewife to the streetwalker.

And no, I do not agree that it boils down to a monger just wanting to get his dick wet. I've actually not come across that guy, but then again, I don't cater to that guy. He's not my client. Yes, you and I may both engage in salacious acts of venal impropriety, but my client actual wants, expects and demands a whole lot more.

They demand I not look like a half chewed pile of Skittles puked in a the corner of a dirty dive bar, and my makeup not look like it was applied by a satanic house painter, and they certainly do not expect to find a flattened hoarder cat under a pizza box in my bedroom for starters. I'm not saying that's you or anyone else here, but I am attempting to illuminate there are oceans of difference between us little clampots here in a funny and interesting way. Again, not better, but certainly different.

I mean if a monger gets harder than the old rugged cross for a gal who acts recently un-incarcerated, and if she charges $300 for the privilege, I haven't a care in the world. But I do take exception to you suggesting that champagne swilling girls, (you forgot to mention the fois gras) are "pretending" or under the "illusion" we're high class (your words) and diminish us just because we're different (Is the little hypocritical twist you did becoming clear? The part where you said we're all the same and then singled out and trashed those different than you?) I take that as fightin' words.

You are welcome to PM me next week to thank me for all the extra business that is now certain to come you way.

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Old 03-07-2015, 02:08 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by NikkiWhite View Post
Are u happy to see me, or is that stolen Gucci perfume in your pocket?

I could just grind against you and transfer the scent ijs....

(Gucci) Guilty as charged ! ... actually tonight it is dolce and gabbana pour femme.
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Old 03-07-2015, 02:13 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
But I do take exception to you suggesting that champagne swilling girls, (you forgot to mention the fois gras) are "pretending" or under the "illusion" we're high class (your words)

I am terribly curious what champagne is being swilled. I have a bottle of Charles Heidsieck '95 with your name on it.
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Old 03-07-2015, 03:11 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
Lets just say in my opinion no providers are better then the other, whether your skinny or top model type.

you keep telling yourself that.... it's what your "type" does....

Were all fucking and sucking and getting paid for it, some choose to stay in the more affordable rates and make there money and some choose to act like there pussys made of gold and charge 300-400 an hour and get maybe 2-3 clients in a week 5 in a month.

Really? That's all they get?.... hmmmm... We seem to get a lot of fake reviews then....

And some choose to make there prices higher and then you look at there reviews and obviously took what the haggler had.

And from the little in a review you can read how do you ascertain that?

Were all in the same kind of work and someone sees someone because of something they do or because their personality clicked, Or in some cases because they are cheap....

Not because the girls walking around with champagne or wine in a glass and pretending to be high class, their there to get there dick wet, and not to confuse it,

Some tend to want a totally different experience...... But a gal that probably sets dinner from a McDonalds Drive through can never comprehend an upscale fine dining experience and more than a girl off the streets can understand a courtesan provides....

cause I guarantee your not gonna say well your just sooooo special todays free. lol no all girls want there money and were all doing the same thing.

Higher rated girls are still whores to someone there just higher paid whores with the illusion that there shit dont stink.
Damn girl...... In between the illiterate display of your ignorance their lies a lot of resentment for the gals that have a better game......
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Old 03-07-2015, 03:12 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by awl4knot View Post
Congratulations to Whispers for the longest subject line in the history of ECCIE and to Shayla for the most unprincipled use of "their", "there" and the missing "they're" in the history of ECCIE.
I've wrote longer.....
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Old 03-07-2015, 03:14 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post
This thread is going places.
I like it.

Ya think so?

Damn.. you may be right..... it's caught on a little before I posted my summaries of the Big Box Whores and labeled a few that we have!
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Old 03-07-2015, 03:22 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
You also forgot wives/girlfriends who date/marry for security and you also forgot women who stay in abusive relationships because of financial dependence, etc, etc ad infinitum to yawn...

If you are a tool of anyone who makes money off your sweat, brain or experience, if you are a tool to be used in exchange for the paycheck you collect, or even the billionaire entrepreneur who is beholden to his clients, shareholders, lawyers, accountants and family, you are a whore. Each of us are fungibly trading money, goods, work or services for money, goods, work, or services. Thusly, we are all whores, the only difference lays in semantics.

As to the question of the ahem, the Big Box Whore (Big Box...heh heh) vs the Boutique Courtesan, there is a considerable difference.

There are some men out there who inherently understand our mind, education, choice of clothing, personal environment and incall, our wit, worldliness, humor, body language, beauty and cultivated grace, desire to know how to truly please you, are all assets and they enjoy luxuriating in all of them. They understand that the actual 20 minute (if it even lasts that long) "sexual performance" is just one facet in the courtesan's arsenal.

Those whom an amiable budget-friendly hole is their primary locus of attention will likely find the Big Box Whore more appealing. It's not a negative, it just is what it is.

And then there are gents who will go back and forth from one to the next simply because he can.

Regardless, this is a hooker's forum and a hooker's game. I have no disillusions otherwise. The hourly transactional nature of this game insists it be so, and I am not familiar with any "courtesan" sites. After all, how can you expect to delight in all the charms of a courtesan when the entirety of this system is built around 1/2 to 2 hour sessions and sometimes the rare overnight?

It does sometimes sting to know often budget is the primary concern. That an incredible number of men are only concerned if the woman is hyper-sexual (even if she is almost always faking it), ultra-available, and costs less. I'm often shocked at how often a man will see a provider who is less attractive, and sometimes even dangerous, as long as the above three are met.

I'm not making a statement that one is better than the other, there is truly something for everyone here. But I know I speak for more than one provider who would love to have the option to really give an incredible geisha-level experience ( but with sweaty sexy time sur les draps that most geisha do not do) and we're more than capable of it. But unfortunately the current system and demand just do not seem congruent to support those of us who would like to provide courtesan service.

Sigh as I wistfully drink my champagne and strum my guitar. Savoir. Penser. Rever. Tout est la!

You forgot the X factor.... L o v e
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Old 03-07-2015, 08:52 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

Ya think so?

Damn.. you may be right..... it's caught on a little before I posted my summaries of the Big Box Whores and labeled a few that we have!
Go ahead! coed has been kind of boring lately.

You will never know if the boutique courtesan is seeing 7 people a day and you were her last appt, but she made you feel like the first for 3 hours straight. Just as much as you'll never know if the Big Box Whore has been sitting on her ass for 3 months to let her pussy body soul rest.

I've been both to a certain extent. The awesome part about my job is I get to choose how I pimp myself out.
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Old 03-07-2015, 09:34 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by awl4knot
Congratulations...to Shayla for the most unprincipled use of "their", "there"
First runner-up:
Originally Posted by Whispers
In between the illiterate display of your ignorance their [sic] lies a lot of resentment for the gals that have a better game......
Originally Posted by Whispers
I've wrote [sic] longer.....
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