Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
I'm not speaking about the woman in question, but there really isn't much that will disqualify you from being a "legit" member of eccie.
∆∆that funny there.
OK back on the topic of the worthiness of this Asslert!
Then if you compare reviews, hers are 90% yes once in the sack after only one no! And the Op? Well, three awsome
noteworthy alerts along with a knack for writing more No reviews then the average Eccie patron, is he here for the fun of the hobby? Actually the answer might be yes! Its just odd to get in the way of so many
no possibilities. Its cool if he likes that MO but then again where does that get you.
My original point was that the Op along with the reason for his thread both NEED to rewrite there objective for operations along with getting a Mentor to help with there operating targets, they're goals if you will.
Good luck Sir.