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Old 12-07-2014, 04:39 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Would you rather he would have been aborted?
Answer this question: Did Dr. Ben Carson benefit from public govt programs YES or NO?
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Old 12-07-2014, 05:22 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Answer this question: Did Dr. Ben Carson benefit from public govt programs YES or NO?
Of course he did....but our resident TeaBubbies can not admit that their favorite Uncle Tom was a welfare baby!
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Old 12-07-2014, 06:50 PM   #18
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When I was in college I was given Dr. Carson's book "Gifted Hands" as a Christmas gift and I found it very inspiring. It's sad to see what has become of him.

The ultimate hypocrisy is that if Barack Obama hadn't been elected president no one in the Republican Party would be taking him seriously as a candidate. It's almost as if they believe since 1 inexperienced black guy can win the presidency they can prop up an even less experienced black guy themselves and win minority votes since minorities just see color and not issues. They must have forgotten why black people left the Republican Party in the 1960's.

Mia Love is another example of hypocrisy that Republicans are willing to accept in the name of "diversity". Her parents basically overstayed a tourist visa and she gained citizenship by virtue of being born here, making her an anchor baby. She also won't address how her parents became citizens, since they probably were legalized thanks to the Reagan amnesty of the 1980's. For her to push that same false narrative about her parents "never taking a dime from the government", although her parents were illegal immigrants and should have been deported (according to Republican views on immigration), is an insult to common sense.

The irony of the Republicans propping Carson/Love up is that if they were to run for some national office they wouldn't win any significant portion of minority voters because black/women voters see through the hypocrisy that they represent. Diversity is not just having someone of a difference race espousing the same views but it's having someone with a different background or perspective that helps to change the views.
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Old 12-07-2014, 07:00 PM   #19
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The Ozombies are throwing a "Racist Liberal Privilege" party... again
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Old 12-07-2014, 09:24 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas View Post
When I was in college I was given Dr. Carson's book "Gifted Hands" as a Christmas gift and I found it very inspiring. It's sad to see what has become of him.

The ultimate hypocrisy is that if Barack Obama hadn't been elected president no one in the Republican Party would be taking him seriously as a candidate. It's almost as if they believe since 1 inexperienced black guy can win the presidency they can prop up an even less experienced black guy themselves and win minority votes since minorities just see color and not issues. They must have forgotten why black people left the Republican Party in the 1960's.....
Do you remember Herman Cain? He was doing quite well until his mistress was exposed.

So what's your remembrance of why blacks left the Republican Party in the 60s?
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Old 12-07-2014, 09:31 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas View Post
When I was in college I was given Dr. Carson's book "Gifted Hands" as a Christmas gift and I found it very inspiring. It's sad to see what has become of him.

The ultimate hypocrisy is that if Barack Obama hadn't been elected president no one in the Republican Party would be taking him seriously as a candidate. It's almost as if they believe since 1 inexperienced black guy can win the presidency they can prop up an even less experienced black guy themselves and win minority votes since minorities just see color and not issues. They must have forgotten why black people left the Republican Party in the 1960's.

Mia Love is another example of hypocrisy that Republicans are willing to accept in the name of "diversity". Her parents basically overstayed a tourist visa and she gained citizenship by virtue of being born here, making her an anchor baby. She also won't address how her parents became citizens, since they probably were legalized thanks to the Reagan amnesty of the 1980's. For her to push that same false narrative about her parents "never taking a dime from the government", although her parents were illegal immigrants and should have been deported (according to Republican views on immigration), is an insult to common sense.

The irony of the Republicans propping Carson/Love up is that if they were to run for some national office they wouldn't win any significant portion of minority voters because black/women voters see through the hypocrisy that they represent. Diversity is not just having someone of a difference race espousing the same views but it's having someone with a different background or perspective that helps to change the views.

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Old 12-07-2014, 09:31 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Ben Carson on record stating we need smaller govt and people shouldn't rely on govt for assistance but let's look at the facts.

The hypocrisy is blinding.

More about Dr. Ben Carson:
1. Raised by a single mother
2. Raised in public housing
3. Fed with food stamps.
4. Supported with welfare
5. Kept healthy with medicaid
6. Educated in public schools
7. Got eyeglasses from state agency
8. Benefited from affirmative action to enter college
9. Used federal loans and Pell grants in undergrad school
10. Benefited from affirmative action to enter medical school
11. Med school paid for with grant from USPHS*
12. Said: “The disintegration of the family unit and the welfare state are enslaving African-Americans and ruining their futures.”

Typical Tea Partier; he got his... the rest of us are on our own
I don't think he meant that Government intervention should be cut out entirely, but regulated instead. People milk government programs for way to long. It becomes a way of life instead of temporary assistance. Besides Carson certainly did give something back, lets face that fact.

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Old 12-07-2014, 09:58 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I don't think he meant that Government intervention should be cut out entirely, but regulated instead. People milk government programs for way to long. It becomes a way of life instead of temporary assistance. Besides Carson certainly did give something back, lets face that fact.

Well then let him be specific on what programs he would cut....would he cut food stamps the he and his family took from the government?

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Old 12-07-2014, 10:46 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Well then let him be specific on what programs he would cut....would he cut food stamps the he and his family took from the government?

Well if he gets nominated he may address those issues.

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Old 12-07-2014, 11:04 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Well if he gets nominated he may address those issues.

He will have to do it way before that....to get nominated.
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Old 12-07-2014, 11:27 PM   #26
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Swing and a mix by SLOBBRIN!

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Old 12-07-2014, 11:54 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
He will have to do it way before that....to get nominated.
It really doesn't matter cause he won't get nominated anyway.

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Old 12-08-2014, 12:23 AM   #28
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Another faux bro in Dallas is going to blame the children for the sins of their parents. He wants to blame Ben Carson for decisions his mother made and Mia Love for what her parents did. Isn't your party that one who want to REWARD illegals for committing crimes and you USE the children as some kind of rational for breaking the law. Talk about hypocrites...
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Old 12-08-2014, 12:25 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I am Pro-life and I told you I am a registered Independent- but the way Dr.Carson has talked the past years you would believe he has achieved all of his success with little to no govt assistance. I wonder how ironic it will be for a man like Dr.Carson to talk about cutting Food Stamps when in reality it was Food stamps that allowed him to eat 3 meals a day.
Based on what you are saying Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot speak on the horrors of Nazism since his father was in the German border police under Hitler. Is that what you're saying? If someone grows up under a system, recognizes it's shortcomings, they are never allowed to talk about it. It seems to me that a person like that has a better insight on such institutions.
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Old 12-08-2014, 12:40 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas View Post
The irony of the Republicans propping Carson/Love up is that if they were to run for some national office they wouldn't win any significant portion of minority voters because black/women voters see through the hypocrisy that they represent. Diversity is not just having someone of a different race espousing the same views but it's having someone with a different background or perspective that helps to change the views.
So anytime a Ben Carson or Mia Love bursts onto the scene, you immediately tune out their message and scour their life story to find something to discredit them? Is that the name of the game? Aren't you even a wee bit curious to find out why they embrace conservative values?

You act like a black conservative is some kind of oxymoronic freak or an affront to nature. Why are you so intolerant of diversity of political viewpoints among blacks? Republicans don't prop up people like Ben Carson or Mia Love. They join the party on their own out of conviction because they agree with conservative principles and aren't afraid to question failed liberal dogmas. And as a practical matter, they know blacks will be better served if they have sway in both political parties, instead of letting one party take their support for granted.

It seems to me that you are the one who needs to expose himself to more diversity of opinion.

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