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Old 10-22-2010, 03:55 PM   #16
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Well said Moto, +1

and may I add to your eloquient dialogue.

Eagle, you may now STFU!!!
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Old 10-22-2010, 03:57 PM   #17
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A Little Sanity:

For thousands of years, great empires have come and gone. The Chadeans, the Babylonians, The Hittites, the Asyrians, the Persians, the Macedonians, the Egyptians, (abiet they lasted thousands of years), The Romans, etc, and that is just west of the Tigres and Euphrates, multitudes more came and went in the Asian Continents as well as the Americas.

We think that there is something special about us, because after all, this is "modern times". But don't you think that in about 150 AD during the height of the Roman Empire people said, "look at our great civilization, what could possibly bring it down, after all, this is modern times." In 300 years it was gone, over run by those that were leaner, and hungrier.

What usually brings down civilizations is they forget what got them there. The United States became the most powerful Country on the Planet because we were willing to fight, and kill if neccessary, anything or anybody that got in our way. The decimation of the Indian Nations is just one example. We declared the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, and took it literally. We followed in the footsteps of all great civilizations before, we came, we saw, we conguered.

We are now no different from Rome, we are fat, lazy, and are willing to hire somebody else to do our fighting, and "slaves" to do our labor. Ever thought about the fact that even though we honor our Military, they are actually a Mercenary Army. We pay them to fight so we do not have too.

Want proof? Ask yourself just how much you have done without while in the past decade we have been involved in two major conflics. The only way the vast majority of Americans even knows that we are involved in wars is we see it on the news. Take away that, unless you had a close relative or friend killed, the war would never enter your mind.

It was different in every war up to the current ones. We had a selective service that took citizens and made them into soldiers. When the fighting ended, the soldiers became civilians again. And yes, I am a Vietnam Combat Veteran, I was a Draftee.

Look at the great sacrifices that we as a Country made in WW-2. Now we gripe if it takes us more than 5 minutes to get through the drive through at Jack in the Box.

We are now at the point that most Democracys reach where the people find out that they can vote for who ever promises them the most for nothing. The only problem is that sooner or later there are 10 times as many takers as there are givers, and the entire thing collapses on it's own dead weight.

Take a look at the current political scene. We have a President traveling around the Country telling anybody that will listen that he will take from those and give to these. If you think about it, we deserve this two bit shyster, because more and more, everybody has their hand out wanting something for nothing, or wanting what someone else has.

Personally, I give us about another 50 years if we keep this up. The fish rots from the head down, and we have just about reached the tail. There is hope, but not based on what has happened to the multitudes of great civizations that have preceded us. The old saying still rings true, if we do not learn from History, we are doomed to repeat it's mistakes. We are learning nothing.
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Old 10-22-2010, 04:06 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by eagle View Post
China the evil empire? WHAT did USA and the WEST do? Remember ISRAEL? how did israel exist? HOW did america came to existence... YOU expelled native americans/ palestinians / and put them in reservation camps. Dont talk ill of china before YOU go back and see what colonizations from the west did to the world. Tibet is china's property now and so is Taiwan. ONCE America gets a little weaker ( which is not that far away) china will go full force.

Mighty China will become the mayor super power for century to come.

Ok...... Soooo..... What's your point? Find me a country/Empire that has not had similar actions/traits? We in the real world call it "HUMAN NATURE!" You are the bigger guy, and like what the other guy has..... so you take it.... To Some extent or another..... How do you think China got to the size it is now? What happened to Tibet and Taiwain, and the oppression of their own people during the transfer of power to communism? Don't stir the pot just to stir the pot, unless that is just your overall agenda. There is no Utopian form of government, nor nation. As humans we remain flawed, and therefore the governing bodies will be so as well...... You can say what you want about the rise and fall of nations across the globe, but try and be a little more detailed in your research and information before you start throwing out declarative statements about things that are clearly your distain-filled opinions.

Ask yourself this.... why is China's economy growing? Because they have by far the largest population in the world, and up until Hong Kong was returned to them, were a largely 3rd world country. A Free market economy (which is what we have here in the States) is seeping into their mainland economy, and have hundreds of millions of untapped consumers in which to sell all of these things we in a modernized nation take for granted in our everyday life. Equilibrium will come for them as well. It just so happens their gains have come at a time when the rest of the world is recovering from an epic fall.

Next time, bring a little better amunition if you are going to try and stir the pot with your "the USA is falling" rhetoric.

Have a good weekend.

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Old 10-22-2010, 04:56 PM   #19
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.....I don't know..........5 minutes at a Jack inthe Crack drive thru is fightin words.
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Old 10-22-2010, 10:40 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by futile View Post
Eagle. How old are you? 18? 20s? I bet you are in early 20s if not younger. This is not the right forum for your school homework. The whole posting remind me of topics raised in the discussion group back in school.
No. eagle is probably an old timer who goes back to aspd. My guess is that he is on his 3rd or 4th handle. He has no life and thinks he is pulling our chains with his board persona.

Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Please don't feed the mangina troll named eagle.
Yep. If you ignore him long enough, he will log off 'eagle', turn his modem off then back on to reset his ISP address, then log on to one of his other handles.
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Old 10-23-2010, 03:29 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by futile View Post
Eagle. How old are you? 18? 20s? I bet you are in early 20s if not younger.
Sir, i am 32 year old professional, thank you.
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Old 10-23-2010, 03:31 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Moto View Post

I am not American, and it took me a while to realize what (ideologically at least) this country is about. If we let the big things (over which we have no control anyway) aside and concentrate on what this country has to offer, we realize that it is better than most. Maybe not the best, but up there with the big dogs.
Now if you are a raw and tough guy like most Russians I know, you should love this country. Why? Because it is based on self reliance. So let's talk jungle and survival. In America, if you come from Russia, you can really test yourself, even more than its' inhabitants. Come poor, naked, hungry. Be honest, work hard, keep your skin tough and the mind open and you'll reap the goods more than anywhere else.
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Old 10-23-2010, 03:40 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude View Post
Next time, bring a little better amunition if you are going to try and stir the pot with your "the USA is falling" rhetoric.
Sir, i love America, please get it right and give me freed of speech, thank you.
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Old 10-23-2010, 03:43 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
he will log off 'eagle', turn his modem off then back on to reset his ISP address, then log on to one of his other handles.
Mmmmmm vewy intwesting hummmm ;/ and " HIS " nickname would be sir? Please moderator feel free to check my ISP and tell Mr. Dear_John my " OTHER " handles, thank you..
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Old 10-23-2010, 03:51 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by eagle View Post
Please moderator feel free to check my ISP and tell Mr. Dear_John my " OTHER " handles, thank you..
On most systems, changing your ISP address is as simple as powering down your modem, then powering it back up.
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Old 10-23-2010, 07:24 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
On most systems, changing your ISP address is as simple as powering down your modem, then powering it back up.
maybe on a DSL circuit but on most cable modem systems they run the DHCP lease for about 2-4 months.. that means you have to know how to spoof a MAC address (which I do know how)
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Old 10-23-2010, 11:10 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Spirit13 View Post
maybe on a DSL circuit but on most cable modem systems they run the DHCP lease for about 2-4 months.. that means you have to know how to spoof a MAC address (which I do know how)
I have a DSL circuit, and there's nothing to changing my IP.

Right now 11:05 am 10/23/10 Your IP Address Is: xx.xxx.149.159.
turning modem off for 5 seconds.
Right now 11:10 am 10/23/10 Your IP Address Is: xx.xxx.24.72

Really nothing to it.
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Old 10-23-2010, 02:18 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
Just so long as they don't become a "governor super power" I can live with it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger?
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Old 10-24-2010, 11:16 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by eagle View Post
China the evil empire? WHAT did USA and the WEST do? Remember ISRAEL? how did israel exist? HOW did america came to existence... YOU expelled native americans/ palestinians / and put them in reservation camps. Dont talk ill of china before YOU go back and see what colonizations from the west did to the world. Tibet is china's property now and so is Taiwan. ONCE America gets a little weaker ( which is not that far away) china will go full force.

Mighty China will become the mayor super power for century to come.


I'm a beautiful tall handsome man that every woman would love to have.
America may fall but the American spirit will never die. No matter where an American steps foot on, no matter what soil, we are Americans and nothing can take that away. We will sooner or later band together and start all over again if we have to over and over. The spirit of freedom will be instilled in our children and theirs if by words alone, if that is all that is left. With what other countries call "American Ways"! Loud, proud, and outspoken.

If you put enough American's in China they will find a way to slowly take it over. China knows that. What did they do with Google after all? American's underestimate their/ our own patriotism until it is truly called upon or we set foot on foreign soil. Then and only then do some people truly feel their "American" ways.

Some say Americans may revolt and soon enough start over with the intentions of our forefathers actually come to fruition.

"capture their minds and their hearts and bodies will follow" that part is said and done. Americanism is here to stay as it is in out minds and in our Hearts. It is now an idea that will never die.

Eagle - You cannot kill an idea! No words you type no words you speak no actions you take will change the fact that the dye is cast in our minds and hearts.....You can never take that!
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:37 PM   #30
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I guess I missed the post that called China "Evil". Besides I thought Russia was the Evil Empire. The last thing China wants is for the US to become weaker. China has so much of their money into US Treasury notes that if the US fails or the Treasury notes crater their goes China's money. What a fix China is in. They have bought so many treasure notes that the only way they can keep their value up is to buy more and they can't take any money out because then they would collaspe and their money would be worthless. Ain't world economy swell.

Originally Posted by eagle View Post
China the evil empire? ... ONCE America gets a little weaker ( which is not that far away) china will go full force.

Mighty China will become the mayor super power for century to come.


I'm a beautiful tall handsome man that every woman would love to have.
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