Originally Posted by April Showers
I won't let a new round start if there is only 10 minutes left and I know they are slow poppers. It's all about good time management.
I understand what you mean....but this is precisely why 1 hour dates never worked for me in gauging if me and that lady would mesh for a multi-hour appointment.
If it takes me 45 to 50 good minutes of good sex to get my first bell, and the possibility of msog was out the window verbally because I was a slow popper or took too long, Id take it that she isnt really into intercourse as much or it would be limited for a longer booking. I know the donation is for the time, but if I come in door at 7...chat a sec, and get dressed at 8pm midstroke,close or not: this is against ettiquette? Whos time is it?
I usually book a two hour appointment if Im sorta doubtful a lady is overnight friendly, because I know for the first two hours.....minus a break, recharge, or daty.... Id be open to actual intercourse 1 hour and 30 minutes at the very least.