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Old 07-22-2011, 03:19 PM   #241
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You have made allegation that I ran Lauren Summerhill off with remarks in these two threads. Would you care to point out the so called offending remarks that were the straw that broke the camel's back.

I would be happy to explain any misunderstanding you are having trouble with.

You can't be any slower than never.....

I B come on.

That would be like me saying I heard you saw ladies and then did not pay them.

Let's discuss why you think such nonsense and just who you are trying to impress by making such outrages allegations?

Lauren Summerhill does not give a fuc about you, she only cared for her reflection. She needed affirmation constantly. I have never denied thinking these things but I never had to put down her profession in making my point.

Please show me where I have. You compared her and my disagreement vs. Marshall and another sweet lady in this very thread. Please explain.

Lauren Summerhill does not deserve such negative comparison.
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Old 07-22-2011, 04:52 PM   #242
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Every large business has fraud.....the military has fraud. It is human nature for a certain segment of society to try and defraud. A very educated portion of society did it a couple of years ago in the form of credit default swaps.

I am all for trying folks who defraud the system.....but I do not use that as an excuse to throw the baby out with the bath water. What answer do you want? Who the fuc is for fraud, I am just not ignornant enough to believe that you can eliminate fraud and if you can not then shut the system down. The world will always have cheats. Quit lying and saying I do not want to do anything about it. I wanted the bankers shot not protected like you. That was a far greater fraud than any group of poor people will ever do to Medicare.

That is all you are doing. Trying to throw the baby out with the bath water because you do not want to take your turn and wash the baby.

I have already said we all have a bit of Marshall in us, the difference between you and I is that I do not admire Marshall. I work to supress the Marshall in me while you seem to relish in it.

Here is your post that got this started.

I asked you to give me a link showing the correlation between higher taxes and lower graduation rates.

By your theory of taxing the rich and letting the other 50% pay nothing, you prove that you are a Marxist. The second plank of the communist manifesto is a heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Just admit your a communist, so we can all go away piecefully.

All you have done so far is rant on Medicare fraud. .....as if I'm for fraud. What a crock of bs you spew.
Originally Posted by WTF View Post
God you are slow.....what you do not understand is that competition is actually good. In a free market competition slowly gets killed. It is called to big to fail. The Wal-Mart effect. That is how you wind up with to big to fail.

It's also called the repel of the Glass Steagall Act. Where your boy Clinton signed the bill to repeal the regulatory law creating megalith banking companies that were too big to fail. Of whom your buddy BO helped bail out by voting for TARP. You are so far up the asses of the left, their sphincters have become virtual blinders which blinded you to the fact that your own party is just as responisible.

In fact it can be argued that the fall of Russia was a back breaker to the American middle class. With no competing form of governance, the fat cats have put the petal to the metal as far as deregulation and disparity. (Again youv'e missed that the repeal of Glass-Steagall a regulatory law, created the banking monopolies was done by the D's and R's.) Dividing up the pie more evenly was always a good thing...it kept to big to fail out of the picture. Now we just have the bankers running this country.

All you are arguing is that one party is no better than the other. (They aren't and you are too stupid to see it, because your head is so thoroughly up the arses of the left, while listening to their 'farting' points.) I'll not argue that fact but the problem is not wtf you think it is. Big business runs this country.....(GE with Jeffrey Immult and the George Soros empire come to mind) the workers used to have a chair at the table. Not anymore. Fuc'd up free trade agreements has killed them (NAFTA, thank you leftist, Bill Clinton). It was a way to import cheap labor without actually having to import them. Great theory. Bad results. We will all work for Wal-Mart in the end!
All you do is tell us that right wing media sucks and they need to be gone, which is the 6th plank of the communist mannifesto; centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.

You don't do anything but bleet the liberal talking points. You have nothing substanative to add and you hatred for those who profess conservatism is blinding. Where is that leftist tolerance you are supposed to have?
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:11 PM   #243
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
All you do is tell us that right wing media sucks and they need to be gone, which is the 6th plank of the communist mannifesto;
You sure do know an awful lot about the communist manifesto.
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:19 PM   #244
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Grover Norquist thinks closing those loophole are a tax raise!

They are.....you don't think so? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:24 PM   #245
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
I do understand why MARSHALL has turned into the way he is and theres about to be another one born ..

Turned? You mean unleashed........JB, liberal drones don't think, they only feel....I don't try to change how they think, I only want to change how they feel....it's the only transformational change possible.....you don't get along with these people, you just defeat them......these drones are immoral, I'm doing God's work.......
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:34 PM   #246
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
I dont care if YOU believe me,
I would think if you were telling the truth, that you'd care if you were believed.

I do understand why MARSHALL has turned into the way he is and theres about to be another one born ..
And you probably "understood" why Timothy McVeigh turned into the way he was too, dinch'a?
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:40 PM   #247
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
You sure do know an awful lot about the communist manifesto.
I do and being a Cold-War vet, I was always taught the Tsun Tzu way of Know Your Enemy, The Art of War. Being a Marine Corps veteran, brainwashed by the best, we learned the Five-Paragraph Order, SMEAC. We also learned to be Semper Fidelis to the principles taught by our elders. I took an oath to Defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So yes, I know the Communist Manifesto and I learned the Rules for Radicals to better combat people who have no sense of honor like you and WTF.
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:58 PM   #248
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
I would think if you were telling the truth, that you'd care if you were believed.

And you probably "understood" why Timothy McVeigh turned into the way he was too, dinch'a?
Actually this is a perfect post, you just explained the first sentence with the second.Your someone I have totally written off, I once thought of you difrently but now that is no longer. Your wrong about the second sentence except that you would be picking teeth off the floor had we been in the same room...
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Old 07-22-2011, 07:33 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
Actually this is a perfect post, you just explained the first sentence with the second.
I have no idea what that means.

Your someone I have totally written off, I once thought of you difrently but now that is no longer.
Seeing as how you've shown yourself to be buddy buddy with people like Marshall, i'd be more offended if the opposite were true.

Your wrong about the second sentence except that you would be picking teeth off the floor had we been in the same room...
That could be pretty interesting.
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Old 07-22-2011, 09:59 PM   #250
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
er combat people who have no sense of honor like you and WTF.
If you actually had any honor you would not be bringing up the Marine Corp on a hooker board in a discussion such as this towards your fellow citizens.
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Old 07-22-2011, 10:32 PM   #251
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So with a week to go the debit limit talks have collapsed. Will they raise it? One way or the other it will be better for the country if they do raise it. There is a lot of talk about raising taxes by closing tax loop holes. One of the "loop holes" is elimination of the tax break afforded to home owners for their interest and taxes paid on their homes. Any time taxes get raised it seems the "middle class" gets hit hardest. This particular tax break is a deal maker for those who want to buy homes. This tax break is one of the main reasons why people buy homes instead of continuing to rent. Eliminating this tax break will hurt the middle class far more than the "rich". It will also cause a collapse of the already ailing home building industry. They are also considering eliminating deductions for the cost of your medical insurance premiums. Again, this will hurt the middle class far more than the "rich". The rush to raise revenue by raising taxes will not really hurt the rich all that much. But those of us who actually work to make a living and do relatively well as well as those who do moderately well will get stuck with significant tax payment increases while the really rich, and the poor will be by and large uneffected by these increases. I have also read that the insurance coverage you will be by law mandated to carry, if paid for by your employer will have to reported as part of your income, and thus you will have to pay additional income tax on that too. Again, this won't hurt the poor who don't pay income taxes nor the "rich" people either. But, it will be a hit on the middle class. There is even discussion on eliminating the deduction from your income for state and local taxes paid by you. So you get to pay federal taxes on money you already paid (at least locally) taxes on. Again, probably will hurt the middle class more than any other group. None of this (tax revenue increases) is set in stone at this time. But the fact that they are being seriously considered as part of the methods to raise tax revenue while coupling this with phanthom spending reductions is seriously disturbing. Borders is closing and 10,000 + jobs will be gone by September. Teachers are being layed off in droves all across the country, new private business jobs are not happening in significant numbers. If the debt ceiling is not raised and the US credit rating is lowered "they" say banks and credit agencies will sharply raise the interest rates you pay on personal loans and your credit cards. (again who is that going to hurt...mostly the middle class with credit card debt and small business seeking loans to expand and maybe hire more people) Their is talk about phasing out the 15% standard deduction taken by most income tax filers, (after all most people will get a better deduction by takiing the standard dedution than by itemizing deductions). Loss of the standard deduction would again hurt mostly the middle class but not the poor or really rich) Thousands of goverment employees will be layed off, Social security checks might not get mailed out. Get ready for a shit storm. Those of you who clamor for raising taxes better be careful about what you wish for.
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Old 07-22-2011, 11:10 PM   #252
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I hope we default, let the fun begin and lets weed out all the weak loosers that are sniveling for a handout.The greatest thing to come out of it would be for people to realize just how much government gets in everyones way.This country was founded by people that came here to nothing but trees, and well , a few indians they had to kick the SHIT out of, then they just continued on their ways kicking the SHIT out of everything.And what did all their hard work produce? a bunch of sniveling whining envie filled hypocrites....DEFAULT I SAY !!!! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!LOL!!
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Old 07-22-2011, 11:53 PM   #253
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
And what did all their hard work produce? a bunch of sniveling whining envie filled hypocrites...!!
Sounds like you are for the so called Death Tax. About time.
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Old 07-23-2011, 12:48 AM   #254
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It's funny how everything the wealthy does is directly attributed to 'hard work', like all it takes to be filthy rich is 'few extra hours on the weekend'.

The HARDEST thing they actually do is to take measures hiding their money from the IRS.

A country with so many billionaires and millionaires shouldn't have the financial problems this one has.

I don't get why average joes are sucking these guys' dicks so thoroughly.
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:30 AM   #255
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
I don't get why average joes are sucking these guys' dicks so thoroughly.
Because they rely on people making $30M per year telling them what they should think.
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