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Old 08-28-2015, 07:09 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
He fails to see he is exactly what he rails against. The irony is thick. He is locked away in his own mind, a prisoner for every single day of his life up until yesterday. He sees nothing wrong. He desires no change. After enough libation, he would no doubt admit he could happily inhabit 1860's America. Retrograde fucksticks, every stinking last one of them. Dragged kicking and fucking screaming into the 21st century. They don't particularly care for equality. For women or for the dark man. Each knowing their place is the world they long for. They've run the show for 400 years. And now they see the power slipping from their grasp and they're afraid. They've never lived in a world they didn't rule. It's going to be interesting to watch. Over time, they will rage against the light, but they will ultimately fail. Sad, really. A man rarely knows when he's conquered.

I see a lot wrong in this country. I agree we are not a great country anymore and I blame that on the liberal mindset that seems to be taking over. We have become a country of beggars. Everybody seems to have their hand out. You have just done what the typical liberal does when confronted. You turn to the race card. It is such a stupid position and that's the TROOF.

You are an admitted hypocrite, racist and liar. I bet your resume looks awesome.
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Old 08-28-2015, 09:11 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
The statement in D.C. v. Heller proving your POV wrong was cited and quoted, Speedy. And per the latest news reports there are some 11 million illegals in this country from the very countries you mendaciously want to ignore, Speedy.
Wrong on both counts. But you don't seem to comprehend anything that anyone who disagrees with you states. Arguing with you is equivalent to beating my head against the wall. It is stupid to do and feels much better when I stop.

End of discussion on my part. Continue your inane babbling if you choose to do so.
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Old 08-28-2015, 09:26 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Wrong on both counts. But you don't seem to comprehend anything that anyone who disagrees with you states. Arguing with you is equivalent to beating my head against the wall. It is stupid to do and feels much better when I stop.

End of discussion on my part. Continue your inane babbling if you choose to do so.
You have your fucking head up your ass if you want to pretend that there aren't some five million Mexicans in this country illegally, Speedy: some of whom are bona fide members of notorious drug cartels that are murdering hundreds of people on both sides of the border every fucking year, Speedy ... but Mexico is one of the countries your disingenuous and lying ass wants to ignore when comparing statistics on gun violence, you lying POS.
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Old 08-28-2015, 09:30 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You have your fucking head up your ass if you want to pretend that there aren't some five million Mexicans in this country illegally, Speedy: some of whom are bona fide members of notorious drug cartels that are murdering hundreds of people on both sides of the border every fucking year, Speedy ... but Mexico is one of the countries your disingenuous and lying ass wants to ignore when comparing statistics on gun violence, you lying POS.
LOL. And the name-calling begins.
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Old 08-28-2015, 09:42 AM   #170
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
LOL. And the name-calling begins.
You're the blithering idiot that didn't notice how name calling was well underway before my post at #105, Speedy. But then you're genetically stupid about what you do and don't notice (like the some 5 million illegal Mexicans in this country that you don't want to consider), aren't you, Speedy?
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:25 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
The fact that you were thinking about them is creepy.
But that's typical of woomby, since he's been a eunuch from birth !
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:29 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
LOL. And the name-calling begins.

That's who they are, they cant win a debate with logic or reason so they act like spoiled children and resort to name calling. . . its no wonder Trump is leading their party.
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:30 AM   #173
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Okay, I think I see where this has gone off track....besides the OP which is already off track. The old refrain about statistics lie and liars using statistics is true. You only advance half your argument to prove your case because to bring forward the other half ensures your defeat. I will admit that the United States has a higher "death by firearm" rate than almost any other country (we are not number one). However, if you isolate the areas like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, etc or about 1% of the land mass of this country, the death rate plummets like Nazi Baby Killer's panties on a hot day. That is the sad truth. The vast majority of this country is safe, very safe. Safer than England where you can have your head cut off in public. Safer than Israel where mass transit can lead to your early death. No, the death rate is low outside the confines of those liberal bastions called cities but not just any cities. No, the death rate increases with the thoroughness with which liberalism has penetrated the laws and mindset of the city. I don't want to waste my time crunching the numbers but do you think I'm wrong if I said that remove the statistics from the ten largest, most liberal cities from the stats and the gun deaths would fall from 13,000 annually to under 2,000 annually? Tell me that I'm wrong then.
The United States is not the rest of the world. We are not homogenous like China or Japan. We have a history of individual freedom unlike Russia or France. We also have a greater diversity of race than just about any country in the world. I mean true diversity. We accept everyone as being a citizen and not some little tolerated subclass like Germany or England.

Anyone want to take me up on the offer? Find the death rates in Chicago alone and it will drop the national average.
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:32 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Apparently they aren't, you seem to have a proclivity for asians.
And your proclivities range from cetaceans on backpage to ANYONE that pokes their cocks through the holes at Talleywackers and your other franchised 'holes locations in Arkansas !! :w oot_jump::woot_jump :
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:34 AM   #175
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
That's who they are, they cant win a debate with logic or reason so they act like spoiled children and resort to name calling. . . its no wonder Trump is leading their party.
For example, Speedy, this is what the hypocrite, suckclown, posted well before #105 @ #76:

Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
Now its fake shooting? Jesus, some of u cunts are relentless in ur stupidity.
Its not bad enough these people were gunned down and their families have to live with the fact that their loved one was murdered on live TV. . . now theres shitturds claiming it never happened. Ur a poor excuse for a goddamn human.
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:36 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
It was in reference to your quote "Go hit a little ball with a bunch of other dudes, queen". I know you're slow and some simple things are difficult for you to comprehend so I guess I should have been a little more clear. Sometimes I forget I'm not dealing with intelligent adults. Hope that helps.
woomby likes to project his real life experiences on others out of his shame for his real work. He's the sites recognized gloryhole master and cum guzzler extraordinaire ! He SURE knows how to handle some balls while he's working a cock ( or cocks ! ) with his lying liberal mouth !
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Old 08-28-2015, 10:39 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
The problem with you is that when you make a statement that is not true and someone points it out you try and vilify them by claiming they must not care about whatever the current topic is. I never said it was acceptable or a good thing. All I did was point out the fact that the US does not have the most gun deaths than any country in the world. You defeat yourself by making shit up to support your viewpoint.
It's not that the statement isn't true, you don't like the way it's framed and then you do exactly what you accuse me of. I wouldn't know if you found it acceptable or not, since you never bother to say that. Maybe it you got beyond the anger, you could get that out there. The US has more gun deaths than any civilized country. Instead of calling me an idiot, why don't you offer some plan on what can be done to alleviate that. Isn't that more productive than what you're doing? I'm not making shit up. This shit is happening every day.


This comparison was done against comparable civilized countries. It's broken down into per 100K so that you can't use our larger population to negate the study's findings. It's right there in black and white. We kill each other with guns more than any other civilized country they studied. Instead of calling me names, offer up a solution.
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Old 08-28-2015, 12:08 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
For example, Speedy, this is what the hypocrite, suckclown, posted well before #105 @ #76:
I was not referring to the exchange of notes between any one else except you and me. If I remember correctly, in all my time on the forum, the most derogatory term I have used to describe someone is "idiot".
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Old 08-28-2015, 12:40 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Okay, I think I see where this has gone off track....besides the OP which is already off track. The old refrain about statistics lie and liars using statistics is true. You only advance half your argument to prove your case because to bring forward the other half ensures your defeat. I will admit that the United States has a higher "death by firearm" rate than almost any other country (we are not number one). However, if you isolate the areas like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, etc or about 1% of the land mass of this country, the death rate plummets like Nazi Baby Killer's panties on a hot day. That is the sad truth. The vast majority of this country is safe, very safe. Safer than England where you can have your head cut off in public. Safer than Israel where mass transit can lead to your early death. No, the death rate is low outside the confines of those liberal bastions called cities but not just any cities. No, the death rate increases with the thoroughness with which liberalism has penetrated the laws and mindset of the city. I don't want to waste my time crunching the numbers but do you think I'm wrong if I said that remove the statistics from the ten largest, most liberal cities from the stats and the gun deaths would fall from 13,000 annually to under 2,000 annually? Tell me that I'm wrong then.
The United States is not the rest of the world. We are not homogenous like China or Japan. We have a history of individual freedom unlike Russia or France. We also have a greater diversity of race than just about any country in the world. I mean true diversity. We accept everyone as being a citizen and not some little tolerated subclass like Germany or England.

Anyone want to take me up on the offer? Find the death rates in Chicago alone and it will drop the national average.
I happen to agree with a great part of your statements. Yes, if you could eliminate those areas in the U.S. in which homicide rates are the highest the homicide rate would indeed plummet. And we're not even talking about cities. We're talking about small areas of cities.

Source: http://news.travel.aol.com/2010/08/3...es-in-chicago/

"Despite its international reputation as a crime capital, Chicago is a generally safe city. This is because its present day trouble spots, occupying various stretches on the South and West Sides, tend to be isolated and far-removed from the tourist areas that are concentrated around the Loop and just north of downtown."

The vast area of the U.S., and even Chicago, is safe, very safe. Unlike you I don't blame politicians on either side of the fence for those unsafe areas. You seem to think that if Conservatives took control of Chicago and other high-crime cities that crime would come close to disappearing. Easy to say, hard to do. The good news is that homicide rates, and violent crime rates in general, are falling in Chicago and many other major cities.

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Chicago

"However, recent Chicago homicide rates are nowhere near those seen in the '70s, '80s and '90s. In fact, the past decade has logged some of the lowest annual rates since 1965."

And in N.Y.C. there are far fewer homicides in recent years than in the past:

source: http://www.city-data.com/crime/crime...-New-York.html

And in L.A.:

Source: http://www.dailynews.com/general-new...eles-homicides

"Nearly all of the nation has benefited from a drop in crime, but Los Angeles County stands out. In 2002, 1,231 people died at the hands of others, but by 2010, the figure dropped below 700. Fueling the countywide drop, the city of Los Angeles’ homicide rate fell at about twice the pace of New York’s between 2000 and 2010, according to U.S. Census and FBI statistics."

Even in New Orleans, which annually usually has the highest homicide rate per capita (despite loose gun control laws) in the U.S., the homicide rate has dropped significantly.

Source: http://www.city-data.com/crime/crime...Louisiana.html

Yet all these cities are under the control of Democratic mayors. They must be doing something right. Point is I simply would not jump to the conclusion that those evil Liberals are behind everything negative in this country.
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Old 08-28-2015, 12:42 PM   #180
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Fucking idiot. Does it occur to you that the reason firearms deaths are concentrated in metropolitan areas might be because that's where the population is concentrated?

Nothing gets you past the undeniable truth that when the clock strikes midnight tonight, around 30 people will have died from gunfire on this day. Fuck you and your ridiculous "it only happens in liberal cities" arguments. That has nothing to do with it. The problem is not only how easy it is to get a firearm legally, it is the fact that we have hundreds of millions of firearms already in circulation. And, any argument that the gun lobby (that would be the Right Wing Whacko gun lobby) is not largely responsible for that state of affairs is bullshit.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Okay, I think I see where this has gone off track....besides the OP which is already off track. The old refrain about statistics lie and liars using statistics is true. You only advance half your argument to prove your case because to bring forward the other half ensures your defeat. I will admit that the United States has a higher "death by firearm" rate than almost any other country (we are not number one). However, if you isolate the areas like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, etc or about 1% of the land mass of this country, the death rate plummets like Nazi Baby Killer's panties on a hot day. That is the sad truth. The vast majority of this country is safe, very safe. Safer than England where you can have your head cut off in public. Safer than Israel where mass transit can lead to your early death. No, the death rate is low outside the confines of those liberal bastions called cities but not just any cities. No, the death rate increases with the thoroughness with which liberalism has penetrated the laws and mindset of the city. I don't want to waste my time crunching the numbers but do you think I'm wrong if I said that remove the statistics from the ten largest, most liberal cities from the stats and the gun deaths would fall from 13,000 annually to under 2,000 annually? Tell me that I'm wrong then.
The United States is not the rest of the world. We are not homogenous like China or Japan. We have a history of individual freedom unlike Russia or France. We also have a greater diversity of race than just about any country in the world. I mean true diversity. We accept everyone as being a citizen and not some little tolerated subclass like Germany or England.

Anyone want to take me up on the offer? Find the death rates in Chicago alone and it will drop the national average.
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