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Old 07-17-2011, 02:34 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
yep....I'm living in your head rent-free........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Yes we have already established that you are a welfare queen.

You need to live where rent is free because you lived rent free with your mommy and daddy and then the military and now you do not want to pay taxes to pay the debt you ran up and of course it is natural progression for you to want to live rent free anywhere you can.

You are a big ole slacker!
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Old 07-17-2011, 02:36 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by WDF View Post
Yes we have already established that you are a welfare queen.

You need to live where rent is free because you lived rent free with your mommy and daddy and then the military and now you do not want to pay taxes to pay the debt you ran up and of course it is natural progression for you to want to live rent free anywhere you can.

You are a big ole slacker!
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Old 07-17-2011, 02:39 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Congratulations. After only 24 posts in 6 hours where you do nothing but act like a 15 year old AOL'er who gets his lunch money stolen every day, i got a bit annoyed.

I've calmed down now, though, so you'll have to start over.
I think what we might have to do is all put him on ignore. That is wtf we had to do in the last forum he was in and then he changed his handle and came back and tried to be a bit more civil but now he is back to his old ways.

Poor fella, I feel sorry for him is a way.

I have never put anyone on ignore but hot damn, him and his twin I B got me to thinking of doing that very thing.
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Old 07-17-2011, 02:42 PM   #139
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Default You are part of the problem

Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
Oh , whats a matter MarshiePoo.

You having trouble connecting the dots.

Here let me help you.

You worked for the government. The government piled up this huge debt. You now do not want to increase your taxes to pay for that debt nor do you want any of your benifits cut.

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Old 07-17-2011, 02:53 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by WDF View Post
Oh , whats a matter MarshiePoo.

You having trouble connecting the dots.

Here let me help you.

You worked for the government. The government piled up this huge debt. You now do not want to increase your taxes to pay for that debt nor do you want any of your benifits cut.

I know you're unhinged when you call me MarshiePoo.....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Ummmm......National defense is a Constitutionally enummerated power granted to the Federal goverment....that included my pay.....when you calculate the cost of all my kills and destruction of enemy property, my pay was a great value to my fellow citizens [and I never had any of my government issued "equipment" destroyed or lost, of course, extraordinary wear and tear is another story! LOL!]

You may now thank me for my service......
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Old 07-17-2011, 03:13 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Which has nothing to do with wtf Marshall did.

I did not agree with Lauren's POV, pure and simple. She could defend it all she wanted, I would never bring up her choice of profession as a means to discount her POV. You drove her from the board.

Marshall implied that because a lady is in this profession , she is to stupid to have a POV. You as much as called Leah stupid when you you told her to consult others to learn her trade properly.

Are you to hard headed to not see the difference. What you did was not a single event. You time and again berated her until she quit.

We all say stupid shit....and I have no problem with people calling out people that say stupid shit. You do understand you are talking into a mirror most of the time?

It crosses the line when you say, "Oh you are a garbage man, your views do not count." or as Marshall said and you appear to agree with "What you said was stupid young lady, no wonder you are a hooker.''

The ''no wonder you are a hooker'' part is what I think is chickenshit.

I have/had no problem with calling peole out that say stupid shit. You are a prime example. I point out your lies all the time. A difference of opinion does not constitute a lie. You harassed and insulted Lauren until she left the board. Your denial is a lie.

Are you going to disable your account too? Doubt it. Remember your conscience - always there to remind you of your miscreant ways.

BooFuc'nHoo if you do. Need a pacifier do you? Call Barney Frank. He's got some thing he'll let you suck on.

May I suggest a better plan of action would be to quit lying and distorting wtf people say.....Or start trying to say less stupid shit. Then blame yourself, since most of those rebuttals typically "start" with your "stupid" remarks. Understand, if your "stupid" remarks weren't included, you might not comprehend the rebuttal was directed at you.
Fuck you!
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Old 07-17-2011, 03:16 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I have never put anyone on ignore but hot damn, him and his twin I B got me to thinking of doing that very thing.
Then scurry for the dark like the cockroach you are.
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Old 07-17-2011, 03:22 PM   #143
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go ahead WDF, put me on ignore, I'd love that....thhen I can repeatedly bitch-slap you all over the board....you'll just sit there and take it without even mounting Barney Fra..., er a feeble defense......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
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Old 07-17-2011, 03:42 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by amusemeant
That one is from Kurt Vonnegut and yes dear I know what a book is and I do read. I like some of Vonnegut's work. You weren't put off by his misogyny?

Well I did go to school you know - and while economics was not my favorite subject, literature definitely was, and since Vonnegut is one of my fave's, along with a bunch of others that might surprise you guys if you knew me. Vonnegut a misogynist? I don't think so. He was no more of a misogynist than any of you married guys are on here. He resented his mother for commiting suicide and like many other men who are famous had problems resisting pussy that was thrown at him. He had long lasting relationships with women throughout his life - he just didn't take women very seriously in my opinion, which was the norm for men then and is the norm for many men now. That's why women like me make so much $$$. If every man were as great as Vonnegut, then all pussy would be free.

IB - I know enough to look up heritage.org and see that it is a right wing funded 'information' source for many topics but it seems the main one is 'conservative' spending.The Heritage Foundation is right of center, but that does not mean that this study is wrong. After all, the Heritage Foundation has a better reputation than MSNBC. IB find me a pie or bar chart from a non partisan source if you want to talk about the real deal. I challenge you to find any chart or study that shows anything different, and while you are at it, find one on how much Congress spends on their private spa/gym - there are some things Congress doesn't want the public to know. I don't accept partisan sources from conservative funded idiot tanks. So are you admitting your own bias to listen only to sources from the left? Because, FYI, UCLA did do a study in 2005 that documented the liberal bias of most news outlets. How does heritage.org define welfare and military? I mean seriously. Wanna call me stupid? The study is 53 pages long (from cover to close), and they explain and document their findings. You wouldn't get good marks in school using that type of source on any research paper weirdo. Actually, I know that papers published by the Heritage Foundation can be used to support a point of view without it negatively impact one's grade. They've been in place for almost 40 years, and I've had occasion to cite their publications. I don't need to be an economist to know that.

No I wouldn't expect to quote Michael Moore to you and for you to believe any of what he says is true, and I bet you wouldn't even attempt to quote Rush Limbaugh to me and think that I would believe a word of it. I'm not sure what school you went to, but yeah where I went to school using shady sources would definitely lose you a letter grade on any research. I don't need to go look up any non partisan sources to prove my point to you. You don't mean that much to me and I'm busy making money. But I'm sure if I could find any piece of shit study out there, as long it's '53 pages long', then you would have to accept it as the word of God, right?

Entitlements? LMFAO we should be entitled to a Gulf of Mexico that is not full of oil. Do you know how much pollution of the Gulf and in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama was caused by Katrina? We should be entitled to an Alaska without strip mining in the National Forest. We should be entitled to preserving our old growth forest that we have left. What penalties would you assign to Mt. St. Hellens for the 230 square miles of forest destroyed in Washington state in 1980? We should be entitled to a lot of things that the conservatives (who don't conserve anyhing) want to take away from us as human beings. Maybe you don't like your life, but I do. And I appreciate all those who have gone before me and have made it possible for me to enjoy my life. Those pioneers, who chopped down trees and put plow to prairie grass, are the same men and women - or their kindred - you are now deprecating for getting us to this point in life. Think about that the next time you use a fossil fuel vehicle to go to the mall to buy a new pair of synthetic or leather heels.

Number one: After Katrina, there was not cakes of oil all over all of the wildlife in the gulf of mexico - sorry Charlie. No the Gulf is not cleaned up. Scientists and biologists are still not being allowed into areas in Mississippi and Louisiana to study the real effects from the BP oil spill.

Of course, hippies like me believe that if the powers that be would have listened 40 years ago, we would all be doing things very differently by now and we would not be creating the pollution that we are creating, which makes any natural disaster that has happened in the past 65 million years pale in comparison to the damage we have done to the planet for our convenience.

I have no issue with using trees for building houses. But do we really need to use the entire Amazon Rain Forest to make hamburger wrappers and toilet paper?

I lived in Northern Oregon for five years, and I saw firsthand the Mt. St. Helen's site. It did wreak havoc on the environment in the Northwest, and it was hard for the folks living there at the time, but the actual area where the explosion occurred is beautiful. Volcanic ash is very beneficial for renewing the soil and the environment, and it's the earth's way of renewing itself. That's why the West Coast is the cradle of our produce production. That rich volcanic soil is growing most of the vegetables you eat on a daily basis, and I do hope you guys are eating your veggies....I'd hate to see any of you fucks carrying your colon around in a bag and putting me out of a job.

Comparing a Hurricane, a Tsunami, or a Volcanic Eruption to BP dumbasses ignoring a faulty BOP and flooding the fucking Gulf of Mexico with oil is like comparing farting to God. Sorry I just don't see the parallel.

I really don't care if you pick on me. IDK you, nor you me, but you did call me a "dumb-ass" in your first post addressing me - so who is picking on whom? But rest assured, I will not be calling - or "picking on" - you. I know why I do what I do. You don't know me. If you did you might eat your hasty and rude words in one big bite and swallow a bitter pill. I live in an economic environment created by a long run of conservative fiscal policy at work. I don't live on welfare. I hustle and I pay for everything in this world myself with your leftover money. Not mine. I also help out my family members and their kids on a regular basis, who are struggling living hand to mouth in a rich man's world. Does that mean I'm not educated and I can't read? Obviously not. As you can see I am able to formulate a fairly complicated opinion and I am able to rebutt your comments just fine. You don't need to feel sorry for me. I sure as hell don't feel sorry for you - believe that. Just by being on this site you have acknowledged the importance of women like me in your life, so don't pretend that you don't care to understand something about the general me, if not the specific me. The liberal elite in Washington DC are very dependent on women just like you. They trust you will keep them in power.

Aww Imma cry now. Maybe I can ask BP to send me a crying towel. I'm sure they won't mind. If they do send me one, will it still have the oil stain on it? They would probably be too cheap to have it cleaned first huh?

I have been over here awhile now, and I know I'm an acquired taste. Any of you guys who wants to call me doesn't have to worry about talking politics in my bedroom - it's kind of hard for me to talk when ur dick is down my throat and you're hands are on the back of my head, wrapped in my hair, choking the shit out of me - that's right now. And the kind of guys who I best get along with could care less what I have to say about politics - when they are with me they are just watching my mouth move while they think about other, more important things.

And really, mister, if you haven't called me yet, were you just waiting to see what I had to say about taxes before you did it? Chances are...

I agree with you about paying most of our money in taxes. We pay some of the highest percentages of our income (except me of course HAHAHA) in taxes. Even Slick Willie recently admitted that the tax code needs to be re-written because it is chasing money out of investment in the U.S. Compared to any other civilized country, we don't get shit in return. Every American child (and many illegal alien children) in the U.S. is now entitled to a free K-12 education offering one or two subsidized meals each day. Now, before you criticize, know it's the best education system Liberals can devise with trillions of our tax dollars. Also know that Obama inflated the number who now qualify for PELL grants for college, and similarly increased the number of PELL grants to be used for advanced degrees. I think we need to clean up a lot of overspending in our nation. I'm sure I don't agree on where that money should be cut - but can we agree that we at least need to add to our education budget? I mean damn you should see the sh*t they feed our kids at school. It's worse than jail food. Your child is not required to eat the state subsidized meals at school. You could prepare a meal more to your liking for your child and send it with him or her. What you gonna say to that mr. conservative - let them eat cake? LMAO Better cake than cell phones, wireless Internet, or more seriously, an ARM on a home one cannot possibly afford

You are so funny. The two people I have known personally who got fucked on the ARM were MEN who were too stupid and self sure to consider the fine print when the re-financed their homes that they had a good amount of equity in....later to be fucked by the whole thing and not able to pay for the ballooning payment after the economy took their jobs and their income waned as their payment waxed. ACORN applicants aren't allowed to sign ARMs. They only help people into fixed rate deals. LOL Now watch you explode at the mention of ACORN. I don't care. People poor enough to have seek help from professionals with financing don't get into that type of deal. It's the ones who think they're too smart for their own good who do that, and my grandpa told me a long time ago about homesteading and ARM and never to do that. Gotta listen to the old folks.

I'm glad you will never call me if you are the type of guy who thinks we should feed shit to little kids. I do pack my daughter's lunch most of the time. You know they used to send home a calendar with the lunches every month from the school to let you know which days to pack. I guess they're too ashamed to do that now. It is kind of a message, huh? Every day is a pack day now. We care so much for our kids. And don't act like a 'free k-12 education' - as shitty as the one we provide is with the testing and the no child left behind and all that hogwash, is such a gift. Look at other developed nations with tax rates comparable to ours and their kids are getting a way better education than our kids are. yes we do learn to read and write. I'm thankful for that. We could do better - that's all I'm saying - and take a page from the systems they have in other places where it works better.

I have always believed that kickbacks and bullshit are what keeps everything at such a horrible level when we pay so much. Like I said, we might not agree on where it is we need to right the wrongs, but we definitely need to do something different than the stupid shit we keep doing in the stupid bi-partisan system over and over again. I'm on the left because I have human kindnesss. But I wish I could be like on one side of a huge three dimensional polygon where more points of view were considered and studied and where so much control was not in the hands of just a few who make sure that only their buddies who are already too fucking rich to give a shit about any of us guys down here get all the contracts kickbacks and kickarounds while we all get fucked in the ass with no reacharound. We probably have more in common in our thoughts than you would like to believe up there on your pedestal. The truth is, these politicians have it down pat, on both sides. Nothing is going to change in the bi-partisan bullshit no matter what you or I say - any time soon. Somebody's got it all locked up with riders and vetoes and tabling and flooring and cut-off dates and bullshit. And I'm not commenting on this thread again - i'm outtie - now try to think of something new to say about me.

I'd rather argue about the NFL. When's this lockout gonna be over. I think Aaron Rodgers is gonna do it again!!!!!

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Old 07-17-2011, 04:07 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by amusemeant View Post
Originally Posted by amusemeant
And I'm not commenting on this thread again - i'm outtie - now try to think of something new to say about me.
True enough. Your posts and the description you offer of yourself is sufficient - you want a five star day care on someone else's dime. No further explanation is necessary. BTW, Vonnegut is noted for his misogyny. Thought you might like to know.
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Old 07-17-2011, 04:11 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
It was brought up what President Kennedy said, "ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country". It seems to me that the entire Democrat Party and Liberal establishment has turned away from that, and said, "don't ask what you can give your Country, ask what your Country can give you.

This is Kennedy's most famous quote and probably the only one I can think of that is a socialist statement. The American Spectator had this to say about it;

"Today marks the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's presidency, beginning with his historic inaugural address. Liberals remember the inaugural for the famous phrase, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." To the progressive mind, it's a call for government service, an exhortation to give back to the federal government what the federal government, in its benevolence, has given you."

I'm not sure why they single out liberals for remembering that phrase above all in JFK's inagural, as it seems to me most everyone seems to.

For the first years we were married, my Wife and I did with out in order to put what we earned back into our business. We did not buy the big house, the fancy car, the big diamond ring, or the Rolex watch. We put it where it counted.

I only wish she were alive now to enjoy some of the fruits of our labor.
I'm sorry for your loss.
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Old 07-17-2011, 04:32 PM   #147
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Hey man I pay taxes all the time. Every time I fill up my car, every time I spend my money, every time I register my car, every time I pay a traffic ticket, when I buy my beach permit every year, when I put a stamp on a letter, when I pay my bills, when I register my pets, when I pay library fines, when I hire contractors to do things in my home, when I pay other vendors for services I use, etc. Don't think I don't pay taxes - and really I do file income taxes every year too. Don't be a tool.

I probably pay about as much taxes as you cheat on yours. What's the diff? Want me to start saving my gas receipts for you?

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
True enough. Your posts and the description you offer of yourself is sufficient - you want a five star day care on someone else's dime. No further explanation is necessary. BTW, Vonnegut is noted for his misogyny. Thought you might like to know.
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Old 07-17-2011, 04:43 PM   #148
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Smile Why don't you book a date with Lauren, I'll pay for it if you video it and show me

Originally Posted by WTF
Which has nothing to do with wtf Marshall did.

I did not agree with Lauren's POV, pure and simple. She could defend it all she wanted, I would never bring up her choice of profession as a means to discount her POV. You drove her from the board.

I confronted a hypocrite on her hypocritical positions. Much like I do your lil candy ass.
Again, I never degraded her profession.

Marshall implied that because a lady is in this profession , she is to stupid to have a POV. You as much as called Leah stupid when you you told her to consult others to learn her trade properly.

Wrong again, Leah and I both were making fun of Lauren's stated position in that matter. God you are dense.

Are you to hard headed to not see the difference. What you did was not a single event. You time and again berated her until she quit.

Cry me a river. While you may think calling people out on their two faced BS berating, I call it honest debate. Once again, I never endorsed a position stooping so low as to call the lady's chosen profession into question.

We all say stupid shit....and I have no problem with people calling out people that say stupid shit. You do understand you are talking into a mirror most of the time?

I am smart enough to realize that from your position in life, you would think that my POV is stupid. What is sad is that you do not understand that simple concept. Yes I thought Lauren point stupid and self serving, so? You think my points are stupid, so? You haven't run me from the board, nor did I run Lauren. Nor will you run amusement from the board. You and Marshall are just slimeballs for questioning her profession. I have never advocated for not questioning people's POV's. Have at her POV's, you do not see me objecting to that. What I pointed out was your and Marshall using her profession aganist her in a debate. That is low life. No decent human being stoops that low. A cockroach is a major step up from that low life tatic. You and Marshall should be proud.

It crosses the line when you say, "Oh you are a garbage man, your views do not count." or as Marshall said and you appear to agree with "What you said was stupid young lady, no wonder you are a hooker.'' No response to this, how chickenshit.

The ''no wonder you are a hooker'' part is what I think is chickenshit. No response to this, how chickenshit. a lil angel, you're not.

I have/had no problem with calling peole out that say stupid shit. You are a prime example. I point out your lies all the time. A difference of opinion does not constitute a lie. You harassed and insulted Lauren until she left the board. Your denial is a lie. I am not denying anything, I had/have a different opinion than Lauren and you. Have you left? Why do you blame me for Lauren not being big enough to defend her POV's. I respect her choice to leave, just as I will yours and you should mine, should I so choose. Be a man and take responsibility for your own actions. I take responsibility for my action vs Lauren, she (and you) can take responsibility for her choice to leave.

If I was sick of flying on planes, I would not blame the plane. That is wtf you are trying to do.

Are you going to disable your account too? Doubt it. Remember your conscience - always there to remind you of your miscreant ways. Finally a decent attempt at humor.

BooFuc'nHoo if you do. Need a pacifier do you? Call Barney Frank. He's got some thing he'll let you suck on. You and Marshall really should get a room. Let me give you a hint on one sure fire way to tell if you are on the wrong side of the street...look around and see if Marshall is anywhere near!

May I suggest a better plan of action would be to quit lying and distorting wtf people say.....Or start trying to say less stupid shit. Then blame yourself, since most of those rebuttals typically "start" with your "stupid" remarks. Understand, if your "stupid" remarks weren't included, you might not comprehend the rebuttal was directed at you. I said less stupid shit, not more!
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Old 07-17-2011, 04:47 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by amusemeant View Post
Hey man I pay taxes all the time. Every time I fill up my car, every time I spend my money, every time I register my car, every time I pay a traffic ticket, when I buy my beach permit every year, when I put a stamp on a letter, when I pay my bills, when I register my pets, when I pay library fines, when I hire contractors to do things in my home, when I pay other vendors for services I use, etc. Don't think I don't pay taxes - and really I do file income taxes every year too. Don't be a tool.

I probably pay about as much taxes as you cheat on yours. What's the diff? Want me to start saving my gas receipts for you?
School cafeteria food has sucked since I was in grade school, and that was way before you were born. Yet, it's inexpensive or free to most of the student population and provides calories and nutrition. It's your choice to to use the program or not use the program. Quit bitching. BTW, do you know how many dead bodies were covered in oil in their homes in New Orleans? Many of those houses are still boarded up and uninhabitable. But go ahead and burn some more fossil fuel in your car and keep telling yourself you are eco-friendly because you are not the one actually drilling for the oil. And what about those men who died on that platform trying to bring you fuel? Have you thought about them at all since the day of the explosion? They had family and friends that they left behind.
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Old 07-17-2011, 05:01 PM   #150
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LOL you want to label me as unsympathetic now? I think you're just a little bit twisted mister. Of course I care about those guys who died. The ones on the platform should have been stopped by the ones in the cabin when they realized there was a problem with the BOP instead of telling them to go ahead because they were behind schedule. They did an amazing job evacuating that rig and 112 people were saved. Amazing. No issues from me there. It's a shame those guys died, but - they did choose that job, unfortunately. Just like we chose forty years ago to tell a bunch of environmental scientists that they were crazy when they were talking about oil shortages and global warming and alternative fuel sources. No one wants to let go of the current infrastructure until the exhaust it of all possible profits that can be gained from its use. That's why those guys had to die. That's what I believe.

Most of clients work in the oil gas and energy sectors. I don't blame them for wanting a job and I don't think bad things about any of them or any of you guys because we all have to work and we all need to get around and Texas is the worst place not to have a car.

You are misconstruing my thoughts and my opinions.

We need to work on some other ways to accomplish what we need if we want to survive and stop having our kids sent home in coffins over oil based disagreements.

It's not about blame.....it's about change.

"Have no fear for atomic energy, cuz none of it is gonna stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look
Some say it's just a part of it we've go to fulfill the book..."

~ Bob Marley, "Redemption Song"
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