I believe you're referring to this tall beautiful amazon woman? Am I correct? Please show me where I've
indicated I like pain and or that someone would be beaten up by me??
Don't assume to know that someone likes pain just because they ENJOY a pleasure that you find disgusting & taboo.
I can with certainty tell you that there is ZERO pain I experience when I ENJOY the greek pleasure. In fact, far more women experience PAIN in the love canal (you know, the part of a woman you so mentioned is the only place the Lord wants a man to fuck a woman)
But to state that I like pain is to make an asinine comment you know nothing about. And it's your way to continue degrading others for partaking of what they find appealing & enjoyable to them.
And your comment about the women, here being insulted by you NOT wanting to do greek with a woman. Ummmm, WRONG!
We women, here are NOT the least insulted by what YOU choose NOT to partake of sexually.
What we are insulted by, is YOUR asinine insulting comments directed at folks & your outlandish talk of the Lord toward those who CHOOSE to ENJOY a sexual pleasure that YOU personally find disgusting. (greek).
We (I know, I) could care less what you don't like, sex wise. However, it doesn't give you the right to condemn & insults others who enjoy what you don't. (greek)
That in and of itself is the issue we have with you.
Originally Posted by catnipdipper
Why would I want to be beaten up and grossed out by a 6' Amazon that like pain. I agree with her that I would be boring for her to see. I would be frozen stiff with fear.