KittyLamour. You are an attractive lady. You have a penchant for creating visuals to market yourself, so kuddos to you for that
Your lack of calls is not coming from people who ACTUALLY BELIEVE Dorthy_Monroe or Tony Gambino's words. Usually anything that trolls say does not get factored into the equation when it comes down to making a decision.
Here is where I get really honest, and I do not mean this as a tear down. Here is the bottom line for why you are not getting calls:
Your reaction to adversity and negativity is unattractive. The way you wear your emotions on your sleeves is unattractive. The way you focus on the negatives is unattractive. The way you BEG is unattractive. The way you continue to push the submit button is unattractive. The way that you have never accepted responsibility for things is unattractive. The way you boast is unattractive. The way you switch over to despair in the blink of an eye is unattractive. The way you get so easily bothered is unattractive. All of this, even discarding/excluding all that occurred in the past is unattractive.