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Old 12-05-2015, 11:41 AM   #136
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
This threadt was a piece of crap when it was started--and it still is.
Look who has been "bumping" all these old posts, wants to see when he posted under the handle Jewish lawyer.
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Old 12-05-2015, 01:32 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
This threadt was a piece of crap when it was started--and it still is.

Why Old-Tryanny? you don't like the article?

Obama's race-based plan to turn Congress Democratic, forever.
July 30, 2015 John Perazzo

Editor’s note: The following article is the first in a series of articles elaborating on David Horowitz and John Perazzo’s 2013 pamphlet “Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream.” “White skin privilege”—a term that has made a comeback in the last few years of racial demagoguery—was first popularized by the terror sect Weatherman in the early 1970s during its campaign to launch a race war in "Amerikka.” Although most leftists did not follow the call of Weatherman leaders Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn to join in a global race war to eradicate “white skin privilege,” the foundation of racism, the concept gradually took hold as an article of faith among all progressives as an all-purpose explanation for why the great Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s had not produced immediate equality and why such quintessentially un American policies as affirmative action were necessary. Because of “white skin privilege,” virtually ineradicable “institutional racism” continued to saturate our society even though individual racism was a thing of the past.

By its obsessive quest to find evidence of illusory “white skin privilege” the progressive left created and enshrined in our national life its very real opposite—“black skin privilege.” As David Horowitz and John Perazzo showed in their 2013 pamphlet Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream,” its effects can be seen in the presumption of guilt on the part of innocent whites (think Duke lacrosse team) on the basis of their skin color while guilty blacks (think O.J. Simpson) are often presumed innocent. Blacks can commit racist attacks on whites certain that civil rights “activists” who sift the news obsessively for black victims will either not notice or dismiss such attacks as a form of delayed “justice” for the historical oppression of black people.

The liberal media obediently follow their lead. When Trayvon Martin was killed by “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman it became a national outrage. But the media was nowhere to be found in the year afterward when there at least 14 known incidents of attacks by blacks (often citing the death of Martin as their motivation) against whites, including the brutal beating of a 78 year old man.

The result of such prejudice—there is no better word for it—is the creation of an optical illusion of deeply embedded, if largely invisible, white racism that creates vast numbers of black victims when the social facts show quite a different situation. According to statistics gathered by the National Crime Victimization Survey, for instance, blacks attacks on whites are five times greater than the opposite. When differences in relative population size are factored into the equation, a white person is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black than a black by a white.

Such statistics are not the whole U.S. racial picture by any means. But they are a part. And they are suppressed (or shrugged off) by the media and civil rights “activists” dedicated to creating a one sided and propagandistic narrative of race in the United States. Such inconvenient facts complicate their melodrama of white guilt and black victimhood.

The presence of black skin privilege as odious as white racism was: two sides of the same coin. To illumine the complexity of racial truth in America, FrontPage Magazine will regularly present articles about black skin privilege, beginning with today’s piece by John Perazzo on how it has become a wedge into a possible totalitarian future.

To order “Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream,” click here.

If you're a white Republican who lives in a well-to-do, majority-Republican suburb anywhere in America, Barack Obama has huge plans for you. Why? Several reasons: (1) He resents you for taking advantage of what he sees as your unfairly acquired ability to afford life in an affluent neighborhood, while so many poor nonwhites live amid squalor and crime in the central cities of this racist land. (2) He believes that by choosing to reside in a suburb, you are selfishly depriving a nearby city of precious tax dollars which could otherwise have been used to fund the public schools and social services that minority city-dwellers so desperately need. (3) Above all else, he resents the fact that people like you tend to elect Republicans to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Thus our president has set in motion the political equivalent of “The Knockout Game,” where you're going to be blindsided by a devastating head blow that will rattle your world more dramatically than anything the government has ever previously done to you. You see, Barack Obama has lots of racial scores he wants to settle, and this one is at the very top of his “to-do” list.

Like a dutiful totalitarian, Obama has quietly been hard at work on a stealth plan to make Republican suburban communities from coast to coast disappear. It's a plan to empower Democrat-led cities to annex those suburbs and seize political control of them. How? By moving large numbers of poor blacks and Latinos (virtually all Democrats) out of the cities and into the surrounding white suburbs, where they can be much more politically useful to Obama and his party. Instead of merely being “surplus voters” who do nothing more than pad massive Democratic margins of assured electoral victories in urban districts, these transplanted nonwhite Democrats will now be utilized to help Obama tip the demographic scales in a host of Republican suburbs—and turn them Democratic.

Obama's plan was conveniently buttressed by the recent Texas Housing v. Inclusive Communities Supreme Court decision, where the Court's five reliable left-wing activists ruled that plaintiffs will henceforth be permitted to base housing-discrimination lawsuits on mere population statistics. That is, they won't be required to show evidence of actual racial discrimination, or even of any intent to discriminate. Instead they can simply cite, as “proof” of discrimination, the racial makeup of a given neighborhood with comparatively few black or Latino residents. And even if that neighborhood is able to definitively show that no discriminatory motive or policy has ever existed there, it won't matter. “Disparate impact”—a statistical racial or ethnic imbalance in a given population—is now enough to indicate guilt.

The Texas Housing decision dovetails beautifully with the Obama agenda, as laid out in a recently unveiled 377-page document called “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” crafted behind closed doors by the nameless, unelected bureaucrats at Obama's Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In this document, the Obama Administration articulates its plan to aggressively and forcibly change the demographics of majority-white suburban neighborhoods by requiring them—even in cases where housing discrimination has never even been alleged, let alone proved—to meet federally imposed quotas for the creation of government-subsidized, multi-family “affordable housing” units, and to aggressively market those units to ethnic and racial minorities.

A corollary Obama plan will be to enact a “regional tax-base sharing” scheme that diverts a portion of suburban tax money into a common regional pot, from which it is then redistributed to poor urban neighborhoods. Thus the suburbs will not only be blended into the cities racially and politically, but economically as well.

This will all take place, of course, under the pious banner of “social and racial justice.”

As Obama sees things, black or brown skin, by definition, makes people victims of white America's intransigent bigotry. And justice demands that their victimhood be addressed by a variety of compensatory measures, like the privilege of living—at taxpayer expense—in a community whose existing residents—whatever their race or ethnicity—sacrificed a great deal in order to get there.

Obama's scheme has limitless political potential because of one vital fact: Whereas Republicans constitute fewer than 40 percent of all residents in cities with populations above 500,000, the corresponding figure in the suburbs that surround those same cities is 52 percent. That's a rather slim majority, thus Obama is cocksure that he can erase it with some well-executed social engineering which he can orchestrate from his throne. All he needs to do is infuse a few dozen middle-class, suburban congressional districts with several hundred or several thousand additional nonwhite, impoverished Democrats, and he will have sown the seeds of a permanently transfigured electoral map, a permanent Democrat majority in the House of Representatives, a permanent totalitarian future of one-party rule.

If the neighborhoods targeted by Obama's grand scheme have preferred, up to now, to be zoned for single-family housing, too bad for them. It's time for a change. Washington knows best. The Democrat Party knows best. President Obama can sniff out a singular white racist at a thousand paces, without so much as a mild breeze to carry the scent.

“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” effectively authorizes the federal government to re-engineer, through HUD, every neighborhood in America—that is, to obliterate all local zoning laws and create racial “balance” wherever and whenever it pleases.

So how will HUD decide where to focus first? That's easy: It will consult the reams of data it has been quietly and secretly gathering, without a shred of statutory authority from Congress, about the racial and economic makeup of every community in the nation. As investigative journalist and Hoover Institution Fellow Paul Sperry explains, HUD's bureaucratic beavers have been busy analyzing the distribution of “four racial groups—white, Asian, black or African-American, and Hispanic/Latino”—in “every U.S. neighborhood” and representing them as different-colored dots on “geospatial data” maps designed to “pinpoin[t] racial imbalances.” The dots on these maps will serve as the basis upon which HUD will target various communities with its demands for forced population redistribution.

And you, my fellow American, constitute a microscopic fraction of one of those dots. Makes ya real proud, don't it?

Now you may be wondering, what if some municipalities try to resist the Obama decree? Predictably, our stalwart master has already figured out how to deal with such obstinate party poopers: The government will punish them by cutting off their federal aid. And if that's not enough to gain their submission, the government will file economically devastating federal lawsuits claiming violations of fair-housing regulations.

This, then, is the grand plan that Barack Obama has so cleverly pieced together to systematically—district by district, state by state—turn one suburban congressional district after another from Republican red to Democrat blue.

“What about my personal rights and liberties?” you may be tempted to ask, rather quaintly.

Sorry, pal. To Barack Obama and the Democrats, you're just a white, black, brown, or yellow dot on a geospacial map. Your only civic duty is to sit still, keep your mouth shut, and wait for the masterminds at HUD to sprinkle you where they want you, like a grain of salt, pepper, or sand.

Meanwhile, Obama and the Democrats are having one heckuva good laugh over your meaningless little lives, which are so pathetically insignificant in comparison to the glorious utopia they're busy erecting behind your backs.
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Old 12-07-2015, 06:27 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
This threadt was a piece of crap when it was started--and it still is.
While I always respect what you post, in this case, I have to reluctantly disagree with you. I do believe Obama and the Democrats are turning the races against each other and positioning themselves as the ones who can solve the problems. Unfortunately, they have made everything about race, and cast white men as villains. I just can't live with that.
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Old 12-07-2015, 11:13 PM   #139
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Are you a "white man," JL?

How do we know that you're not just a liberalcommiefagot in white man's clothing?
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Old 12-08-2015, 12:03 AM   #140
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Are you a "white man," JL?

How do we know that you're not just a liberalcommiefagot in white man's clothing?
how do we know you aren't a turd monkey ?

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Old 12-08-2015, 12:11 AM   #141
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
I caught the part with Ray Nagin. What a dumbass he is. He's sitting in a jail cell for stealing from those Chocolate people, lol. Black people are getting screwed and tattooed by their leaders, not the average white guy on the street. To simplify it even further, in 2008 the poor black guy who voted for Obama in hopes of seeing a ray of light at the end of the tunnel, in 2015 he's still poor and in the dark. Blacks need to wake up and stop enslaving themselves by rallying around those that make promises to them they never intend to keep.

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Old 12-10-2015, 07:20 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I caught the part with Ray Nagin. What a dumbass he is. He's sitting in a jail cell for stealing from those Chocolate people, lol. Black people are getting screwed and tattooed by their leaders, not the average white guy on the street. To simplify it even further, in 2008 the poor black guy who voted for Obama in hopes of seeing a ray of light at the end of the tunnel, in 2015 he's still poor and in the dark. Blacks need to wake up and stop enslaving themselves by rallying around those that make promises to them they never intend to keep.

I'm surprised that they do not see they are being taken advantage of by the very people purporting to help them.
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Old 12-11-2015, 02:16 AM   #143
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
While I always respect what you post, in this case, I have to reluctantly disagree with you. I do believe Obama and the Democrats are turning the races against each other and positioning themselves as the ones who can solve the problems. Unfortunately, they have made everything about race, and cast white men as villains. I just can't live with that.
White Devils
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Old 12-11-2015, 06:00 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
I'm surprised that they do not see they are being taken advantage of by the very people purporting to help them.
Even though Trump has a lot of people both black and white bashing him these days. There is one thing he isn't doing, he isn't making any promises to minorities. Now that might mean he doesn't give a shit about them, but at least he isn't pissing down their backs and telling them it's raining like so many others have.

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Old 12-11-2015, 06:01 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Are you a "white man," JL?

How do we know that you're not just a liberalcommiefagot in white man's clothing?

Some are good... some aren't, which are you Stinky Breath?



Medal of Honor recipient Tibor Rubin wanted to show that Jews could fight as well as die.
December 11, 2015 Peter Collier 32

Our country lost a hero last Saturday (December 5), a hero it acquired along the way, when Tibor Rubin—“Ted,” as he liked to be called because that was his “American name”—died. His birth certificate said he was 86, but by his own calculation he was actually a little younger than that since he believed that he had a second birthday when he arrived in America 67 years ago.

Ted’s story is one of the most remarkable in U.S. military history. It is a story of daring and determination not quite like any other. It is a story given flesh and bones by simple human decency.

Voluble and mordantly funny, Rubin, a thick and powerful man even in old age and still speaking an immigrant’s eccentric English, told me about it a few years ago during a couple of interviews I conducted with him for a book I was doing on the Medal of Honor.

The story begins in Hungary where he was born in 1929 in the small town of Paszto. His family were Jews, but this didn’t matter to their neighbors—not yet, anyhow. “We have a beautiful life there,” Rubin said. “We didn’t bother nobody and nobody bothered us.”

As World War II approached, things changed as the Hungarian government, Hitler’s ally, passed a series of anti-Jewish measures imitating those the Nazis had used in laying down a foundation for the Holocaust. When he was 13 and they sensed that night was falling, Rubin’s parents sent him to Budapest in the hope that he would be absorbed by the big city. He survived on his own for a couple of years, but when the round up came, he couldn’t hide. He was arrested and packed with hundreds of others into cattle cars headed for the Mauthausen camp in Austria. He never forgot the German commandant’s chilling greeting upon their arrival there: “You Jews, none of you are going to get out of here alive.”

The rest of his family were arrested too, although It was several years before he learned what happened to them. His father (a hero in the Austria-Hungarian Army in World War I who had been captured by the Russians and spent several years in one of their prisons) died at Buchenwald. His mother and two sisters were sent to Auschwitz. While being processed there, the youngest of the two girls, 10 year old Elonja, was taken away and put into a line headed for the crematorium. His mother, who had been selected for forced labor, ran to join the girl, yelling back at her older daughter (who would survive to tell the story), “I’ll go with Elonja. She shouldn’t have to die alone.”

Emaciated and diseased, Rubin managed to survive until May 5, 1945, when Malthausen was liberated by the U.S. 11th Armored Division. “When they picked me up I was a sack of bones,” he told me. “I was covered with lice and it didn’t seem that I could live.” Fed and given medical attention, he slowly returned to the world of the living. During his recovery, he was sustained by the image of the American soldiers breaking down the gates of the death camp: “Now I have a debt to pay. I make a promise. If, Lord help me, I ever go to America, I’m gonna be a GI Joe.”

Entering the purgatory of the “displaced person,” he was eventually sent to a children’s camp to await a final destination. There was only one place he wanted to go, the place he associated with freedom because of the soldiers who had liberated him: America. But months and then years passed with no visa. Rubin watched French, Belgian, Italian and even Russian Jews get permission to emigrate while he was forced to stay behind. His sin was coming from a country that had been part of the Axis; it seemed to make no difference to the authorities that this country had also killed his family.

Finally, in May 1948, he had a deliverance when he was put on a ship headed for New York. He was given a valise for his meager belongings and ten dollars spending money for the trip. Wanting to leave every vestige of his past behind, he threw the valise over the side as soon as he was at sea and used most of the money to buy candy at the ship’s canteen.

Rubin was 18 when he arrived at Ellis Island. Sponsored by a Jewish refugee organization, he and everything he carried with him were sprayed with DDT. He was given a shower and a haircut and new clothes (the only ones he had were those on his back—cut out of U.S. Army blankets).

The refugee organization helped him get a place to live and a job as an apprentice in a butcher shop in a Hungarian neighborhood in New York. Everyone spoke Hungarian at work and at home, read Hungarian newspapers, listened to Hungarian music and ate Hungarian food. It was a comforting environment, reminiscent of the old country. He could have stayed there forever. But Rubin had a different plan: “I want to pay back the country. I want to be a G.I. Joe like the guys who liberate me. I decided to join the Army. What was more American than the Army?”

He tried to enlist on three separate occasions, failing each time because his English was so poor that he couldn’t understand the aptitude tests. He finally convinced a recruiting sergeant to feed him the answers and managed to pass. Rubin joined the Army in February 1950 and was assigned to the 8th Cavalry Regiment. He was not a citizen yet but the men in his platoon Americanized him on the spot by renaming him “Ted.”

Soon after he finished basic training the Korean War erupted. Within weeks, his unit was in Okinawa, readying for battle. As the troops were getting ready to board the troop ships that would carry them to Korea, Rubin was summoned by his commanding officer.

“You are not a citizen,” the officer told him, “and I’m not going to let you go. You’ll be transferred to a safe zone.”

“What’s that? Rubin asked.

“A place where there’s no fighting—Japan or Germany.”

Rubin suppressed a smile at the idea that Germany could ever be considered safe for a Jew and asked in his broken English, “What about the guys?”

Taking a moment to understand what he meant, the officer said, “The other men in your unit are U.S. citizens and they’re going to Korea and they’re going to fight there.”

“I go with the guys,” Rubin said.

The officer tried to dissuade him. Rubin wouldn’t budge. The officer finally threw up his hands and told him that he would have to go to headquarters and fill out a form stipulating that he was volunteering for duty in the war zone. Rubin completed the paperwork and boarded a troop carrier with the rest of his unit. The 8th Cavalry arrived in Korea late one afternoon and was in action by four that morning.

Rubin was excited to be able to go into action. But the sergeant of his platoon, a Southerner named Watson, hated Jews and began “volunteering” him for hazardous patrols. Each time he returned from one of them, Watson gave him a look of disgust and grumbled, “You damned Jews, nothing can kill you. You’re like cats. You got nine lives.”

On one occasion, the sergeant sent Rubin to check out a village not far from the American position. Rubin returned to say that it was ominously quiet and he believed dangerous. Watson ignored the warning and ordered him to return with a squad led by Corporal James Hamm and 10 other men. As they drew close, Korean soldiers hidden in the village opened fire, killing all the Americans except for Rubin and Hamm, who was badly wounded. Rubin made his way back to his own lines to report what had happened. Then he said he was returning for Hamm. “Why bother?” Sergeant Watson asked. “He’s dead by now.” Rubin said, “He’s my friend.” Then he went back for Hamm and carried him to safety.

Later on, in an engagement near Chirye, when his company commander decided to redeploy the men from one hill to another, more defensible one under the cover of darkness, Watson ordered Rubin to stay behind by himself to cover the movement. He spent the night stocking every foxhole with grenades and rifles and ammunition. The next morning, the North Koreans, unaware that all the Americans save one had withdrawn, advanced on the position.

“All hell broke loose,” Tibor says. “I was so scared I went bananas. I was screaming.” He ran from one foxhole to another, firing the weapons he had hidden and lobbing grenades at the hundreds of North Korean soldiers below and making them think they faced a large force. He single handedly held the hill until the next day, inflicting a large number of casualties on the enemy. Then he surprised his sergeant by managing to make his way back to his unit. As Watson stared at him incredulously, Rubin felt satisfaction: “I show him that Jews can fight, we can bleed like anybody else and we die like anybody else.”

On October 30, 1950, Chinese forces which had just entered the war attacked his unit in a massive night assault. Rubin took over a machine gun after three other gunners went down. He continued to man it while the unit withdrew. Just as his ammunition was exhausted, Rubin was wounded and taken prisoner, along with James Hamm, the corporal whose life he had earlier saved.

Now Rubin, who had already survived a fascist death camp, would get to experience the communist variety, first at a place called Pukchin, known by the inmates there as “Death Valley," and then at Pyoktong, where he was thrown in with hundreds of Americans, Brits, Turks, and others fighting under the U.N. banner. While the camp commanders there lacked the creative sadism of the SS, life there was nightmarish for the prisoners. They were cold, hungry, and diseased. Dozens died each day, primarily from dysentery. “It was hardest on the Americans who were not used to this," Rubin told me. “I was ready. I had a heck of a basic training from the Germans."

One day he was pulled aside by a Chinese communist officer who had heard him talking with the other prisoners.

Where are you from?” the man asked in impeccable English the envious Rubin later discovered he had learned as a student at UCLA.

“New York.”

“No you’re not,” the officer sneered. “You can’t even speak English.”

“I live in Hungarian section.”

“Who won the World Series last year?” the Chinese barked.

“What’s World Series?” Rubin floundered.

After he had finally admitted the truth about his birthplace, his interrogator said: “You come from the Peoples Republic of Hungary and yet you fight for the imperialists.”

“What’s imperialists?”

“The rich man. You fight for the rich capitalist.”

His captors offered to release him to the Hungarians and told him he would have good food and clothes there and full freedom. Rubin laughed at them: “I’ve been there. Never going back. I’m in America now.”

He employed all the skills that had helped him survive the Holocaust to keep himself and other prisoners alive. Many nights he snuck into the Korean supply area to steal food from his captors. Climbing over and under fences and dodging roving spotlights, he broke into supply houses and jammed whatever provisions he could steal into the legs of his pants and then, cinching them at the cuff with a string, crawled back through the barbed wire to the stockade to distribute what he had to his fellow prisoners. He treated the sick and injured as best he could without medicine. When they died, he buried them and prayed the Kaddish over their bodies. The men called him their angel of mercy.

Ted Rubin stayed in the camp until the end of the war. The Army credits him with saving over 40 lives during his two and a half years of imprisonment at Pyoktong.

After the armistice, he was repatriated to the United States. He returned to work as a butcher and finally received his U.S. citizenship. He had heard rumors that his superiors had recommended him for the Medal of Honor but as the months went by and he heard nothing, he concluded, correctly as it worked out, that his nemesis Sergeant Watson had sabotaged the paperwork. Soon he was married and had two children and medals for an increasingly distant war did not seem very important.

Many of the men in his original unit assumed that he had received the Medal and were surprised when he told them after deciding on a whim to attend a Korean War veterans' reunion that he had never heard anything about it. James Hamm and others who knew what Rubin had done began a push for a reopening of his file, contacting the Army and their Congressmen.

Rubin thought nothing would come of it. He didn’t really care. His life was full. He had his family. He had also adopted a Home for Jewish Veterans as his personal charity. Every holiday season for nearly twenty years he organized meals and entertainment and gifts for the men who lived there. They called him “the Jewish Santa Claus.”

But partly in response to his buddies’ pressure, the Defense Department began in 1996 to reconsider possible bigotry in the awards given—or not--to Jewish soldiers. The wheels ground slowly—there is a supreme effort to get the Medal right--but finely. All of the military reviewers who read Ted Rubin’s file—individuals who were accustomed to reading of epic battlefield exploits--were astonished by the evidence of his bravery and endurance, by his survivor’s heart.

In September 2005, justice was finally done when Ted Rubin was awarded the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony presided over by President George W. Bush. He was the fifteenth Jew to receive the Medal since it was established during the Civil War and the first to receive it for service in Korea.

He was proud to be recognized—the final step in his long journey to America—but for Rubin the best award would always be that he, a refugee from the Holocaust, had been able to become a U.S. citizen. “This is the best country in the world and I’m part of it,” he told me with glistening eyes the last time I saw him. “I don’t have to worry if the Gestapo is going to knock on my door tonight. Do you understand what this means? I have shalom, peace. People die for it.”
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Old 12-11-2015, 08:35 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Has he been successful, you bloviating turd? Has he? You'd be the lying, miscreant who fails to mention that It was Feinstein who put forth a bill in 2013 banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It also provided for the grandfathering in existing weapons owned by citizens. So no weapons would be 'taken away' as you erroneously claim, you gruberised odumbo shitstain. Here's the man in his own words. He is not against guns. He is against military grade assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The public has no use for those.

Obama, Sept. 9, 2008: I just want to be absolutely clear, alright. So I don’t want any misunderstanding. When ya’ll go home and you’re talking to your buddies, and they say, “Ah, he wants to take my gun away,” you’ve heard it here — I’m on television so everybody knows it — I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away. … So, there are some common-sense gun safety laws that I believe in. But I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to find an excuse not to vote for me, don’t use that one. Cause that just ain’t true.

And again, after the Gifford's shooting

Obama, March 13, 2011: I know some aren’t interested in participating. Some will say that anything short of the most sweeping anti-gun legislation is a capitulation to the gun lobby. Others will predictably cast any discussion as the opening salvo in a wild-eyed scheme to take away everybody’s guns. And such hyperbole will become the fodder for overheated fundraising letters.

But I have more faith in the American people than that. Most gun-control advocates know that most gun owners are responsible citizens. Most gun owners know that the word “commonsense” isn’t a code word for “confiscation.” And none of us should be willing to remain passive in the face of violence or resigned to watching helplessly as another rampage unfolds on television.

Looks like he knows you, IB chicken dick, when he mentions that people will use it as an excuse to put forth some idiotic scheme about Obama coming for your guns. It's bullshit, you're bullshit and you're done.

your glorious fucktard leader speaks with forked tongue!

he wants to sell his agenda of "Hope and Change". what he really wants is the USSA.


Indians, ACA, Surveillance, what won't this jackass lie about? he'll lie about anything to further his agenda.


but then again, you, woomby, are an admitted socialist. Yet you claim to make a "good living". when they come to take all that away, what will be your response? No, you can take away everyone else's money but not mine?


nice try hypocrite.

“the Revolution devours its children,”

you will be one of the first to go woomby. and you'll be so shocked it won't be funny!

so keep hoping for that socialist revolution you so desperately want. you may get what you ask for. the HARD WAY.

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