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Old 09-13-2014, 03:12 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by sean rider View Post
So what I found was she, in fact, has not outted clients. She has, however, blogged a single time about non-commercial sex partners by name. Some, apparently, were married at the time. I don't know why she did it, but it seems like a bad decision.

The degree to which that indiscretion implies commercial clients are endangered is, I suppose, a personal decision. I'm not worried about it, but then I'm not cheating on anyone.
It isn't about her outing clients. She hurt a few people's feelings on the board and they're angry at her. Then there's evidently some issues with her competition. Money and hurt feelings generate a lot of drama. Granted Kate doesn't seem to mind stirring it up.
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Old 09-13-2014, 03:26 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by FloridaShark View Post
It isn't about her outing clients. She hurt a few people's feelings on the board and they're angry at her. Then there's evidently some issues with her competition. Money and hurt feelings generate a lot of drama. Granted Kate doesn't seem to mind stirring it up.
No you are full of shit FS...it is ABSOLUTELY about her outing....
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Old 09-13-2014, 03:58 PM   #138
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The topic of this thread is Hooker Church... you know that private but NOT SECRET lunch/brunch, started by Secret Amore and apparently moderated by Claire She Blows, that some ladies participate in on Sundays. Could we stay on that topic in this thread, please?

If you feel the need to discuss ElectricFeelNow (EFN for short) there are at least two active threads here in Coed that you can take your discussion to:
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Old 09-13-2014, 04:31 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
The topic of this thread is Hooker Church... you know that private but NOT SECRET lunch/brunch, started by Secret Amore and apparently moderated by Claire She Blows, that some ladies participate in on Sundays. Could we stay on that topic in this thread, please?

If you feel the need to discuss ElectricFeelNow (EFN for short) there are at least two active threads here in Coed that you can take your discussion to:
I know its been a long time ago boss...and the TOPIC of the thread is Hoogar Church...But the OP IS EFN, and her agenda is again in play in the body of the OP post, with very little reference to HC. However I will abstain from continuing discussions in this thread on her except if it alludes to her excommunication from Hoogar Church.

I had a lot of fun this last Sunday meeting some fellow providers for "Hooker Church," and I'd really love to do it again this Sunday!

I was only able to stay for 20-30 minutes due to an appointment, but it was so nice being able to have conversations with the ladies who know exactly what I go through and work with in a private setting. No Johns lurking and no trolls to mock us or degrade us. It was much different than meeting providers through Happy Hours and lunches, it literally felt like a small sanctuary...like Church

I really hope we can get at least a few providers together again this Sunday for some brunch, I'm open to any location and can possibly help with rides. Providers - PM me or reply here if you are interested.

It's so important for us providers to work together and take back the control we very much have in this business, and it's particularly important for us to stop the misogyny and abuse that occurs on this board daily.

It's important for us to build each other up and protect each other. It's important to find friends in this industry, particularly friends you don't mix business with (unless you wanna make an extra few hundred bucks ).

It's important to learn about one another and discuss our work, why we do it, what we like, what we don't like, what scares us, what elates us, what makes us do what we do...it's important to (privately) attach an identity to our handles. We need to be seen as human beings, even if just by our fellow providers.

I understand that most women cannot be as vocal as I am in their personal lives about what we do, most women don't have blogs or Facebooks where they openly talk about Sex Work and Sex Workers and Sex Worker Rights, which is why it's even MORE important for those women to find an outlet somewhere. There's no reason to hide, especially if you're looking for fellow providers and friends to safely vent/chat/gossip/laugh with.

I thought this was a very positive and fun way to get to know the community a little better and it was just fascinating to be surrounded by other women who were just like me. I felt uplifted, I laughed my butt off, I bonded, I watched girls eat a lot of sausage...it was fun!

Let's do it again!

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Old 09-13-2014, 09:14 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post

Minor biblical infraction...equals negative "Jesus Points"...merely prolongs their time in purgatory (backpage) before they can join in the devine sanctity of "Hoogar Heaven".

What, you may ask, IS Hoogar Heaven?

  • Johns always smell good
  • Johns always pay full asking rate
  • Johns never go over time
  • Johns always bring wine
  • Johns always cum when told to
No no no in hoogar heaven they get paid for their time and companionship
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Old 09-13-2014, 09:24 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by NikkiWhite View Post
No no no in hoogar heaven they get paid for their time and companionship

Hoogar Heaven Disclaimer:

Membership in Hoogar Heaven should never be considered Prostitution. Hoogars are available for companionship & are only paid for same. Any thing that happens between a Hoogar Angel & visiting John (such as LFK, DFK, Surfboard, ACG, CG, Doggie, DATY, DATO, Digits, Breast Worship, Cawk Worship, 69, Grecian Journeys, Russian, Wanky Yanks), is nothing more than two people enjoying the company of each other.
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Old 09-13-2014, 09:25 PM   #142
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Freaking Spam. Badboyzz how are you gonna hock Bangalore pussy if your long winded spam puts potential clients to sleep?
ZZZZZZZZZZZ :goodnight:
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Old 09-13-2014, 10:02 PM   #143
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Hey Badboyzz, I'm trying to fucking read this fucking thread! Get your fucking shit ad about Bangalore Badonkadonks out of the fucking way!

And who the fuck writes an ad that fucking long?!?! Anybody trying to read that whole fucking ad is going to pass out, before they get a chance to fucking contact you. And what fucking relevance does Bangalore pussy have here?!?! This is Texas you fucktard!!

So go and Ramya-langa-ding-dong your fucking ass out of here and peddle that shit somewhere else!

Goddamn motherfuckers interrupting my bedtime reading and shit! I had to throw in my other hand to help message this. And I had a good hard-on going!

Now for on topic comments: This (thread topic) didn't need to be shared openly with us guys. This topic was for the gals, and should have been discussed in the no-mongers-allowed area. It was insensitive to bring into the open, secret or not. Amusing thread? Yes. Was it necessary? No.

That said... Go Pussy Power! Wonder Twat powers unite! Be the Breast you can be! Give a Hand to Job you do best! All that good stuff that keeps you women supportive of each other.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to reviving my erection as I want to sleep soon after... Ummm, yeah.

Anyone care to help?
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Old 09-13-2014, 11:14 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Centaur View Post
So much for friendly disagreement.

But then how could they publicly flog their persona non grata and demand a bit of kowtowing as the re-entry price? Sorry Claire and Amore, I think well of both of you, but if this wasn't meant to be a spectacle, you're doing it wrong. What it looks like is EFN ticked you off and you're venting. And hey, maybe she did dishonor some quid pro quo not to talk about Fight Club. I know I wouldn't trust her to respect a confidential agreement. But given that she actually has outed clients (even if they haven't been members here), I'd be damn relieved she didn't show her usual reckless disregard for others' safety. Outed you haven't been, but if I were in your high-heels, I'd never have anything to do with her again, no matter how profusely she apologizes (not that that will ever happen).

Look, you said something dumb a few threads back. Toyz will remember it until the heat death of the universe and continue to needle you about it because that's what trolls do. But to everyone else it was just a dumb move like we've all made and will make again as fallible human beings. To paraphrase Rilke, you're character will be estimated not on the last dick move you made, but by who you've been over your entire time here. I can only speak for myself, but I think you're basically a pretty smart and decent person on this board.

Oh, no no, honey. Not dumb, needed to be said. I'll go back on that thread sometime today tio clarify. Very defensive about your supposed argument that a woman's struggle is somehow less than that black people's struggle. As I recall, black men got that right to vote (at least in theory) before we did. And that's just the top of the icepberg of what I have to say. Dumb? Are you mother fucking kidding me?

I'm just gonna leave this here in the hopes we can all just take a chill pill and take a step back from an aneurism...

Oh, no no, honey. Dumb?. I'll go back on that thread sometime today today and clarify. but, I'm still very defensive about your supposed argument that a woman's struggle is somehow less than that of black people's struggle. As I recall, black men got the right to vote (at least in theory and before the eyes of the law) before we did. And that's just the tip of the icepberg of what I have to say. Dumb? What i am reading is that words DO have power. Just less so when they are referring to women, and more so when they are referring to black people. Now what struggle would have made that possible???? I"m thinking, and, oh wiat, and we had the same fucking struggle...where is our indignation here?


As it seems, game on.
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Old 09-13-2014, 11:16 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by Kanyon View Post
Hey Badboyzz, I'm trying to fucking read this fucking thread! Get your fucking shit ad about Bangalore Badonkadonks out of the fucking way!

And who the fuck writes an ad that fucking long?!?! Anybody trying to read that whole fucking ad is going to pass out, before they get a chance to fucking contact you. And what fucking relevance does Bangalore pussy have here?!?! This is Texas you fucktard!!

So go and Ramya-langa-ding-dong your fucking ass out of here and peddle that shit somewhere else!

Goddamn motherfuckers interrupting my bedtime reading and shit! I had to throw in my other hand to help message this. And I had a good hard-on going!

Now for on topic comments: This (thread topic) didn't need to be shared openly with us guys. This topic was for the gals, and should have been discussed in the no-mongers-allowed area. It was insensitive to bring into the open, secret or not. Amusing thread? Yes. Was it necessary? No.

That said... Go Pussy Power! Wonder Twat powers unite! Be the Breast you can be! Give a Hand to Job you do best! All that good stuff that keeps you women supportive of each other.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to reviving my erection as I want to sleep soon after... Ummm, yeah.

Anyone care to help?
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Old 09-13-2014, 11:18 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by chelseabean View Post
Oh, no no, honey. Dumb?. I'll go back on that thread sometime today today and clarify. but, I'm still very defensive about your supposed argument that a woman's struggle is somehow less than that of black people's struggle. As I recall, black men got the right to vote (at least in theory and before the eyes of the law) before we did. And that's just the tip of the icepberg of what I have to say. Dumb? What i am reading is that words DO have power. Just less so when they are referring to women, and more so when they are referring to black people. Now what struggle would have made that possible???? I"m thinking, and, oh wiat, and we had the same fucking struggle...where is our indignation here?

As it seems, game on.
Oh yeah all those years of female slavery we learned about in US History man hard times. Women were hung just for being women and what-not.
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Old 09-13-2014, 11:21 PM   #147
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[QUOTE=chelseabean;1055799197] As I recall, black men got the right to vote (at least in theory and before the eyes of the law) before we did. QUOTE]

What was it like back then Chelsea? Particularly how did you do quickies with all those ties and buttons and shit you had to wear in 1920?

{Just giving you shit}

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Old 09-13-2014, 11:44 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by chelseabean View Post
As I recall, black men got the right to vote (at least in theory and before the eyes of the law) before we did. QUOTE]

What was it like back then Chelsea? Particularly how did you do quickies with all those ties and buttons and shit you had to wear in 1920?

{Just giving you shit}


And do black people today understand what slavery was in the 19th century Of course not. Does that invalidate the systemic issue of their struggle in this century? It does not. And it doesn't for ours either.
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Old 09-13-2014, 11:51 PM   #149
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Are Hindu's welcome at hooker church? Anyway, I couldn't get past the second line - too much curry.
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Old 09-14-2014, 12:13 AM   #150
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post

And do black people today understand what slavery was in the 19th century Of course not. Does that invalidate the systemic issue of their struggle in this century? It does not. And it doesn't for ours either.
Grudges can be held forever...and seemingly passed down from generation to generation...gender to gender. Hate is an easy emotion to fan.

Finding a "cause" is never difficult if one wants to dig deep enough. We can all find some terrible thing that was done to someone in our family tree if we go back far enough.

My point is that too often people look for a reason to go on the defensive or offensive simply because they want to feel superior or victimized.
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