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Old 01-23-2011, 11:31 AM   #196
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can i hit his like button more than once
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:36 AM   #197
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Lacey, the problem with absolutes, like "never" and "always" is that they leave you no recourse, no escape route, no way to save face at a later time...

Like I said...I always wondered what happened to you when your ads started disappearing a year ago...
This really needs to continue to blossom on the next page...
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:39 AM   #198
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I didn't post that. Somebody else did. I told you guys I had my handle stolen. Looks like you found what I was talking about. Google HUH? You will not know where I post or where I have been posting for the last year. You are more than welcome to follow through on that "eh em" lead and see where it gets you. However, anyone that knows me knows I spell way better than that... Read it. "Delectable" and I have never advertised duos as that's a promoting charge. So, I am too smart for that ad in 3 different ways. Plus, I am not nor could I pass for 33. Close but naaa. Not to mention I know how to link to reviews better than that. There, 5 points of proof I didn't post that... but really... would it be your biz if I did? I don't think so Baby. Now you oober goobers can believe what ever you want. I really don't care. I was in the hospital 2 states away when that ad was posted, that don't look like me and that tattooed bitch is too raunchy for me. It was a bitch trying to get me busted though cause she didn't know I was in the hospital and out of commission for 6 weeks. I had the credit card traced and they were suppose to remove that... I will have to get back on that.
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:44 AM   #199
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Ah, the old "someone stole my handle" routine, wheres my popcorn? Wait for it.....
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:03 PM   #200
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Like I said, I don't care what you think and you aren't going to get me to give up where I advertise to prove you wrong either. If you follow the review link on that, you will see "Charity" has a review for "THAT" date in Savanna Georgia and I was in Arkansas, remember... see Eccie review... for when I went to help my parents move back down here and be by them after getting out of the hospital myself. It's all in my old posts if you aren't too lazy to do that homework... since you wann know so bad... *giggles*

Meanwhile have you guys googled your own names and Houston. Google "Wayward Houston" or "Imacool Houston" or "Dearhunter Houston" ... ... I could go on and on but just googling one of you brings up quite a bit about all of you in a single click. This is why you shouldn't be mods. It's also why you won't win the popularity vote either.

Ooops... you have to put Wayward Eccie Houston Alerts.
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:05 PM   #201
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I'm just gonna say it........ anyone who disagree's with me is just plain wrong!


Now that being said, lets get back to some REALLY key points that I missed up until now......

Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post

But really, from the bottom of my heart... JaD is a sweetheart. He can't escape being adorable. He's funny, witty, charming and I can tell by his personality that he is a good lover.

Eat that bitches!!! Who says 2-pumps and 30 seconds a great lover does not make?!? But I digress......

Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
That's just plain honesty. I would love to meet him if he kept better company. I can't trust him though since he deals with those of you with reputations of outting people and such.
C'mon now....... let's play nice!!! Just when I thinck you are about to "get it" you go and say something like that......... We say things like this because we are tight-knit, and have all been thru a couple of VERY scary times together! Our intolerance for BS and evil people is low, but our compassion and willingness to get other people "IN" with us is imeasurable!! Hence your invite to the "Island of Misfits"...... You show GREAT aptitude to give and take the shots..... that is what we are about....... but when you know that those are in fact terms of endearment and respect, then you will "Get it"...... the key is to not take things here too seriously until we are being serious..... which in the Sandbox is usually rare....... You're getting close my beloved....... very very close......

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Old 01-23-2011, 12:06 PM   #202
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:27 PM   #203
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Like I said, I don't care what you think and you aren't going to get me to give up where I advertise to prove you wrong either. If you follow the review link on that, you will see "Charity" has a review for "THAT" date in Savanna Georgia and I was in Arkansas, remember... see Eccie review... for when I went to help my parents move back down here and be by them after getting out of the hospital myself. It's all in my old posts if you aren't too lazy to do that homework... since you wann know so bad... *giggles*

Meanwhile have you guys googled your own names and Houston. Google "Wayward Houston" or "Imacool Houston" or "Dearhunter Houston" ... ... I could go on and on but just googling one of you brings up quite a bit about all of you in a single click. This is why you shouldn't be mods. It's also why you won't win the popularity vote either.

Ooops... you have to put Wayward Eccie Houston Alerts.
OOOOH I got a mention! Well almost.

For someone who "doesnt care what we think" you sure do like to explain yourself.
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:33 PM   #204
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I could be as bored as YOU! Could be I feel like giving you something to do so you leave others alone. And I could say, for some one who is not attracted to me, you sure are following me around. Curious are ya? You'd never go back to farm animals...lol.

Have you googled yourselves yet?

Oh Baby. Okay then... hmmmm... now I'm confused So if you guys are being nice...lol. What do you do if I piss you off, buy me diamonds?

WW, that wasn't milk...HA! And you owe me diamonds I mean no no that's not it... I'm trying to learn this new math Sweetums now let me get this right cause I wanna nice one that aliens can see That ought to do it...lol.
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:43 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
I didn't post that. Somebody else did. I told you guys I had my handle stolen. Looks like you found what I was talking about.
I gave you an out...I really did...and I was hoping you would take it and save yourself the trouble. Since you persisted in this...here we go down the rabbit hole...

Understandable. You had your handle stolen and someone else was using it. Okay, believable...maybe...

If someone stole your handle then why were they posting an ad in Alabama using your e-mail address that you still use to this day? Any response they got would go to you, not them. Okay, when they stole your handle they stole your e-mail address as well so they were getting the responses. Okay, believable...a little less likely but...

The phone number...if you look into the number you see it goes to a date check reference with your name on it.

Doesn't really look like a "tatooed bitch" you were mentioning who stole your handle. I also seriously doubt that if this wasn't you, on a screening and verification website, that you'd let it stay up. So now the number is yours as well, so this "Charity" person who stole your handle is now posting ads using your name, your e-mail address, and your phone number. Okay, believable...a lot less likely but...

Let's explore this "Charity" person. A quick search turn up an Escorts.com profile for a "Charity".

The stats all seem to be pretty close to yours, so now this girl is putting up Escorts.com profiles using stats that are pretty close to you. Strange. You know, I was always intrigued by your most recent avatar you put up. What's that little smudge down below the picture almost hidden away?

Wierd huh? Then I stumbled across a picture on this "Charity's" Escorts.com profile in her Gallery...

Okay, not even believable anymore...Charity/Lacey...

I tried...how much longer do you want to continue down this road?
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:51 PM   #206
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Im sorry I got lost, who was this directed at? The last sentence is to WW, does that mean the whole thing was?

Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
I could be as bored as YOU! Could be I feel like giving you something to do so you leave others alone. And I could say, for some one who is not attracted to me, you sure are following me around. Curious are ya? You'd never go back to farm animals...lol.

Have you googled yourselves yet?

Oh Baby. Okay then... hmmmm... now I'm confused

WW, that wasn't milk...HA!
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Old 01-23-2011, 01:05 PM   #207
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That's pretty good homework but I all ready answered that Wayway. I was in the hospital and this bitch was trying to get me busted. I didn't put up the BP ad. That review for Georgia is her shit too. I had to deal with cops and everything. My hospital bill made her have to due some time for "giving false info to a government agency". I am Charity, I've said that a hundred times. But since you are there, go read all those nice ass reviews. The one guy never met me and was mad I wouldn't see him. He failed screening cause I didn't like the way he trashed the girl before me. She's a sweetheart. You can look at that too. And strike my point up for meaning I don't see assholes while you are at it. That's still not where I am advertising now though- not for real anyway. Just throwing them off. Like I said, I use this handle (also that one) -since she outted me- to throw them fuckers off my trail. But my Baby knows where I am. He pays good attention. I'm like you... got a whole new approach. It sux having to give up all my reviews. Oh well. But you can read them though. That oughta put a banana up your ass. If you go into my reviews on Eraps, you will see i am Charity. She stole my handle to get me busted, not be me. I am me. I'm assuming I covered that. Let me post my reviews for ya.
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Old 01-23-2011, 01:13 PM   #208
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She's so incoherent she thincks I'm provider who thincks she has cats in her car. WTF? I'm leaving this poor sick woman alone. Its no fun when its not a fair fight. Poor thang. God don't like ugly. Mental health is so important. If she really does have any friends viewing this thread please, reach out and see if you can. Get her some help. You've been jumping up down in/on her for YEARS. Its the least you can do.

What? Hey I can be compasionate and caring.......YAWN.....
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Old 01-23-2011, 01:21 PM   #209
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LC are you rambling at me ( Wayward) or the guy who is making you look like a complete imbecile (Wakeup)? Could it be someone or something else you are really speaking to, can you introduce us to your kitty friends?
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Old 01-23-2011, 01:23 PM   #210
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Here, I'll make it easy for ya:
Review DateReviewed ByRatingAppearanceAttitudeCity 10/21/2010zach011968Best of the bestAttractiveExcellentJoplin, MO 10/18/2010fishingbluesharpBest of the bestAttractiveExcellentJoplin, MO 9/19/2010misunderstood1Best of the bestAttractiveExcellentMeridia n, MS 9/16/2010mrd13Mostly not worth itAverageBelow AverageSpringfield, MO 8/22/2010pilferoyA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentVicksb urg, MS 8/2/2010jlo0817A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentSpring field, MO 7/15/2010misunderstood1Best of the bestAttractiveExcellentMeridia n, MS 7/9/2010springfieldmaleA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentSpring field, MO 7/2/2010VicinmsA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentBiloxi 6/18/2010mill1008Best of the bestAttractiveExcellentPanama City Beach, FL 6/18/2010wottenA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentTallah assee 6/16/2010whereaminowA cut aboveSuper ModelExcellentSanta Rosa Beach, FL 6/2/2010BigGreenTractorBest of the bestAttractiveExcellentSavanna h 5/2/2010bama9492A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentFairho pe, AL 4/28/20102plzunowA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentTallah assee 4/27/2010mill1008A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 4/25/2010citi66A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 4/22/2010ghanzieA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentTallah assee 4/21/2010dothannadA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentDothan , AL 4/21/2010span55A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentTallah assee 4/3/2010mill1008A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 3/23/20102plzunowA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentTallah assee 3/12/2010Bamared77Best of the bestSuper ModelExcellentDothan, AL 3/8/2010span55A cut aboveAttractiveExcellenttallah assee fl, United Kingdom 3/1/2010badboy4uA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 2/25/2010span55Best of the bestAttractiveExcellentTallaha ssee 2/20/2010huggieman1A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City Beach, FL 2/15/2010cpalmsonA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City Beach, FL 2/11/2010bama9492A cut aboveAverageExcellentPensacola 2/10/2010BigGreenTractorA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 2/3/2010magnetoA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 2/3/2010copterdoctorSatisfactoryAttractiveAverageD othan, AL 1/31/2010mill1008A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 1/30/201044formoreA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 1/11/2010gorgy64A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPanama City, FL 1/7/2010ghanzieBest of the bestAttractiveExcellentTallaha ssee 1/6/2010p60847Best of the bestAttractiveAveragePensacola 11/16/2009OldSalt888A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentMobile , AL 11/5/2009pops411A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentMobile , AL 9/29/2009alwayswillingnableSatisfactoryAverageAverageMobi le, AL 9/20/2009prince597782Best of the bestSuper ModelExcellentMobile, AL 9/13/2009davkin010A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentPensac ola 9/8/2009dennis2A cut aboveAverageExcellentPensacola 5/18/2009scorpiosstingA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentIndian apolis 5/11/2009laguna24tA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentIndian apolis, IN 4/21/2009biomed1A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentBiloxi 3/25/2009RdywilablBest of the bestAttractiveExcellentBiloxi 3/7/2009reznorninA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentJackso n, MS 2/26/2009sugarrayA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentMobile , AL 2/18/2009phoenixbwsA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentIndian apolis 2/16/2009cabanaboyA cut aboveAverageExcellentMemphis 1/3/2009derrickwA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentRichla nd, MS 11/19/2008rpmsouthA cut aboveAverageExcellentBiloxi 11/13/2008just4uA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentMobile , AL 10/25/2008illinimanBest of the bestAttractiveExcellentDayton, OH 10/23/2008johnrichardA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentIndian apolis 10/13/2008gretchBest of the bestAttractiveExcellentIndiana polis 10/9/2008scup1958A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentIndian apolis 10/8/2008biomed1A cut aboveAttractiveExcellentIndian apolis 3/12/2008mwkzionA cut aboveAttractiveExcellentColumb us
1hw, guess I am all that huh? HEEHEEHEE. And that's just from 1 site. Blow that out your pie hole.
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