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Old 01-23-2011, 05:30 AM   #181
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Originally Posted by onehitwonder View Post
Are you seriously attempting to advise Reese McClain in who to associate with and how to conduct herself? Please. If you were as wonderful as you thinck you are, you'd be awesome. But...you're not. You're an arrogant, ill mannered, uneducated, narcissistic fake, who's not even smart enough to get out of her own way. So while you're on the outside of popularity, looking in, something I'm sure you've grown accustomed to over these many YEARS, know this, you are not and will never be even remotely in the same class as Reese. Another thing quit begging for attention and affection, it's not ladylike.
Oh, and BTW, just so as not to confuse you, I'm a chick. And Reese and I are very close friends. I'm sure you'll answer this post with a lot of ridiculous, useless personal information that none of us care about, as per usual. However I don't waste bandwidth arguing with people. I said what I NEEDED to say. I'm over IT and YOU. CARRY ON.....

"Clean up on isle 7" *wink* hehe

How am I going to get this in my sig line?
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:34 AM   #182
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Originally Posted by Wayward View Post
BDS is the woman you never were and never could be, while you rant on about your fan club like a sour bottle of milk left on life's unused highway. She loves men, you seem to hate pretty much everything. BabyDoll has not only a much larger group of admirers but the grace not to brag about it. While I've never had the displeasure of meeting you in person your posts make me really not want to. Reese is also very kind woman, maybe she could loan you some manners, OHW a never ending delight but besides annoyance and alleged faded beauty what do you bring except a car full of unhappy cats? Bitterness and hostility are not causing a large swelling in the penis department if you see what I am sayin'

Thanks for stopping by and brightening my early morning.
Wow and Good morning to you Wayward and thancks for brighting my morning.
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:35 AM   #183
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Very carefully..... just use "clean up on isle 7"

That pretty much sums it up anyway. ...
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:43 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
..... age. It's not an issue when you are hot!
When I said you were "old" I was not talking about birth days ... (is my spelling correct?) .... I was talkin' 'bout the number of times ...

...... you been ridden hard and put up wet!

Mileage, off the road.

I know several fine ladies that were born about the time you were, and they are wonderful to enjoy and a joy to experience. Time with them is relaxing, but all of them have enough class to avoid climbing into a thread with a sorry ass attitude and intentionally trying to annoy folks with unnecssary bullshit to "put them down" in order to feel better.

They just feel better naturally....and I always look forward to their company!
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Old 01-23-2011, 07:51 AM   #185
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ROFLMAO, You guys are in MY thread and I AM in HOUSTON! I all ready said that... learn how to read. As far as insulting me you can't... you don't have that power. 50 cats in a car? You go ahead and believe that braniac... *big giggles*. Tell EB "hi". She's been saying that shit since I told her she was nasty for taking 2 dicks up her ass without condoms and even bragging about it on the internet (Double Dippin, EB, ASPD, New Orleans, spring 2009). I'll say it again... that's just nasty. Now ask her when she met me... cause she never has so your source is pathetic. Thanks for the compliment though! Kiss!

Yep, I did, yep I was repeating it and yep, you are right... I thought you were one of the guys. I would have never have imagined a girl choosing that screen name or acting like a dude. The shit you just spewed isn't lady like at all... sounds like a dude with a lil penis. All I can say to that is WOW, sucks to be you. Apparently you are not in OUR league... cause I have never heard of you! I can figure out why!

You guys are never going to get me to insult Reese no matter how hard you try to compare us cause I complimented her and you think she's my weak point. She should be insulted that you would try to use her like that. I know she has a classy clientel and doesn't need to suck up to you. Are you just trying to suck up so she'll see you?

Now as far as me insulting you guys. You started it, you are stalking me and you can't stand that I am better at this game than you. I don't even have to be a bitch, like some, to handle you. I can do it with a smile on my face. I'm not Raphael and gonna go ape shit cause you bug me so bad. You don't. Like I said, it's entertaining watching how you dish it out like you are so damned special and you can't take it. Makes ya mad, don't it! That's the way it is with bullies. So, keep talking shit. If you are aiming it at me and over here then normal people can have a good time in coed and St.C will have a snowballs chance in hell of not losing this site cause you cause so many problems. Exhausted yet? Having problems keeping up with my old fat warn out pussy ass...rof.

WW, you still don't get it? It's your lack of manners that makes me want to waste your time and protect other members by drawing you over here and beating you at your own game. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that nobody is on your site or Eraps Houston because they don't like you. You didn't know I know that's your site... did ya? Wonder who told me? Guys in Houston. Bet you didn't know I know quite a bit about you either... wonder how? Classy girls in Houston. You couldn't pay me enough to see you the way you out people and sending your buddy to my pm box to get my ip by inviting me over there is laughable. And I expect you would be more drawn to the likes of BDS. Birds of a feather! I wouldn't even be talking to her had she not came in my thread trying to bad mouth me like she is something hot to trot. I've read her other posts now and I'd say you should have picked someone else to white knight you cause that girls not cutting it. I did try to help her out by telling her the truth. Maybe she'll listen, maybe she wont but you aren't doing her any favors by lying to her. If you care so deeply about her than get her some help! Lord knows you need something to do and a better purpose in life.

Have you guys looked at the view count to figure out how much support I actually do have yet? Numbers don't lie. None of YOUR threads have that many views. Do they? Hmmmm? Do they? All those people hate you! They wish you were gone so Houston board could be fun without worrying about all the cat crap... I guess according to 1hw, you guys should love me. I do have cats though... not 50... but I do. I rescue them and find them good homes cause I am such a bitch. Oh, 1hw, let her know I have saved over 100 now so she needs to change her little twisted truth to I live in my car with 100 cats... HA! Shit cracks me up how stupid some girls expect people to be. It's okay if you believe her though. Education isn't everything...lol. Maybe I am smart enough to stack them 20 high... no no that won't work. Maybe 10 high... Well maybe...pffft! Here's some real math for ya... look at that view count and figure out how many of them guys just crossed you off of their list for being so "eh em" lady like... *grinning from both ends*... another one bites the dust... heeheehee.
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Old 01-23-2011, 09:48 AM   #186
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
LMAO WU. That's cute. Show me my BP ad.
You made a mistake changing your avatar to an old pic of yourself that day. Are you going to try and say you aren't a BP girl after you did that? I always wondered what happened to you since your BP ads stopped a year ago...got yourself a regular who wanted to bring you to a better life off BP huh?

You can take the girl out of BP but you can never take the BP out of the girl...
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Old 01-23-2011, 10:02 AM   #187
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LOL, isn't there a rule against making false allegations? Don't worry, I won't report it. The proof is in the pudding. I never have posted on BP or Craig's list and I never will. I have however seen where you guys talk about girls over there. Aren't you slapping yourself with your own cat pie? You are more than welcome to post what you think may be my ad. I was always faithful to ASPD. Here, I will change to my most recent avatar so you can see you are mistaking or starting rumors like you do.
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Old 01-23-2011, 10:32 AM   #188
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
I never have posted on BP or Craig's list and I never will.
Lacey, I don't make allegations. If you're entirely positive you've never posted on BP then post the avatar picture of you in the teal underwear down on one knee in front of the fireplace full size so everyone can see it. I'll be anxious to see the comments.

I'm not entirely sure why you're so adamant about denying it. Your better course of action would have been to just admit it and move forward. I don't quite understand you...
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Old 01-23-2011, 10:39 AM   #189
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
ROFLMAO, You guys are in MY thread and I AM in HOUSTON! I all ready said that... learn how to read. As far as insulting me you can't... you don't have that power. 50 cats in a car? You go ahead and believe that braniac... *big giggles*. Tell EB "hi". She's been saying that shit since I told her she was nasty for taking 2 dicks up her ass without condoms and even bragging about it on the internet (Double Dippin, EB, ASPD, New Orleans, spring 2009). I'll say it again... that's just nasty. Now ask her when she met me... cause she never has so your source is pathetic. Thanks for the compliment though! Kiss!

Yep, I did, yep I was repeating it and yep, you are right... I thought you were one of the guys. I would have never have imagined a girl choosing that screen name or acting like a dude. The shit you just spewed isn't lady like at all... sounds like a dude with a lil penis. All I can say to that is WOW, sucks to be you. Apparently you are not in OUR league... cause I have never heard of you! I can figure out why!

You guys are never going to get me to insult Reese no matter how hard you try to compare us cause I complimented her and you think she's my weak point. She should be insulted that you would try to use her like that. I know she has a classy clientel and doesn't need to suck up to you. Are you just trying to suck up so she'll see you?

Now as far as me insulting you guys. You started it, you are stalking me and you can't stand that I am better at this game than you. I don't even have to be a bitch, like some, to handle you. I can do it with a smile on my face. I'm not Raphael and gonna go ape shit cause you bug me so bad. You don't. Like I said, it's entertaining watching how you dish it out like you are so damned special and you can't take it. Makes ya mad, don't it! That's the way it is with bullies. So, keep talking shit. If you are aiming it at me and over here then normal people can have a good time in coed and St.C will have a snowballs chance in hell of not losing this site cause you cause so many problems. Exhausted yet? Having problems keeping up with my old fat warn out pussy ass...rof.

WW, you still don't get it? It's your lack of manners that makes me want to waste your time and protect other members by drawing you over here and beating you at your own game. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that nobody is on your site or Eraps Houston because they don't like you. You didn't know I know that's your site... did ya? Wonder who told me? Guys in Houston. Bet you didn't know I know quite a bit about you either... wonder how? Classy girls in Houston. You couldn't pay me enough to see you the way you out people and sending your buddy to my pm box to get my ip by inviting me over there is laughable. And I expect you would be more drawn to the likes of BDS. Birds of a feather! I wouldn't even be talking to her had she not came in my thread trying to bad mouth me like she is something hot to trot. I've read her other posts now and I'd say you should have picked someone else to white knight you cause that girls not cutting it. I did try to help her out by telling her the truth. Maybe she'll listen, maybe she wont but you aren't doing her any favors by lying to her. If you care so deeply about her than get her some help! Lord knows you need something to do and a better purpose in life.

Have you guys looked at the view count to figure out how much support I actually do have yet? Numbers don't lie. None of YOUR threads have that many views. Do they? Hmmmm? Do they? All those people hate you! They wish you were gone so Houston board could be fun without worrying about all the cat crap... I guess according to 1hw, you guys should love me. I do have cats though... not 50... but I do. I rescue them and find them good homes cause I am such a bitch. Oh, 1hw, let her know I have saved over 100 now so she needs to change her little twisted truth to I live in my car with 100 cats... HA! Shit cracks me up how stupid some girls expect people to be. It's okay if you believe her though. Education isn't everything...lol. Maybe I am smart enough to stack them 20 high... no no that won't work. Maybe 10 high... Well maybe...pffft! Here's some real math for ya... look at that view count and figure out how many of them guys just crossed you off of their list for being so "eh em" lady like... *grinning from both ends*... another one bites the dust... heeheehee.
Who is EB?

I know the concept of friendship is strange to you, so let me try and help. Friends are people you like, that make you life better by being part of it. Cat's and if you really only had 17 in your car during the great flight from Ohio that's so much better than 50, are pets. If you spend 93% of each day talking to your pets they are still not human. We are sorry that you don't have any friends you should PM annoyingone you kids are a perfect match.

LC I know that old spoiled milk thing kind of stung, but you were asking for it. If you would like to continue the reality check we are more than willing. If you know us so well or at all, which is funny and sad enough on it's own, then you would never have posted that last paragraph directed at us.

There are all sorts of people trying to get info on us right now, that isn't going real well for them. Who are these people we have outed? Do you have a list or is this just more of your lies and crazy ass ramblings for attention?
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:45 AM   #190
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Lacey, the problem with absolutes, like "never" and "always" is that they leave you no recourse, no escape route, no way to save face at a later time...

Like I said...I always wondered what happened to you when your ads started disappearing a year ago...
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:48 AM   #191
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Old 01-23-2011, 11:50 AM   #192
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Lacey, the problem with absolutes, like "never" and "always" is that they leave you no recourse, no escape route, no way to save face at a later time...

Like I said...I always wondered what happened to you when your ads started disappearing a year ago...
Since LC, dumped me for JAD & never had the party in her pants for me, I'm nothing more than a scorned lover.

All I can say is PWNED!!!
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:10 PM   #193
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My monitor is now covered in corn flakes and milk.

Lacey how is your morning going? How are your cat friends doing? Are we enjoying the litterbox? About to go vote for Wakeup? Feel like lying anymore today?
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:19 PM   #194
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That should be worth a few votes......can I go change mine?
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:29 PM   #195
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You know the procedure. It also works for wearing out the like button on post # 190
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