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Old 01-23-2011, 02:05 AM   #166
Lacey Companion
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Oh I do like you Reese. I meant everything I said. There are some guys that have known me longer than you and respect my privacy that were a bit confused by some things you said and aligning yourself with these guys. I hate to see that happening. So quit it You are too classy!

I think JaD is cool though. It's WW, WU, DH and MP. I haven't discussed Lexus, KS (though he is funny and I bet fun away from these guys), 1hit, and a few others I can't even remember that don't matter cause they are just suck ups and not really the drama starters or have bad reps. I just can't believe after all the stuff WW has attacked me with, he got his feelings hurt. LOL.
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Old 01-23-2011, 02:10 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Lexus, I put you on my dns list on ASPD about 2 years ago.
Ma'am, there is no doubt in my mind that I am on a substantial number of "dns lists" and probably 99% I never knew they even had a list ... and the 1% it was mutually agreeable. Since we never "met," you're in the 99%.

The problem is, and perhaps no one every really explained it to you, for every time a guy gets told "no" there are five more waiting to say "yes."

That means that if there are a million "no's" there are five million "yes's"...

... waiting for their turn.

Now, does that sound "bitter" to you?

As for the subject of this thread, I was born in Texas, and I suspect I will die in Texas, but in between I have been "out and about." I have always been somewhat partial to ladies who were born and raised in Texas, but that is my comfort zone, I suppose. I have also lived in various parts of Texas, and for the most part enjoy the folks down here, who, if they are from here, are usually genuine, polite, gentleman or ladies, and go out of their way to help their neighbors and strangers who happen to have problems as they were passing through. But there is one quality that I have noticed, and it, in my opinion, was born out of the era that you have trashed, ...... don't come down here and start telling US how to live, or die, cuz' we be doin' pretty good at both ever since, and for the most part, better than you.
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Old 01-23-2011, 02:16 AM   #168
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Sounds like quantity over quality but you go boy! Some of us don't have to take whatever we can get. I prefer quality over quantity and guys that agree. Sorry if that hurts your ego but you seem way more bitter than most. This whole lil clique does even though ya'll don't see it. Well, JaD and KS don't but they do seem bored and maybe a lil too dependent on this site for a social life. I would be happy to fix that if it weren't for that company they keep thing. I could see dating JaD just based on his sense of humor even though I am the blunt of his jokes... it's too bad. I would love a guy who really acted like that but more being silly on the for real side. Saaad! A guy like that could make me happy in a relationship. KS is close but he's doing it more for show than humor. I still bet he's pretty sweet too though. Besides, originality is a HUGE turn on for me. If KS had thought of it first, I would be more drawn to him. I would guess JaD is single and KS is not. Am I right guys? Be honest!

BDS, I have known so many girls like you and in response to your lil fantasy... you wouldn't last in the same room with me. My patience is real thin with chicklettes like you. "I'm just sayin..."
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Old 01-23-2011, 02:27 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Sounds like quantity over quality but you go boy!
Since I have never "applied" for acceptance with you, it's obvious that I am interested in quality. There is a reason why ...

on this and other boards you are called a "provider" and I a "hobbyist"!

It took Southwestern Bell and AT&T a while too, but you will catch on. May be.
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Old 01-23-2011, 02:31 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Some of us don't have to take whatever we can get.
Hearing that from a BP provider...

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Old 01-23-2011, 02:49 AM   #171
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LMAO WU. That's cute. Show me my BP ad. I'm on utr sites put together by former members here and ASPD that you will never be invited to...

Lexus, Baby I'm not McDonalds. I am not in this to "get all the biz" I can so it's more like the Hearthstone Country Club you can't get accepted to... members only. You are not a hobbyist to me and I have never offered my services to you like Ma Bell and AT&T offers their services to just anybody.
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Old 01-23-2011, 02:55 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post

BDS, I have known so many girls like you and in response to your lil fantasy... you wouldn't last in the same room with me. My patience is real thin with chicklettes like you. "I'm just sayin..."
Looks like thats the only thing thin with you!!

you putting the weight on with your old age sweetie
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:25 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Lexus, Baby I'm not McDonalds.
You want to bet? Like I said, and you missed the point, as is understandable.

Some little girls spend their entire lives believing that they have something "special" between their legs ....(usually "Daddy's" fault)... and then some of them when they get old, like you, begin to realize that it ain't so ...

.... you just are bright enough to figure that out yet.

There is one reason that I would not even attempt to make an "appointment" with you .... you post too much on here, which means you talk too much.

But I guess that's what Yankee girls do. Talk a lot.
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:27 AM   #174
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Am I sickly skinny like you... no, that's nasty. My muscles weigh more than your bones. I seen your pics remember? I'm not wasting myself away and pissed at the world about it. That's a stupidity I want no part of in my life. I look healthy, fit and sexy. Why don't you fix that? You are half my age and I look twice as good as you and I am educated. What are you gonna do 5 years from now when you have absolutely no looks left and no education? Do you think these guys are gonna take care of you? Excuse my brutal honesty but geez, put down the bottle, give up the tude and prepare yourself for your future.

Lexus, check your spelling Brainiac. I'm sure you meant that different.

LMAO, a lot of Daddies tell me that

BTW, you may as well give it up on picking on my age. It's not an issue when you are hot!
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:31 AM   #175
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Your over ten years older than me and still suck d*ck....nuff said

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Old 01-23-2011, 03:51 AM   #176
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Well I don't know how old you are, I'm guessing about 25 basing on your bitterness and attitude. I didn't "suck dick" as you so eloquently put it until I quit doing shows at 35. At your age, I made about 4000 a week cause I was one of the top show girls in town. That's why at 41, I have clients who won't see you cause you have abused yourself so bad in your short life. Why are you here and not stripping and making more... nuff said! You should listen to what I am saying and do your body some good. Stop doing things I would never do and you probably wouldn't if you weren't so drunk all the time. I'm being sincere when I say this "get out of the gutter, check into rehab and become a lady". You won't last another year at this rate.
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:54 AM   #177
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Are you seriously attempting to advise Reese McClain in who to associate with and how to conduct herself? Please. If you were as wonderful as you thinck you are, you'd be awesome. But...you're not. You're an arrogant, ill mannered, uneducated, narcissistic fake, who's not even smart enough to get out of her own way. So while you're on the outside of popularity, looking in, something I'm sure you've grown accustomed to over these many YEARS, know this, you are not and will never be even remotely in the same class as Reese. Another thing quit begging for attention and affection, it's not ladylike.
Oh, and BTW, just so as not to confuse you, I'm a chick. And Reese and I are very close friends. I'm sure you'll answer this post with a lot of ridiculous, useless personal information that none of us care about, as per usual. However I don't waste bandwidth arguing with people. I said what I NEEDED to say. I'm over IT and YOU. CARRY ON.....

"Clean up on isle 7" *wink* hehe
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Old 01-23-2011, 04:02 AM   #178
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Did the young pretty girls take your spot on the shows is that why your so bitter?
Is that why you hate on young skinny girls?

Put all your kittys in a kitty cage and load them up, all fifty and bring your big butt to TX and show me how a 41 yr OLD does it, maybe that will shut me up, wait you leaving a City that you dont ever post in unless your out of your meds, will make me shut-up.

Im done 1hitta showed up.....love this chick
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Old 01-23-2011, 04:18 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by Lacey Companion View Post
Well I don't know how old you are, I'm guessing about 25 basing on your bitterness and attitude. I didn't "suck dick" as you so eloquently put it until I quit doing shows at 35. At your age, I made about 4000 a week cause I was one of the top show girls in town. That's why at 41, I have clients who won't see you cause you have abused yourself so bad in your short life. Why are you here and not stripping and making more... nuff said! You should listen to what I am saying and do your body some good. Stop doing things I would never do and you probably wouldn't if you weren't so drunk all the time. I'm being sincere when I say this "get out of the gutter, check into rehab and become a lady". You won't last another year at this rate.
BDS is the woman you never were and never could be, while you rant on about your fan club like a sour bottle of milk left on life's unused highway. She loves men, you seem to hate pretty much everything. BabyDoll has not only a much larger group of admirers but the grace not to brag about it. While I've never had the displeasure of meeting you in person your posts make me really not want to. Reese is also very kind woman, maybe she could loan you some manners, OHW a never ending delight but besides annoyance and alleged faded beauty what do you bring except a car full of unhappy cats? Bitterness and hostility are not causing a large swelling in the penis department if you see what I am sayin'

Thanks for stopping by and brightening my early morning.
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Old 01-23-2011, 04:51 AM   #180
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Hmmm.....my bad. Isles 7,8 and 9! God I love my life...
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