Originally Posted by Ansley
What does that mean?
well as an old communist i believe that all people are the same "quality". Now some believe that there are hierarchies in people (aka different classes in citizenship ) for example that someone plays in league a and others play in league b. so league a is better than league b because -- hmmm--- they can afford gucci sunglasses or are harvard educated . or are white. or believe they "offer quality over quantity" (which means racism elitist because they must - implement to distinct themselves over people that offer "quality over quantity"....) it a word play. An elitist is a snob pretending that they are "the better " people out there. And someone that cannot afford gucci or has not studied at harvard is a worse class of person.
here it is more precise:
or simple snobism:
snobism might be most suitable for the "elite HDHs": "Such a snob idolizes and imitates, if possible, the manners, worldview, and
lifestyle of a classification of people to which they aspire, but do not belong, and to which they may never belong (wealthy, famous, intellectual, beautiful, etc.)."
or simly a "limousine liberal":
or a"champaign socialist":
an escort who pretends to be better than some of her collegues and only caters to the elite or offers "quality over quantity" already judges her collegues as inferiour. Because stating that you "only cater to the elite" means that not everyone is elite. or that some are there who offer only quantity. which is judgemental. so i am especially rude to elitists. to show them i am better and offer more quality than them
that would make me a pluralist so to speak - the natural enemy of an elitist snob, a champaign socialist or even the term HDH:
or better yet an egalitarian who believes we are all of equal quality:
because i try to get as much influence as these elitist snobs by catering to alternative lifestlyes and wanting all the world power to myself. and then hopefully have a few HDHs to cater to me only since I am the NEW ELITE .. haha ...jk