Sorry if my Super-Duper, Handy-Dandy, Provider-Spidey-LE-Sense didn't go off. Unless any of you cooperating witnesses have actually worked with the guy over at _ _ PD, any speculation that he is or isn't LE is just speculation. Now everyone's sounding the LE alarm as if LE doesn't already have complete access to this and other sites. Paranoia is vastly different from caution, but to each her own.
At some point, all of us started with 1 post. Some of us had no references, and no idea how the process worked. Thank goodness for the people who weren't afraid to say "go here" and "look there", which can be said without being implicitly specific.
And as far as who to stay away from and who not to see, I prefer youth and beauty, so that eliminates.................... ..