When I first got into this, I was invited by a gentleman to come to his house for the evening! When I pulled up to his house, I noticed a basketball goal out in the driveway and several kids' toys scattered around on the front porch! I thought the guy may be a divorced dad and had his kids on the weekends, so I never gave it a second thought! He answered the door and led me back to his master bedroom where is was obvious that it was the bedroom he shared with his wife! She worked the night shift in the ER and he said she wouldn't be home until much later! By this time, I am totally freaked out about being in this couple's bedroom! Just as I was explaining to the guy that I was not comfortable, I hear a child crying from another bedroom! That did it.....I was out of there!
All it would have taken was one nut job girl for that situation to turn disastrous........poor guy could have lost everything including his kids!
So, NEVER, EVER do an outcall at your private residence unless you're single!