Originally Posted by bartipero
Good advice, DD but weren't you one of the first in the door with the 'PM me and I'll
[break his legs]' crowd? OOOooooo baby, what up with that, what up with that? So did she? I'm glad the guy gave up the rest and we all got a reminder about the rush to judgment.
As a matter of fact no I wasn't, there were several suggestions made by others that she speak with me. I asked her to PM me, I never implied, stated or in anyway indicated that the individual would be harmed. If you remember at the time, I did not know who she was speaking about, I was asking her for more information and then I said I would see what I could do, maybe the individual was someone I was familar with and could speak with and get the information because in more cases than not, the other side never gets put out there. Dont assume my intentions were for anymore than information. Keep this in mind, I would never put in writing, or say in public anything which would implicate me in a possible criminal endeavor. BY the way, I have never met Erin and dont know her from the chick at McDonalds. I agree with your post about rushing to judgement but I am not sure that asking someone to PM me so I could get more informatiom qualifys. Have a great day.
"OOOooooo baby, what up with that, what up with that? So did she?"
I lost my decoder ring, but if your asking me if she PM'd me, no she didn't.