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Old 12-15-2010, 09:23 PM   #76
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If you through chum in the water, there is going to be a feeding....just don't let it feed on you.
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Old 12-15-2010, 09:58 PM   #77
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A lady's choice to visit or not visit Houston is her choice. If she chooses not to visit because of on person's avatar, that's a shame. But it probably means she wasn't all that committed to coming in the first place.

The avatar is, at minimum, inappropriate. However it is not patently offensive and should not result in him getting points or being otherwise reprimanded by the mods.
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Old 12-16-2010, 03:48 AM   #78
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Okay, I'm going to lay it all out. I'm doing this for two reasons, first, because the thread is beginning to lose momentum, and I want to explain it all before everyone quits looking at it, and two, most of the providers posting here desperately need help figuring out what's going on, they're simply not smart enough to figure it out. So here it goes.

1. Why did I make the avatar? Simple, to see how a certain group of providers would react.

2. Is the avatar in bad taste? Some people will certainly think so.

3. Is the avatar insulting? Some people will certainly think so.

4. If the answers to 3 and 4 are yes, then why did you do it? Because I do not, and have never, given a shit what anyone thinks of me, provider or hobbyist. If you don't like it, that's not my problem. It's just like anything else in the world you can't change, either get over it or dont, either way I don't care.

5. Do you hate providers? Absolutely not.

6. Do you hate dumbass providers? Absolutely.

7. Do you hate dumbass hobbyists? Absolutely.

8. Who determines when someone else is a dumbass. Me, and noone else. Saying that, if you want to avoid popping up on my radar, it behooves you not to do anything to be classified as a dumbass. I have a fairly narrow range of activities that classifies people as dumbasses in my mind.

9. Does starting a thread in the Houston Co-Ed about Wakeup saying that his avatar is the reason why providers don't visit Houston classify the thread starter as a dumbass? Heh, yep.

10. Does starting a thread in the Powder Room about Wakeup's new avatar and espousing his charms like saying he's a danger to providers, he doesn't care about provider safety, he doesn't respect providers, and he needs to be blacklisted classify the thread starter as a dumbass? Heh, yep.


The Powder Room. This is perhaps one of my most mysterious magic tricks. Providers right now are asking themselves, "Does Wakeup have access to the Powder Room?" "How did he get it?" I know they're asking this because of the reactions to my posts that providers have shown here.

When an out-of-town provider pops into Houston Co-Ed and starts bashing me, I start to wonder why. Who is she? Who are her friends? How does she know about me? So I start digging. I read her post history, I read her reviews, and I find about who she is. Often it's easy to uncover the reason they're posting, and I gave a bit of this research in a previous post when I found out that the first posters were all friends of the OP.

But what happens when I don't uncover anything like that? Well then I can obviously assume that there must be a thread about me somewhere, detailing everything that's happening. The OP has a lot of time on her hands, but she's not about to start PM'ing the entire Verified Provider list to get the word out, so now I can assume that she must have put up a thread where I can't see it. There are private forums on this board that I don't have access to that are started by small groups of people to have a private place to hang out, but the OP would want to get as much exposure as possible, now I can assume that she must have posted it in the Powder Room.

Guys have our own Top Secret Never Talked About Burn Before Reading forum too, what's ironic about that is that every hobbyist already knows that women have access to it through White Knights and registered handles so we just laugh it off. However nothing in the world is going to piss off a Provider like thinking that a hobbyist has access to the Powder Room. They get so abnormally pissed off about it that they start doing irrational things, like giving out Powder Room information themselves! Take this comment for example.

Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
You've been blacklisted on several boards including this one. Not to mention you keep closing and reopening new accounts... why is that? RED FLAGS.
Now I don't know Naomi, never heard of her, so why is she saying these things? She's saying them because she thinks they'll damage me. Okay, fair enough, but where is she getting her information?

"You've been blacklisted on several boards including this one." I have? Mods haven't told me that. I'm not banned or vacationed. So how did I get blacklisted? Now I can assume that there's a thread about me somewhere in the Powder Room that's blacklisting me. Further more, since I've already assumed that there's a new thread, started by the OP, in the Powder Room that's all about me and my avatar, I can now assume that there's a Blacklist thread in the Powder Room that the providers can add people to as they see fit. I've made a few assumptions based on a single sentence by Naomi, but I don't as yet know if they're correct assumptions.

"Not to mention you keep closing and reopening new accounts... why is that? RED FLAGS." Again, I don't know Naomi, so how did she know this? I don't post in other cities, and I've never seen Naomi post here, so someone probably told her this. Why? Again, whoever told her this assumes that I had some nefarious purpose behind disabling my handle and re-registering a new one. Who could that be? Well, all I have to do is look over the thread that prompted my handle being Guested (which was all part of a big joke by the way) and see who didn't get the joke. The OP was the person who first DIDN'T get the joke, anyone who had read the entire thread would have realized that it was all a parody, and that I had deliberately asked the mods to Guest my handle as part of a fake temper tantrum I was throwing saying I was going to leave the board. So now I can assume that the OP told Naomi about my Guested handle. Why would she do that? Because she thought it would hurt me. Fair enough, but now I can assume that the OP told everyone in the Powder Room, because the OP REALLY doesn't like me, and she's a bit upset about the hit her reputation has taken since I got back, so she's going to do everything she can to try and hurt me, like taking a completely innocent joke that everyone but her got, and twisting it into something like "Wakeup Guested his old account to cover up his previous posts about hatred toward Providers." so NOW I can not only assume that there's a thread about me in the Powder Room, I can assume it was started by the OP, AND I can assume actual bits of information that have been given out in that post!

Now that I have this information, what do I do with it. Well, it's all really just assumptions, so how do I confirm those assumptions?

Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! And you say I don't know anything!!! PLEASE tell me that someone posted in the Powder Room that I closed and re-opened my account to avoid repercussions for my past posts! That would just make my entire board career!
How about I make a post detailing part of my assumptions and see what she says? Naomi's reaction will be very telling. If I'm completely wrong, then Naomi will take her response to ridicule me for being ignorant. She'll want to rub it in my face that I'm completely out of whack with my assumptions and use that to point out how stupid I am. She'll use that as ammunition to keep on attacking me in future posts because she now has momentum, and in a fight, when you gain the momentum, you don't let it go. So, how does she respond?

Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
I ...honestly... don't ...give... a ....fuck.

I'm outie. Enjoy your evening.
Probably not the response of someone who wants to ridicule me for being wrong. If I'm not wrong, then I'm right.

Three sentences Naomi. Three sentences and you've given me a veritable cornucopia of information about how your little "secret society" works...I appreciate it. Powder Room mods, you might want to consider Naomi's giving out of PR information and what actions you want to take about it. (then again, the PR women allowed me to get put on the Blacklist thread in the PR as well, for never once having done anything physically dangerous to a provider, so I really don't have much faith in their ability to check their own hens)

Ladies, you need to realize something. I'm sorry to say it, but for the most part, I'm quite a bit more intelligent than you are. Due to the nature of your business, and the various reasons why you got into it, for the most part I'm going to have much more education than you, I'm going to be much older than you, and I'm going to have many more experiences dealing with "normal" people. I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm actually saying this to help you out. I'm saying this so you don't embarrass yourselves by making incorrect assumptions about me and calling it an Alert. I'm saying it so that you don't waste the mods time by RTM'ing posts for the wrong reasons. I'm saying this so you won't make posts confronting me and then get made to look stupid.

Okay, that about sums it up! Thanks for you time, and for your efforts in playing the game, it's been enjoyable, and I look forward to future highlights in this thread, and especially on December 17th and 18th! As always if you have any questions, I'm at your disposal.

Happily yours till I run out of money,

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Old 12-16-2010, 06:28 AM   #79
caramelqtee mila
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WOW really all of that to try and derail from the fact that you know damn well you have been reading the PR. I digress you are just not worth it hon,you were trying to offend! Guess what Wakey poo every provider is not only a provider so putting yourself on this pedestal due to the "nature" of our business is just ridiculous. "Dealing with normal people?" where do you come up with your insane assumptions? No seriously you are truly NOT worth it good day and btw get some help babe
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Old 12-16-2010, 06:40 AM   #80
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Thanks sweetie, I appreciate the concern, I really do, but I get help every day I'm here. It's incredibly therapeutic. Have a good day!
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Old 12-16-2010, 07:22 AM   #81
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Old 12-16-2010, 07:40 AM   #82
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Yet another one who confirms your assumptions on the PR alert.....too funny.
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Old 12-16-2010, 08:03 AM   #83
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This ain't...


And these things rarely turn out good for the OP...
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Old 12-16-2010, 08:29 AM   #84
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Default But

Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Okay, I'm going to lay it all out. I'm doing this for two reasons, first, because the thread is beginning to lose momentum, and I want to explain it all before everyone quits looking at it, and two, most of the providers posting here desperately need help figuring out what's going on, they're simply not smart enough to figure it out. So here it goes.

1. Why did I make the avatar? Simple, to see how a certain group of providers would react.

2. Is the avatar in bad taste? Some people will certainly think so.

3. Is the avatar insulting? Some people will certainly think so.

4. If the answers to 3 and 4 are yes, then why did you do it? Because I do not, and have never, given a shit what anyone thinks of me, provider or hobbyist. If you don't like it, that's not my problem. It's just like anything else in the world you can't change, either get over it or dont, either way I don't care.

5. Do you hate providers? Absolutely not.

6. Do you hate dumbass providers? Absolutely.

7. Do you hate dumbass hobbyists? Absolutely.

8. Who determines when someone else is a dumbass. Me, and noone else. Saying that, if you want to avoid popping up on my radar, it behooves you not to do anything to be classified as a dumbass. I have a fairly narrow range of activities that classifies people as dumbasses in my mind.

9. Does starting a thread in the Houston Co-Ed about Wakeup saying that his avatar is the reason why providers don't visit Houston classify the thread starter as a dumbass? Heh, yep.

10. Does starting a thread in the Powder Room about Wakeup's new avatar and espousing his charms like saying he's a danger to providers, he doesn't care about provider safety, he doesn't respect providers, and he needs to be blacklisted classify the thread starter as a dumbass? Heh, yep.


The Powder Room. This is perhaps one of my most mysterious magic tricks. Providers right now are asking themselves, "Does Wakeup have access to the Powder Room?" "How did he get it?" I know they're asking this because of the reactions to my posts that providers have shown here.

When an out-of-town provider pops into Houston Co-Ed and starts bashing me, I start to wonder why. Who is she? Who are her friends? How does she know about me? So I start digging. I read her post history, I read her reviews, and I find about who she is. Often it's easy to uncover the reason they're posting, and I gave a bit of this research in a previous post when I found out that the first posters were all friends of the OP.

But what happens when I don't uncover anything like that? Well then I can obviously assume that there must be a thread about me somewhere, detailing everything that's happening. The OP has a lot of time on her hands, but she's not about to start PM'ing the entire Verified Provider list to get the word out, so now I can assume that she must have put up a thread where I can't see it. There are private forums on this board that I don't have access to that are started by small groups of people to have a private place to hang out, but the OP would want to get as much exposure as possible, now I can assume that she must have posted it in the Powder Room.

Guys have our own Top Secret Never Talked About Burn Before Reading forum too, what's ironic about that is that every hobbyist already knows that women have access to it through White Knights and registered handles so we just laugh it off. However nothing in the world is going to piss off a Provider like thinking that a hobbyist has access to the Powder Room. They get so abnormally pissed off about it that they start doing irrational things, like giving out Powder Room information themselves! Take this comment for example.

Now I don't know Naomi, never heard of her, so why is she saying these things? She's saying them because she thinks they'll damage me. Okay, fair enough, but where is she getting her information?

"You've been blacklisted on several boards including this one." I have? Mods haven't told me that. I'm not banned or vacationed. So how did I get blacklisted? Now I can assume that there's a thread about me somewhere in the Powder Room that's blacklisting me. Further more, since I've already assumed that there's a new thread, started by the OP, in the Powder Room that's all about me and my avatar, I can now assume that there's a Blacklist thread in the Powder Room that the providers can add people to as they see fit. I've made a few assumptions based on a single sentence by Naomi, but I don't as yet know if they're correct assumptions.

"Not to mention you keep closing and reopening new accounts... why is that? RED FLAGS." Again, I don't know Naomi, so how did she know this? I don't post in other cities, and I've never seen Naomi post here, so someone probably told her this. Why? Again, whoever told her this assumes that I had some nefarious purpose behind disabling my handle and re-registering a new one. Who could that be? Well, all I have to do is look over the thread that prompted my handle being Guested (which was all part of a big joke by the way) and see who didn't get the joke. The OP was the person who first DIDN'T get the joke, anyone who had read the entire thread would have realized that it was all a parody, and that I had deliberately asked the mods to Guest my handle as part of a fake temper tantrum I was throwing saying I was going to leave the board. So now I can assume that the OP told Naomi about my Guested handle. Why would she do that? Because she thought it would hurt me. Fair enough, but now I can assume that the OP told everyone in the Powder Room, because the OP REALLY doesn't like me, and she's a bit upset about the hit her reputation has taken since I got back, so she's going to do everything she can to try and hurt me, like taking a completely innocent joke that everyone but her got, and twisting it into something like "Wakeup Guested his old account to cover up his previous posts about hatred toward Providers." so NOW I can not only assume that there's a thread about me in the Powder Room, I can assume it was started by the OP, AND I can assume actual bits of information that have been given out in that post!

Now that I have this information, what do I do with it. Well, it's all really just assumptions, so how do I confirm those assumptions?

How about I make a post detailing part of my assumptions and see what she says? Naomi's reaction will be very telling. If I'm completely wrong, then Naomi will take her response to ridicule me for being ignorant. She'll want to rub it in my face that I'm completely out of whack with my assumptions and use that to point out how stupid I am. She'll use that as ammunition to keep on attacking me in future posts because she now has momentum, and in a fight, when you gain the momentum, you don't let it go. So, how does she respond?

Probably not the response of someone who wants to ridicule me for being wrong. If I'm not wrong, then I'm right.

Three sentences Naomi. Three sentences and you've given me a veritable cornucopia of information about how your little "secret society" works...I appreciate it. Powder Room mods, you might want to consider Naomi's giving out of PR information and what actions you want to take about it. (then again, the PR women allowed me to get put on the Blacklist thread in the PR as well, for never once having done anything physically dangerous to a provider, so I really don't have much faith in their ability to check their own hens)

Ladies, you need to realize something. I'm sorry to say it, but for the most part, I'm quite a bit more intelligent than you are. Due to the nature of your business, and the various reasons why you got into it, for the most part I'm going to have much more education than you, I'm going to be much older than you, and I'm going to have many more experiences dealing with "normal" people. I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm actually saying this to help you out. I'm saying this so you don't embarrass yourselves by making incorrect assumptions about me and calling it an Alert. I'm saying it so that you don't waste the mods time by RTM'ing posts for the wrong reasons. I'm saying this so you won't make posts confronting me and then get made to look stupid.

Okay, that about sums it up! Thanks for you time, and for your efforts in playing the game, it's been enjoyable, and I look forward to future highlights in this thread, and especially on December 17th and 18th! As always if you have any questions, I'm at your disposal.

Happily yours till I run out of money,


BUT BUT BUT! Your avatar was licked so many times in public......That ass kissing can stop it makes me vomit. Any bulimics or aspiring bulimics need only read the Wake Up ass kissing post from an OP that some might say should consider bulemia.... Before getting your panties in a bunch I have not established who the OP is so who ever takes this personally has issues.

Who gives a shit about an avatar really? I would rather care about what the person has to state that day. You can never tell a tone in emails, posts, or when it's written but rest assured my post are mostly laced with sarcasm.

I don't have to like the fucker but I think he's funny as hell.....Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction.........I don't care WTF ANYONE but me has on their avatar.

If your neurotic, you really really care.......Can the world keep turning now................?

When pink ribbon time comes up and people are running all over Houston in a Marathon....I'm going to flash my boobies and let guys feel em for me...For the cause.....Breast exams.....We all contribute in different ways..
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Old 12-16-2010, 08:36 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by jasmin View Post
When pink ribbon time comes up and people are running all over Houston in a Marathon....I'm going to flash my boobies and let guys feel em for me...For the cause.....Breast exams.....We all contribute in different ways..
You were paying attention in "boobies exam 101" at the DH P.R. school
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Old 12-16-2010, 08:38 AM   #86
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Default The 5 star threads

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild View Post
I am the 5 star thread starter.
This is a funny flaming video....


The chit MP goes through hunting for you guys.....

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Old 12-16-2010, 08:44 AM   #87
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Some people just never learn.....what fools!!!

And if you think this comment is directed to you, it probably isnt!!!
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Old 12-16-2010, 08:52 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
You were paying attention in "boobies exam 101" at the DH P.R. school
I take notes and "spread the word". All your prophecies came true so far.....You should start a commune....
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Old 12-16-2010, 09:01 AM   #89
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Old 12-16-2010, 09:03 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by babydollsnow View Post
Some people just never learn.....what fools!!!

And if you think this comment is directed to you, it probably isnt!!!
Awe crap, I think I just got called a fool! RTM RTM!!!

On a side note, I just knew this thread was going to be a winner. I predicted it on the second post.

It does deserve a little facepalm though.....

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