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Old 12-11-2010, 06:34 PM   #16
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If you really want to fuck with his game, post a link to this thread on every post he makes. If his target audience does more than look at his post count, it might make a difference.

Make him start over with his happy ass Mr. Rogers bullshit on another handle.
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Old 12-11-2010, 06:46 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
If you really want to fuck with his game, post a link to this thread on every post he makes. If his target audience does more than look at his post count, it might make a difference.

Make him start over with his happy ass Mr. Rogers bullshit on another handle.
thanks i really needed that laugh
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Old 12-12-2010, 12:18 AM   #18
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Why no response from staff???
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Old 12-12-2010, 08:28 AM   #19
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it is strange...
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Old 12-12-2010, 08:29 AM   #20
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Okay I would just like to say, people, get off the staff's ass. It's been said a thousand times before...the mods are NOT the hobby police. Unless he actually DOES something that they can bust him on, there is nothing anyone can do. I'm not sure what some of you people would like the staff to say on the matter.

I think the fact that this thread, which is a thread based on pure speculation (however accurate), was not only MOVED but left OPEN for discussion by the staff, speaks volumes about their opinion on the matter. Don't you agree? ( By the way...SweetAterPie, love the new avatar!!)

Carry on...
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Old 12-12-2010, 11:03 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Valentine Michael View Post
Why no response from staff???
perhaps because no verifiable evidence of multiple handles has been RTM'd to staff. staff doesn't take action based on mere speculation. we are aware of the concerns expressed but do not have any basis for corrective action at this point in time.

[quote=wellendowed1911;822368]Mods I really wish you would look at these allegations seriously because i believe there is a huge connection- these posts should be a smoking gun. If it walks like a ducks and quack likes a duck then- well you know the rest of the story.

uh, no actually we don't. please submit your verifiable proof to staff in regard to this matter

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
As I stated before if someone can vouch and prove that Trynagetlaid and FWOG are two different people- I swear on a stack of Bibles that I will Deactivate my account and never log onto eccie ever again.
think you've got the process backwards. if you can vouch and prove they are one and the same then please submit that verifiable evidence to staff in an RTM at your earliest convenience. no unproven speculation please. thanks.

Originally Posted by Dannie View Post
Okay I would just like to say, people, get off the staff's ass. It's been said a thousand times before...the mods are NOT the hobby police. Unless he actually DOES something that they can bust him on, there is nothing anyone can do. I'm not sure what some of you people would like the staff to say on the matter.

I think the fact that this thread, which is a thread based on pure speculation (however accurate), was not only MOVED but left OPEN for discussion by the staff, speaks volumes about their opinion on the matter. Don't you agree? ( By the way...SweetAterPie, love the new avatar!!)

Carry on...
thank you Dannie.

the title of this thread is "speculation" which is exactly what it remains for now. no hard evidence of multiple handles has been submitted or discovered by staff so no action has been taken by staff at this point as there does not appear to be any concrete justification for doing so. -rak
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Old 12-12-2010, 01:15 PM   #22
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[quote=rakuguy;832520]perhaps because no verifiable evidence of multiple handles has been RTM'd to staff. staff doesn't take action based on mere speculation. we are aware of the concerns expressed but do not have any basis for corrective action at this point in time.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Mods I really wish you would look at these allegations seriously because i believe there is a huge connection- these posts should be a smoking gun. If it walks like a ducks and quack likes a duck then- well you know the rest of the story.

uh, no actually we don't. please submit your verifiable proof to staff in regard to this matter

think you've got the process backwards. if you can vouch and prove they are one and the same then please submit that verifiable evidence to staff in an RTM at your earliest convenience. no unproven speculation please. thanks.

thank you Dannie.

the title of this thread is "speculation" which is exactly what it remains for now. no hard evidence of multiple handles has been submitted or discovered by staff so no action has been taken by staff at this point as there does not appear to be any concrete justification for doing so. -rak
Ok raku- I will respect you guys decision but hey I think you guys/gals make it too easy for people to cause trouble. I assume all the evidence presented to you is not enough. I assume you guys want us bring a sample of FWOG and Trynagetlaid DNA to be 100% sure that the 2 are different?
If someone gets Banned on eccie for whatever reason is it reasonable to say that all he/she has to do is change their handle and create a "new" IP(which is a very simple process) and then they can log back on and do what they want- even if their actions and habits are nearly identical nothing can be done?
If John Doe was on this site and he harassed Suzy Q with vulgar profanity, threats, stalking and coercion and he eventually gets banned. Let's say a month later a "new" user named "James Doe comes on here and by some strange coincidence refers to identical events that John Doe did- also Identical people and places and lurks around in the same forums with the same M.O as John Doe- you are telling me that red flags aren't going to go up, but because no one has a smoking gun- for example someone must have DNA or a picture of both John and James to prove that they are the same?
As I stated I will respect your decision, but I think the message you will send these "bad apples" is if you get banned- just change your IP- create a new handle- continue the same thing that got your banned because the only way we are going to ban you the 2nd time is if a user brings something close to a DNA sample. Do we really want that here on Eccie?
Ladies and especially new Providers just be safe and ask questions.
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Old 12-12-2010, 02:29 PM   #23
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TY rakuguy for the follow-up & the explanation. It is good to know that the issue is at least on the staff's radar, though IMHO we seem to have forgotten the lessons of the the first go round. By contrast, ForthWorthOldGuy learned his lesson the first time around and is being more careful now in his reincarnation as trynagetlaid.

I say first go round, but in truth I should say 101st go round. I recall some pretty bad stories about "the artist formerly known as FWOG/trynagetlaid" back when he used different handles on another board. Just like now, cannot definitively prove anything as I wasn't there. Yet the stories came from multiple providers revealing a pattern of ungentlemanly, even felonious behavior. A leopard cannot change its spots.

The issue is resolved if he would just take his own advice:
Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
This thread has been up 18 hours now...sooner or later the accused will weigh in with a response that will settle everything once and for all...NOT!!!!!
Not, indeed.

So by not acknowledging the issue, by changing his IP address, & by being more careful now he is allowed to continue board activities that led to lifetime bans on multiple boards. This guy and his posse were & remain a threat to the naive new providers they prey upon. He gives all ECCIE hobbyists--and by extension ECCIE as a whole--a bad name.

SweetAterPie mentioned a convergence of his two handles via Princess Ashley, but she is gone. She cannot be the only provider who has seen them both. I bet Sweet Hannah, Trailer Park Casey, Cameron, or several of the other FTW providers could connect the dots. I am in no way calling these ladies out by mentioning their names, just showing how careful FWOG/trynagetlaid has been to not do a review, create a paper trail by paying for PA, nor even mention girls he has seen since the name change.

He has a MO of seeking out and coercing BBFS from new girls, he is an addict, and he is not that smart. He needs to be pruned from our ranks. Or at the very least this thread should be pinned in the Welcome Wagon.
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Old 12-12-2010, 02:35 PM   #24
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To paraphrase Wellendowed, all this begs the question:

Under the current burden of proof standards Eccie policy mandates to get banned, can a member operate with relative impunity in regards to the rules if he/she simply has the technical knowhow to manipulate IP addresses?
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Old 12-12-2010, 04:34 PM   #25
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Too this point, I for one would like too thank everyone for their civility in this discussion.

I would also point out until that man that travels a lot weighs in with his staunch support of tryinagetlaid, as he always has for fortwortholdguy I will remain only 99% convinced they are one in the same.
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Old 12-13-2010, 09:57 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by rakuguy View Post
perhaps because no verifiable evidence of multiple handles has been RTM'd to staff. staff doesn't take action based on mere speculation. we are aware of the concerns expressed but do not have any basis for corrective action at this point in time.
Rak, I appreciate your response. But, really have to differ with you on this one. There absolutely is verifiable evidence of multiple handles. That evidence is the all of the posts on this very board showing the similarities between FWOG and trynagetlaid. It's verifiable--click the links like I did and you can verify it yourself. It's evidence, albeit circumstantial evidence. But, people are convicted of crimes and sent to prison everyday on circumstantial evidence. Personally, I find the verifiable evidence presented quite compelling and persuasive and believe FWOG has reregistered as trynagetlaid.

So, I really don't understand staff's position on this. Maybe you can explain what you mean by "verifiable?" Based on the context, it seems you really mean "conclusive" or "without any doubt." If that's the case, I hope you or staff will reconsider the burden of proof required. This is a private web site, not a court of law. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt should not be required because we're talking about kicking someone off a website, not putting him in prison. Much lower burdens of proof are required in all sorts of other situations such as civil trials. Ownership can certainly do what it wants. But, from my perspective, it sure looks like ownership is putting it's head in sand when it comes to reregistered handles by requiring some sort of fantasy level certainty before taking action. If it were my site, I wouldn't want to take such a lax approach to allowing reprehensible characters like FWOG back on because it hurts the reputation of the site.

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Old 12-13-2010, 10:03 AM   #27
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Simple answer. Temp-Ban the handles for multiple handles and see if there is a complaint via email. Sort it out from there.

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Old 12-15-2010, 08:13 PM   #28
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I was just curious have there been any recent revelations regarding this situation?
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Old 12-15-2010, 08:28 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by SweetAterPie View Post
BEWARE; Some say Mustard causes EXTREME side effects & trynaget is an equal pain.
All the girls here do it this way, NOT
Are we to believe now that Mustard and trynagetlaid is the same person?
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Old 12-15-2010, 09:13 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by S-Man View Post
Are we to believe now that Mustard and trynagetlaid is the same person?
Sir, I believe each one's beliefs, are theirs to own, and they must be true to themselves and own them. What exactly is your inference?
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