Originally Posted by pmdelites
red tex,
while i appreciate your point of view, just cos you think it is not hard do capitalize the first word in a sentence does NOT mean that everyone should do it. plus, there is a big difference between capitalization and spelling.
some like to write all upper, some all lower, some mixed, some here there and everywhere.
We all like different things applied to pussy, what you put on a hamburger, and many other things in life. It does not apply to the written English language.
There are widely accepted rules and standards for written communications in all languages, including English that are shared
by all literate people. Period. No exceptions. Liking different things has absolutely nothing to do with it. I assure you.
And brdn, you are wrong about one thing. Freelance, rule free composition "is inherently bad". In addition to being discourteous to the reader, as you pointed out, it is extraordinarily time consuming to try to decipher. It also lacks clarity. Call a spade a spade. It's poorly written. It does not serve it's purpose. And it's bad for the writer, the reader, and for our society.