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Old 12-04-2010, 02:28 PM   #1
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Default The anatomy of getting points.

On 11/24/10 I received this pm from one of our (unnamed) moderators.

****************************** ****

You have received an infraction at ECCIE Worldwide.

Reason: Unnecessary Rudeness

This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
ECCIE Worldwide

****************************** **********************

So what dastardly thing did I say to get 5 points.

Well, here it my 5 pointer.

****************************** ***********************


The intent of the joke is that carkido is a bad puppy and wants to shit in the corner, I have a rolled up newspaper handy and even has a
simile after the comment so that even anybody with any smarts can see that it was a joke.

****************************** *************************
When I pm'd the unnamed mod about the points, it was mentioned something about providers leaving the site because of rudeness, or some sort of stuff. I asked (unnamed) moderator who I could take it to, to appeal the 5 points. His reply mentioned emailing an owner and gave me his email address.


****************************** ************************

I sent an email to both stchristopher@eccie.net after sending a pm to sphunter (list as an admin, so in my mind the food chain was mod to admin to owner)

All of these communications were done around 11/24/10 or within 24 hours of receiving these points.

My pm and email to stchristopher and sphunter were something of this nature.

****************************** *************************

********* gave me 5 points for this. Since you have admin next to your title, I would like to appeal the points to you.


The comment about a rolled up newspaper had a LOL simile and I thought then, as I still do now, that this was pretty funny. It was a joke, not a comment.

IMHO, it is ridiculous getting points for this joke.

So, I would like to appeal points given for this. I can understand getting points for suggesting to angelinadream to STFU, which St. Mateo gave me earlier, but not this joke. If you guys start giving out points for jokes, then people will be afraid to post.

If you think that I may be getting out of line in my other general posts, then you can feel free to pm me that I am walking on shaky ground. That's fine, but points for this..............come on.........


****************************** ***********************

Like I've stated, I've heard NOTHING from either an admin or board owner.

****************************** ***********************

I just looked at my profile and I still have the 5 points. So nobody went in, in the middle of the night and mysteriously removed them.

Out of curiosity I searched to see if there was some sort of infraction list, and come to find out, it was worse than I thought.

As far as I know, there isn't one.

I found something in a search that I can't find today, basically a mod in another city told someone that if there was a point total that people would press on and on and get points, then when at the banning threshold would lay off the point getting. Basically it was a non answer.

****************************** ***********************

So now, since 11/24/10, I haven't received an answer about points given over an obvious joke with a simile behind it.

Why not? Surely a week and a half is plenty of time to discuss this and get back with an answer. In my past, I have been a mod on 3 sites and an admin on one other site. I didn't just fall of the banana wagon, and I know how this stuff works. It would seem that an appeal for points given would have a pretty high priority and the board management would address this.

Is it because I'm not a premium member, therefore I don't know anything about the hobby? Yes, I'm not a premium member, but I have forgotten more stuff about the hobby than some members know.

Yes, I'm perturbed about the 5 points, but it's more about nobody in the admin or ownership giving me a couple of minutes to either explain in deeper detail, remove the points, or adjust the points downward. This is the main basis of this post. It isn't that I'm 'special', but I feel like I deserve an answer, and one quicker than a week and a half.

If anybody looks at this post and sees the intent, this should include everybody who gets points being able to appeal or take the points question to someone else.

I'm still aghast that there is not some sort of points list. This tells me that there is plenty of room for the ownership (including mods and admins) to abuse their conceived power and do what they want to who they want it to.

****************************** ************************

Then again, beside all of this, they can tell me this is a privately owned site and to fuck off, then ban me.

But I have seen this in the past, and would hope the ownership of this board is better than this.
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Old 12-04-2010, 03:55 PM   #2
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Bro...at some point no answer is an answer.

When deuch banned me from the P I sent snails asking why. No response.

When he oppened that board to all who were banned...I was still banned. Another email...no response.

I sent a pm from here...a long time later he sent a shitty response.

In sum just cause WE want an answer doesn't mean the powers give a shot.

I haven't understood how some apparently slight infractions get points and other things that I see are huge keep occurring.
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Old 12-05-2010, 10:30 AM   #3
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The abuses of ASPD mods have been well documented.
Indeed, I owe an apology to the Hellraisers for suggesting recently they were the worst bunch of flamers known to the hobby.
The worst group of flamers were ASPD mods.
The Hellraisers were only second worst:
just as ridiculous as being second best, no doubt.

I am not prepared to discuss publicly Houston mods, for obvious reasons.

I have made my own complaint known to board owners: mods who persistently do not respond to, and do not even acknowledge receipt of, complaints & RTMs concerning such serious matters as insults, slander, harrassment, cyber-stalking, racism and ethnic slurs and even outings - and then point people, not only for defending themselves, but simply for pointing out they are being harassed, stalked, smeared, etc.

The board owner alluded to above tells me he is aware of the issues regarding Houston staff. There are reasons to believe he is a good guy. I can only hope he will find a swift and satisfactory solution to this ongoing problem
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Old 12-05-2010, 12:17 PM   #4
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So the "lynch mob" would be third? Damn I hate being third. Could we be second and move the Hell Raisers down to third please? Thanks in advance.

Now to be serious for a moment, a little moderation goes a long way, lots of folks on the SHMBs get butt hurt over relatively minor things. That being said sometimes you have to yank the chain, but it is always a better idea to ask first and yank second. Houston is a rough city to mod, down here at the port you have a lot of loose cannons (this part is not about you Raphie) but the notion that you are going to change that overnight and end up with Dallas South, has never really worked. At least not in the last decade.

This has happened before, it will happen again but the notion that respect can be taken and not earned is laughable, most of us down here have known each other for years. We take our own council and peer review, much more seriously than external forces. Over the years, even in the salad days at the P, it was more often the membership that made the actual paradigm shifts than the powers that be. So and this is kind of for Raphie and yet not, if everyone that knows you disdains you, there might be a reason. SHMBs provide a melting pot of Darwinism in action, for poster and staff alike.

There are no real secrets, if you are dishing out points for a joke or posting a funny picture in the sandbox, there is a good chance that the brunt of the joke will end up being you. Karma loves the passing of time, just like the Island of Misfit Toys always loves a new Ambassador. Do as you will...
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Old 12-05-2010, 12:26 PM   #5
Mr Clever
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Originally Posted by Raphael View Post
Indeed, I owe an apology to the Hellraisers for suggesting recently they were the worst bunch of flamers known to the hobby.

The Hellraisers were only second worst:
No one ever remember the second place winner of the Boston Marathon.

Originally Posted by Wayward View Post
So the "lynch mob" would be third? Damn I hate being third. Could we be second and move the Hell Raisers down to third please?
No No No......your third! If they don't remember the second place winner....they damn sure ain't gonna remember your ass....who has taken the bronze.
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Old 12-05-2010, 12:30 PM   #6
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well said way, Houston is Houston.
A mod that is thin skinned or heavy handed will not fair well.
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:44 PM   #7
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As usual, I view points differently....I will reach out and bitch slap a mod for fucktard points (like the ones Sarcastro gave me) or sneer at idiotic points (like the ones Darthmaul gave me)....I have received points from SpH & St.M that I deserved and never said a word.

If any of them thinck that the points are going to adjust my posts, they are sadly mistaken....I will simply remember the ones who took cheap shots at me....I'm just saying.
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Old 12-06-2010, 09:43 AM   #8
Pompeo Batoni
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Originally Posted by Raphael View Post
The abuses of ASPD mods have been well documented.
Indeed, I owe an apology to the Hellraisers for suggesting recently they were the worst bunch of flamers known to the hobby.
The worst group of flamers were ASPD mods.
The Hellraisers were only second worst:
just as ridiculous as being second best, no doubt.

I am not prepared to discuss publicly Houston mods, for obvious reasons.

I have made my own complaint known to board owners: mods who persistently do not respond to, and do not even acknowledge receipt of, complaints & RTMs concerning such serious matters as insults, slander, harrassment, cyber-stalking, racism and ethnic slurs and even outings - and then point people, not only for defending themselves, but simply for pointing out they are being harassed, stalked, smeared, etc.

The board owner alluded to above tells me he is aware of the issues regarding Houston staff. There are reasons to believe he is a good guy. I can only hope he will find a swift and satisfactory solution to this ongoing problem
Signore Raphael,

Brillante! A very well reasoned information.

Bravo, signore.
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Old 12-06-2010, 12:50 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Pompeo Batoni View Post
Signore Raphael,

Brillante! A very well reasoned information.

Bravo, signore.
I wonder whom is behind this new handle?
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Old 12-06-2010, 01:22 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Brooke Wild View Post
I wonder whom is behind this new handle?
I could make a really good guess, but i'd hate to get points on a thread about points. Way to stay on point, huh?
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Old 12-06-2010, 01:32 PM   #11
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That's right. Slander is indeed pointable, it'd be wise if you people didn't pursue this lame attempt..
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:53 PM   #12
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I'm still waiting on a mod, admin, or owner to answer.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:07 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
I'm still waiting on a mod, admin, or owner to answer.
While I appreciate your vigor and ideals on this subject, you gotta remember where you are and how this place in cyberspace is run. Sometimes it's best just to let things go, even if you may be right. Some mods will give points for things others wouldn't, to a certain degree it's very subjective. If St. C reviewed every instance were someone got points and objected, that's probably all he'd ever do. Then by overruling the mod, it would belittle the mod and probably result in future problems with the mod. A dispute over 5 points is probably really low on his list of priorities.

There are more important things out there like giving points to Frenchmen for slander or banning members for multiple handles. Really, how can you slander a secret identity on a provider board.....
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:14 PM   #14
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Some fucktards keep forgetting.
It's not slander if it's true.....I'm just sayin'

Now, to stay on topic, I too sent a PM, to the unnamed mod handing me my points, providing proof that the post I was pointed for was actually requested by the OP. Still haven't gotten a response.

I hate to agree with dearhunter but, I agree, when it comes to fucktard points I have a long memory.
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:34 PM   #15
Pompeo Batoni
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Originally Posted by Raphael View Post
Thats right. Slander is indeed pointable, itd be wise if you people didnt pursue this lame attempt..
Due Volte! Brillante!!

You kind well spoken once more. Me teste a discarico.
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