On 11/24/10 I received this pm from one of our (unnamed) moderators.
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You have received an infraction at ECCIE Worldwide.
Reason: Unnecessary Rudeness
This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
All the best,
ECCIE Worldwide
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So what dastardly thing did I say to get 5 points.
Well, here it my 5 pointer.
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The intent of the joke is that carkido is a bad puppy and wants to shit in the corner, I have a rolled up newspaper handy and even has a

simile after the comment so that even anybody with any smarts can see that it was a joke.
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When I pm'd the unnamed mod about the points, it was mentioned something about providers leaving the site because of rudeness, or some sort of stuff. I asked (unnamed) moderator who I could take it to, to appeal the 5 points. His reply mentioned emailing an owner and gave me his email address.
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I sent an email to both
stchristopher@eccie.net after sending a pm to sphunter (list as an admin, so in my mind the food chain was mod to admin to owner)
All of these communications were done around 11/24/10 or within 24 hours of receiving these points.
My pm and email to stchristopher and sphunter were something of this nature.
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********* gave me 5 points for this. Since you have admin next to your title, I would like to appeal the points to you.
The comment about a rolled up newspaper had a LOL simile and I thought then, as I still do now, that this was pretty funny. It was a joke, not a comment.
IMHO, it is ridiculous getting points for this joke.
So, I would like to appeal points given for this. I can understand getting points for suggesting to angelinadream to STFU, which St. Mateo gave me earlier, but not this joke. If you guys start giving out points for jokes, then people will be afraid to post.
If you think that I may be getting out of line in my other general posts, then you can feel free to pm me that I am walking on shaky ground. That's fine, but points for this..............come on.........
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Like I've stated, I've heard NOTHING from either an admin or board owner.
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I just looked at my profile and I still have the 5 points. So nobody went in, in the middle of the night and mysteriously removed them.
Out of curiosity I searched to see if there was some sort of infraction list, and come to find out, it was worse than I thought.
As far as I know, there isn't one.
I found something in a search that I can't find today, basically a mod in another city told someone that if there was a point total that people would press on and on and get points, then when at the banning threshold would lay off the point getting. Basically it was a non answer.
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So now, since 11/24/10, I haven't received an answer about points given over an obvious joke with a

simile behind it.
Why not? Surely a week and a half is plenty of time to discuss this and get back with an answer. In my past, I have been a mod on 3 sites and an admin on one other site. I didn't just fall of the banana wagon, and I know how this stuff works. It would seem that an appeal for points given would have a pretty high priority and the board management would address this.
Is it because I'm not a premium member, therefore I don't know anything about the hobby? Yes, I'm not a premium member, but I have forgotten more stuff about the hobby than some members know.
Yes, I'm perturbed about the 5 points, but it's more about nobody in the admin or ownership giving me a couple of minutes to either explain in deeper detail, remove the points, or adjust the points downward. This is the main basis of this post. It isn't that I'm 'special', but I feel like I deserve an answer, and one quicker than a week and a half.
If anybody looks at this post and sees the intent, this should include everybody who gets points being able to appeal or take the points question to someone else.
I'm still aghast that there is not some sort of points list. This tells me that there is plenty of room for the ownership (including mods and admins) to abuse their conceived power and do what they want to who they want it to.
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Then again, beside all of this, they can tell me this is a privately owned site and to fuck off, then ban me.
But I have seen this in the past, and would hope the ownership of this board is better than this.