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Old 11-30-2010, 08:22 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Reincarnated View Post
Keep it on topic John_TX
and you think the fact that LE busted a similar party last year in Houston isn't relevant?

what part about that isn't relevant?
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:51 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by John_TX View Post
and you think the fact that LE busted a similar party last year in Houston isn't relevant?

what part about that isn't relevant?
normally... i would just argue with you and say EVERYTHING about this site, has to do with something...that someone could get busted for...

but...the video was a little scary. and i LOL'd when i recognized an avatar they showed...lady with the green shoes.

and i didnt see any HDH material in the vid...i think they got that part wrong
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Old 12-01-2010, 12:47 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella View Post
If I will the raffle does it mean I have to go fuck myself?
Only if I can assist!
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Old 12-01-2010, 12:53 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by bubbaJay View Post
normally... i would just argue with you and say EVERYTHING about this site, has to do with something...that someone could get busted for...

but...the video was a little scary. and i LOL'd when i recognized an avatar they showed...lady with the green shoes.

and i didnt see any HDH material in the vid...i think they got that part wrong
i just think its foolish to think that LE isn't going to be snooping all around this party, given that something very similar happened last year in Houston. LE doesn't have to be right, ask CK1942. he will tell you that of all the people arrested (was it about 12?) only one got convicted and it was due to a plea bargain. so that is an 8.3% conviction rate.

but all 12 went to jail, probably got their names publicly posted somewhere, got their faces on TV, and had to hire a lawyer to defend themselves. so while LE failed to make a case on 11 of the 12, all 12 were definitely inconvenienced.

just food for thought. disagree all you want, but it's not like i made this news story up. but if LE comes a knockin' don't say you didn't know darn well it was a possibility.
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Old 12-01-2010, 03:58 AM   #35
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Yeah, I can see the headlines now...

"Local group gets drunk at a strip club while raising money for charity and gathering toys for less fortunate children - 14 arrested with wrapping paper in hand."

I really hope your holiday season brings you a more positive outlook on life, Michael. Er, Jay. John. Whatever your name is. You sure seem like you need a hug.
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Old 12-01-2010, 06:29 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Natalie Reign View Post
Yeah, I can see the headlines now...

"Local group gets drunk at a strip club while raising money for charity and gathering toys for less fortunate children - 14 arrested with wrapping paper in hand."

I really hope your holiday season brings you a more positive outlook on life, Michael. Er, Jay. John. Whatever your name is. You sure seem like you need a hug.
i guess you didn't read the KHOU link or listen to the news soundbite attached to it. prostitution busts make juicy headlines. it's not just a "local group," it is a "group of men and women who chat online and the men are clients and the women are prosititutes." it's not just "raising money for charity and gathering toys for less fortunate children," it is "they are accused by local LE for raffling off sexual encounters with prostitutes in exchange for toys for the needy." don't water down what is going on here.

so let's try "on tonight's 10 oclock news - ____ Police Vice Unit busts an online group of prostitutes and their customers who held a Christmas toy drive tonight in Austin, where they raffled off sexual encounters for toy donations." then they bring a news outfit with them. they video tape everyone's face and vehicle as they leave, or are carted off in paddy wagons. that is exactly what the press did in Houston. many of them were not arrested or charged, but their faces were posted on the news and yes, one year later, you can look at the video and see them. even though they were not accused of anything themselves, can you imagine the social stigma attached to this?

wrapping paper my ass. you guys are raffling off sexual encounters, which is prostitution. the act of sex does not actually have to happen for there to be a crime to have occurred. read the state law. what part of that being illegal can you not wrap your head around Natalie?

in fact you yourself offered yourself up as a raffle prize, which would put you under any scrutiny that may come of this event. it's posted on the internet....and you assume our little world here is one that LE does not read daily? i can only assume LE not only reads this stuff daily but has already infiltrated this site, hanging out at social events, getting people to vouch for them who really cannot (as they have no idea who they really are), etc. if Houston Vice did it, so can other LE agents. to be so callow as to think that LE does not read what's on here, isn't targeting certain "outspoken" people on here, and could not possibly pass muster to get an invite (or get another member to get them the invitation info), is simply looking the other way and hoping they don't start looking at this event.

dont kid yourselves. if you really were as innocent as you purport yourselves to be there would be no raffling off of sex. then just have a legitimate toy drive. but you guys already made an error and posted three girls willing to raffle off sexual encounters with them on the internet, and it is hard to take that back now. there is also a legality about holding a raffle without a 501 exempt status in Texas, which i suppose is yet another issue LE can deal with, but that doesn't make headlines.

i think it's funny that you guys keep thinking that i am Michael, presumably of TAE. you and your friends (Whispers, Damon Bradley, etc) whom i can only assume all hang out. yet not one of you has a shred of evidence to prove any false allegation of multiple handle posting.

anyway, back on topic. Natalie, i hope you guys all don't get under the scrutiny of local LE. i will shake my head and say "i told you so" if you guys are met by LE and shut down. i will also be more than happy to contact the press if that occurs and point them out to this specific thread discussion so they can tell the public how obvious you guys are being about violating the law (despite your fearless leaders using "toys for kids" as their excuse to gloss over the fact that sex is being raffled off - regardless of the cause, it is STILL illegal - get that through your thick skulls).

for those of you who dont think what you are suggesting is illegal, how many of you would welcome LE to your shidig? not a one, i'd think. even if the cops don't make an arrest, i can be pretty certain they will be there, writing down license plates, taking photos, and identifying people for later investigations.

personally i think LE laughs at all the information one posts about themselves online and then that person wonders why LE pays them a visit. now that this is publicly posted and already printed off, they have something to investigate - thanks to someone who decided to post all the information they needed to initiate an investigation.

good luck!
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Old 12-01-2010, 07:25 AM   #37
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Why are you even on this board John_TX? No need for your comments if your not going to show up. We are all adults here and know the risks.
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Old 12-01-2010, 07:37 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Reincarnated View Post
Why are you even on this board John_TX? No need for your comments if your not going to show up. We are all adults here and know the risks.
i would never associate in real life with many who i know will show up, because they are the ones planning the party. i feel no need to go to a room full of people whom i probably have a strong distaste for.

that being said, i have pointed out the risks and people have accused me of being off-topic, and others have simply acted like what they are going to be doing is perfectly legit.

i guess i could either rant on here or i could rant on the phone to a particular group of people who y'all would not want present at the party. which do you prefer?
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:02 AM   #39
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I prefer you keep you comments to yourself if your not going to attend.
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:32 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by John_TX View Post
i just think its foolish to think that LE isn't going to be snooping all around this party, given that something very similar happened last year in Houston. LE doesn't have to be right, ask CK1942. he will tell you that of all the people arrested (was it about 12?) only one got convicted and it was due to a plea bargain. so that is an 8.3% conviction rate.

but all 12 went to jail, probably got their names publicly posted somewhere, got their faces on TV, and had to hire a lawyer to defend themselves. so while LE failed to make a case on 11 of the 12, all 12 were definitely inconvenienced.

just food for thought. disagree all you want, but it's not like i made this news story up. but if LE comes a knockin' don't say you didn't know darn well it was a possibility.
I do not understand your frustration. If you do not want to go, don't go. It is as simple as that. We are all adults or at the very least I hope we are. Anything done in this hobby, is done with a certain element of risk involved. You go in with the understanding that things could go south in a hurry! Granted, going to the Toys 4 Tots event is done so with risk but at the end of the day it is no more risky than any other hobby activity.

You have no control over anyones actions other than your own. If you choose not to attend that is your choice. No one is going to criticize you for not attending. If an ECCIE posters chooses to attend that is their choice. They know the risks and if they believe the rewards outweigh the risk, they will be there. And do you know what? They will go even if you happen to disagree with their decision!

At the end of the day, it is not your call to make! It is time to move on to bigger and better things!
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:39 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by John_TX View Post
i would never associate in real life with many who i know will show up, because they are the ones planning the party. i feel no need to go to a room full of people whom i probably have a strong distaste for.
Your choice, your assumptions, no foul, no harm done.

that being said, i have pointed out the risks and people have accused me of being off-topic, and others have simply acted like what they are going to be doing is perfectly legit.
Yes, thank you for pointing out that prostitution is illegal on an Escort Review board. I don’t know what we would do without you.

i guess i could either rant on here or i could rant on the phone to a particular group of people who y'all would not want present at the party. which do you prefer?
Why do you feel the need to rant about a party you have no desire to attend with people you have a strong distaste for? If you have no interest, move on.

Tell us, John, who would particular group of people you would rant to be? So it’s either you rant about it here or you go to these “group of people.” No other choice? No other alternative? That sure looks like a veiled threat of blackmail or outing members to me. Is that what you're doing, John?
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:56 AM   #42
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Hey Folks....

Do me a favor....

Lets talk about how to raise toys for some needy kids and ignore the other drama in the thread. I started a thread FOR John_TX so please quote and respond to him there. I doubt he will choose to leave things alone but we can try.

I'll say it one time here.

Every day Ladies on this board advertise their time and companionship available in exchange for some sort of companionship.

We had a few ladies volunteer that same time and companionship as a way to help increase donations.....

Maybe it was not a good idea. We are rethinking it in light of the threats John has made.

There is very little similarity between the strip club luncheon and a Social Gathering like what occurred at last year Houston event. The number of ladies invited is very minimal, dress codes are enforced and most importantly the party is not about Providers and their Clients....

The vast majority of participants at the party are guys that go to Strip Clubs and Strippers that Dance in Strip Clubs. We are not going behind closed doors in a closed club for a private party. We are having Lunch together in a Public Setting where many of us go more than once in a month. We will get tip girls on stage, get dances and drink and eat a lot.

If any of what has been posted here concerns you. Please do not come.

Please do consider donating for the cause as stated. It is worthy of some support.

If you do come. Be concerned for yourself and your own safety. Make no offers and discuss nothing illegal. Know who you are talking to and stay aware of what you are talking about and it will be just another day at the strip club.
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Old 12-01-2010, 11:24 AM   #43
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Please stop feeding the monkey...
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Old 12-01-2010, 11:44 AM   #44
Natalie Reign
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Mystery. Drama. Revenge. Crime. Strippers. Food. Toys. Trolls.

It's like a real-life soap opera. I don't even need to pay for cable anymore. I love this place.
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Old 12-01-2010, 11:57 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Lets talk about how to raise toys for some needy kids and ignore the other drama in the thread.

...most importantly the party is not about Providers and their Clients....

Please do consider donating for the cause as stated. It is worthy of some support.

Originally Posted by Natalie Reign View Post
Mystery. Drama. Revenge. Crime. Strippers. Food. Toys. Trolls.

It's like a real-life soap opera. I don't even need to pay for cable anymore. I love this place.
Sad, but true..in the immortal words of Rodney King.."why can't we all just get along"..
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