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Old 11-18-2010, 05:04 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Testing 123 View Post
In addition to the confusion over names the phones these ladies were using were _VERY_ flaky. Calls wouldn't go through either way and calls would go to a voice mail that they apparently couldn't hear. Then when you reached one there was apparently more than one woman pretending to be the same person. This is in addition to the sometimes less than pleasant calls.

I'm not surprised a lot of guys ditched. It just seemed too weird. I'm sure there were a lot of alarm bells going off.

For future reference visits be more pleasant if the providers would:

1) Get a phone and service that actually works. I don't know where they got that piece of crap.
2) Test it and make sure that things like voice mail actually works.
3) Don't play games over the phone. When you have multiple people all pretending to be the same one it tends to make people wary. If you have someone answering just say so.
4) When you start having a lot of missed calls from different people the problem is most likely on your end. Yelling at them for your own problems does not encourage business.
That and i read that she had a friend who would stay in the same room while offering services, i prefer more privacy thank you
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Old 11-19-2010, 06:52 AM   #17
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I tend to agree with testing 123, that when providers have issues with their phone or service, or are having multiple people answering and it seems weird, them I think us guys get a little suspicious as to what their gonna walk into or get behind closed doors. I didn't see or even attempt to contact Alexis, Im just giving my two cents. And yes if you do your homework you will see that she is a well established provider. However if I had called to set up something and got an uneasy feeling about it for whatever reason I would cancel.
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Old 11-19-2010, 11:14 AM   #18
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Juno, sounds like she said no, it's not you, and it's not Corpus. Let it go.

Majesty, basically posting an ad in someone else's thread. Not cool. Lesson learned, hopefully.

Mike, you started off speaking from experience. You have a right to your opinion. You made your point the first time. Not sure why you had to repeat then head into the rumor zone ("...I read...").

Testing, the name thing should be a non-issue. Read the posts guys. I don't remember Rachel M ever calling herself Rachel, and the providers don't resemble each other. Phone: Unless they are having phone problems elsewhwere, I know I wouldn't change my phone just for RGV. Like Mike, you spoke from experience and have a right to your opinion.

Slider, good points. One thing to keep in mind is that the original post was about NCNS, not CNS. So, yeah, cancel if you're skittish, but don't NCNS.

Special Friend, treat her right you lucky a**hole.

Just passing through...
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Old 11-19-2010, 11:55 AM   #19
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Drama...Drama...Drama.....NO Thank You!
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Old 11-21-2010, 12:28 AM   #20
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I had pm'd Alexis and although brief and to the point she was pretty easy to contact. I didn't come in until late Friday and wasn't able to get an appt, but didn't feel any rudeness, just business. Thats why I pm first. On the flipside, maybe a few extra days to get the gents time to plan? Sometimes the whirlwind visits may lend itself to ncns.
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Old 11-21-2010, 01:05 PM   #21
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I have not seen Alexis in quite some time, but she has always been a sweetheart and lots of fun.
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:08 PM   #22
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I saw your ads and I was very interested in seeing Rachel so I called her and she told me to send her an email with references. I told her I was new to the hobby and had only seen two providers that I had found in BP. She told me to email her that information and I did. The next day I called again and she said that she hadn't received anything so I emailed her a second time and called back to verify if she had received my email. She said she had and that as soon as she had a chance to verify me she would call me back and she never did. So I called one of the BP girls that I had previously seen and went and had a good time with her but I would have liked to have seen her. Maybe next time.
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