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Old 11-14-2010, 05:59 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post

Thanks for proving my points.

I'm smarter than the average bear, so don't patronize me and don't assume that I don't know the roles of a MOD on here.
My entire post wasn't for your benefit, nor was it aimed at you beyond the first part, as per your assumption. You've enjoyed the benefit of having a moderator "look out" for you in the past, end threads on your behalf, come to your aid, issuing points, and now that that's over, you choose to complain about the moderators. I just find that highly ironic... and funny as hell. LMAO!!!!!!!!! And I'd never patronize you - in any definition of the word.
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Old 11-14-2010, 06:00 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Slamming Christine would be calling her names, in which I did not do. All I did was point out that if she's not a verified provider, then she shouldn't have a signature line or make offers to men of discounts in threads and the MOD's (Bubba/Omahan/Capt) felt the same to or else they wouldn't have edited her posts. Was that slamming her? No, in my opinion.

When I post, I'm not advertising, I'm asking questions/making comments/etc. Big difference and no, that doesn't give Swarmy an out. Swarmy has a problem with women talking back to him and proving him wrong, so he lashes out at them. I'm not the only one he does it to.

We can agree to disagree I guess JS.
For the record MsElena...I do not have a problem with women. I have a problem with YOU! Your statements about me are slanderous and are without merit.
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Old 11-14-2010, 06:09 PM   #18
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Please do tell me what MOD have I had "look out for me?" What MOD has closed threads for me? Come to my aid? A MOD issued points on my behalf? Really? Please clue me in to who it was because this is all new to me.

I do hope that your comments can be backed up with actual facts and proof.

Swarmy, oh I know you have a problem with me. You prove that every chance you get. You should practice what you preach. Your comments to me in the past has been slanderous and without merit. Just leave me alone like I leave you alone and life will be just peachy.
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Old 11-14-2010, 08:10 PM   #19
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Eccie was created by men for men...its not a democracy here yet...if I ever have command, I will allow provider rebuttals directly.

Providers should create a site that they can write their reviews on how the hobbyist arrived, behaved, performed, etc. Its been talked about before...it may already exist. I would love to see what they rate me!!

I think this is the most fair way for both sides to give their side....
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Old 11-14-2010, 09:54 PM   #20
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I guess another thought would be, anyone who doesn't like what is happening could just leave.

And I am NOT talking about any certain individual.
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Old 11-14-2010, 10:12 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Ictpssylvr View Post
I guess another thought would be, anyone who doesn't like what is happening could just leave.

And I am NOT talking about any certain individual.
I think you're on to something. I have noticed a lot less posting from the ladys here....just saying.
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Old 11-15-2010, 12:17 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Ictpssylvr View Post
I guess another thought would be, anyone who doesn't like what is happening could just leave.

And I am NOT talking about any certain individual.
Probably the best words spoken(err...typed) yet in this thread. This place is pretty hostile anyway, but I doubt that's something that will disappear, ever.

As far as a female moderator, it probably couldn't logistically happen, since mods here (I'm assuming but think this is right) have access to practically everything within a post and in certain areas. The female moderator (if she were a provider) would have to be restricted from viewing that ROS information, probably including the private stuff mentioned in non-review posts as well. If she were a non-provider, things may be easier, but still unlikely just due to the nature of the board.
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Old 11-15-2010, 01:19 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Kaboom View Post
. . . This place is pretty hostile anyway, but I doubt that's something that will disappear, ever.

As far as a female moderator, it probably couldn't logistically happen, since mods here (I'm assuming but think this is right) have access to practically everything within a post and in certain areas. The female moderator (if she were a provider) would have to be restricted from viewing that ROS information, probably including the private stuff mentioned in non-review posts as well. If she were a non-provider, things may be easier, but still unlikely just due to the nature of the board.
Don't delude yourself for a millisecond and think that any ROS/BCD stays ROS/BCD on this or ANY OTHER BOARD . . . it does not. EVER. If ANYONE wants to see ROS/BCD badly enough, they simply log in from a public access point, create another screen name and PAY for the membership or they leave a fictitious glowing review of someone they know and get Premium Access for six weeks at a time . . . . or, if you wait long enough (oh, about a DAY) as a provider or Escort, one of your clients (or potential clients - or someone acting as a "good Samaritan") will offer (either by phone, email or in an appointment) to copy all the ROS for you and divulge it to you. In fact, there are entire "blogsites" that are available to copy and post (publish) any ROS/BCD information you'd like to see . . . Google it. They're there.

We ladies are also aware that most all the information (of substance) leaves our Powder Room and our local Infoshare (our version of your "Men's Lounge") to those gentlemen that care to cultivate the "tit for tat" relationship(s) with ladies that have such access and are acquiescent to such an arrangement. It is the fact that ANY comment here is hidden from any one "group" that makes people go to extreme (sometimes comical) lengths to access it, even when they do and it brings them no benefit - at least they "know". Personally, I quit caring LONG ago and have no desire to "know", as in the final analysis, it matters not. What does matter is how I treat people and how I run my business behind MY closed incall doors. The rest is really unimportant.

Also, who is to say that there aren't females already on this and other boards currently acting as mods and admins or actively accessing (controlling) said accounts . . there are several, I suspect (of course, if I had PROOF and I knowingly didn't "tattle-tale" on them I could face suspension or banishment - so let's leave it as a suspicion) - it isn't as though biometric security is in place when an admin or mod logs in. Plus, do you think that there aren't ladies that make it their sole purpose to do nothing but "cozy up to" an admin or a mod and get all the information they can - including but not limited to PM files - on certain members? Hell, occasionally it is OFFERED . . . happens all the time . . . There aren't any matters of national security here (well, at least none I am aware of but, frankly, I suppose there could be, in code). A "SHMB" would be an awesome place to embed a simple cryptographic message now that I think about it.

You did hit the nail on the head though when you address the fact that this board (as are ALL the others) is fairly hostile in one way or another to both the gentlemen and the ladies. It is the "nature of the beast" . . . I don't make this statement toward ANY person in this thread, it is simply an observation . . just as Growler makes an astute observation that many ladies no longer participate here. What Growler omits (and I don't think he did so intentionally) is that a SIGNIFICANT number of gentlemen have also "jumped ship" for other boards or simply fallen into the abyss of lurking becasue participating is too distressing.

At the present rate of abandonment in some of the sections, there won't be much to talk about. Of course, with all the people running two and three screen names I suppose entire threads could consist of a conversation comprised of only one person . . . in fact, I know of a few threads in which I suspect entire ARGUMENTS have been waged - and in reality it may very well be ONE PERSON with multiple logins obfuscating the whole discussion.

There is only so much a mod or an admin (or an automated system) can catch . . . if someone wants COMPLETE access badly enough (and there are many that do) all the "checks and balances" that exist to prevent everything I have mentioned in this post from being realized may be easily circumvented. I've been to lunches with other ladies and entire primers (including "master plans" to have a "male" - read FEMALE - login masquerade and post with the sole intent of eventually being asked / vouched to mod status) has been written out (with great detail) and disseminated to everyone present.

It is an amazingly SIMPLE goal to realize. You have no idea.

In MY final analysis (and IMHO), with all of the subterfuge that occurs daily, this board would be a MUCH nicer place if ROS/BCD didn't exist. There are other national boards where it does not, it simply isn't an option, and they are pleasant places to be . . . food for thought. But then, well, the entire revenue model of this and a few other other sites would have to be "reworked". Lord knows this is a for-profit enterprise, by every stretch of the imagination.

And, I'm certain there will be a few gentlemen that will disagree with me and stand ready with sabers in hand to defend the ROS/BCD "integrity" of this and all the other boards . . . becasue there is no way we "gals" could ever get all that information, we'd get caught. Well, we get you to pay for something you COULD have for free (okay, maybe not with the individual you'd LIKE to be with or at the time you'd like to have it - but it can be found if you look hard enough and know what you're doing), and the vast majority of us ladies never get caught . . so never underestimate what we may be capable of (I'm speaking generally and not specifically, or personally).


- Jackie
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Old 11-15-2010, 01:37 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis View Post
Don't delude yourself for a millisecond and think that any ROS/BCD stays ROS/BCD on this or ANY OTHER BOARD . . . it does not. EVER.
Oh I don't doubt that for a second, I've been here long enough to see that. I have no doubt that things like you described have happened many times over in many incarnations of places like this and here as well. However, if we are going by the stated global rules, which say that all is supposed to be secret and forbidden from the eyes of the ladies in regards to ROS info, then the outward approval of a female moderator would be in violation of these very rules. If the rules were reworked then that's a different story. But we do see how the stated rules/laws in everyday life are pushed aside by those who made/enforce those rules/laws, like our favorite people in Washington. And no, these is not pointed at anybody in particular here because I have no idea who/what/where/when/why and as far as my eyes can see, everybody follows the rules, for the most part. But I'm not stupid either.
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Old 11-15-2010, 01:39 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Kaboom View Post
And no, these is not pointed at anybody in particular here because I have no idea who/what/where/when/why and as far as my eyes can see, everybody follows the rules, for the most part. But I'm not stupid either.


- Jackie
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Old 11-15-2010, 07:09 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by jhawkr93 View Post
Eccie was created by men for men...its not a democracy here yet...if I ever have command, I will allow provider rebuttals directly.

Providers should create a site that they can write their reviews on how the hobbyist arrived, behaved, performed, etc. Its been talked about before...it may already exist. I would love to see what they rate me!!

I think this is the most fair way for both sides to give their side....
But what would it be like without the ladies posting on here. Like a stag party without the dancers. No thanks.
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Old 11-15-2010, 10:15 AM   #27
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As long as there are guys here, there will be girls here. It's business after all. I HATE going to association meetings, but it's where the business is, so I go. Now SOME girls may drop off because of the BS. But girls come and girls go. Let's face it, very few ladies last in this business very long. Not nearly as long as a guy can hobby. But a place like this, for all its warts, is still the reverse of ladies night for many of the girls.
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Old 11-15-2010, 11:24 PM   #28
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MODs....Your thoughts?
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Old 11-16-2010, 07:03 AM   #29
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There's been a lot of thoughts thrown out about the expectations of moderators. None of us are going to get in the middle of this and talk about specific grievances because the past is the past and we can't do much about it.

I'll share with this group my thoughts on how the KC moderator team operates. Our overarching philosophy is to tread lightly and not get involved unless it's absolutely necessary. When we get involved, our first course of action is to try to steer the conversation back on its original course and our last course of action is to administer some sort of sanction.

We rarely will get in the middle of a personal squabble unless that squabble involves rude, disrespectful or threatening comments.

To the best of my knowledge, none of the mods hobby much. I still do a little. But when I do, it's not with anyone that participates or advertises on the board. There really doesn't seem to be any playing favorites. And because we don't really play with the providers who participate in discussions on here, there's no reason for us to.

Someone mentioned the need for a female moderator in KC. I do know that there are female mods on ECCIE, but I don't know if they can approve reviews. Along those lines, none of us can really do anything to change the rule about who gets to see ROS. I think that rule will probably stay in place for awhile, and if people want to participate on here, we're just going to have to accept that. Which also means we're just going to have to accept the fact that classified information will be leaked from time to time and people who are stupid enough to get caught are going to the be ones who get caught.

At the end of the day, Bubba, Lacrew and I are doing our absolute best to keep this board running smoothly and fairly - but ECCIE is probably none of our top-five priorities. We all have work and personal responsibilities that have to come first. I'm not asking for your sympathy. We all chose to do this and believe it or not, we do enjoy being moderators. I'm asking for your understanding. We're not going to respond as quickly as you want sometimes. And sometimes, we're not going to agree with your point of view. But that doesn't mean we don't care or appreciate you.
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Old 11-17-2010, 01:54 PM   #30
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And to those of us that represent the "silent majority"....we appreciate, although not always agree, with the time and effort our mods spend.

Thanks to all of you!
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