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Old 11-13-2010, 12:39 AM   #16
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The best thing you can do for her is to give her a good review (if its accurate and appropriate) so that she can help her own self and satisy others... Why not? Its a win-win proposition for her...
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Old 11-13-2010, 06:47 AM   #17
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Being more cynical than naive and gullible, if she is taking advantage of your kindness I hope she feels really fucking guilty and enjoys burning in hell.

Woody and Buzz Lightyear are proud of you Kend61.
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Old 11-13-2010, 08:09 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater View Post
We all have different and in most cases, sliding scales on how far we would go. Early in my foray into this world, I went too far to help someone with issue after issue. It never came back.

I would be very skeptical of anyone that has issue after issue. Best to keep it to a transaction level, or to a tolerable pain threshold. Do NOT invest more than you can comfortably afford to lose or explain. Many is the story of the hobbyist that got tripped up by this simple thing.


I couldn't agree with u more! U are one of the lucky (or unlucky) to know some of that same type "early" history I had! Although I feel I would still help a lady, it really causes pause when these types of events continue to reign...
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Old 11-13-2010, 08:23 AM   #19
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If she were a friend outside of the hobby, she should be willing to do things for you as well. Token things like laundry, cooking, etc. If you only know her because you paid her for sex, then she should be more than willing to pay you back with sex. If the only time you two see each other involves you giving her money, she is not your friend. It is your money, and some people feel good to give to others. If it makes you feel good do it, but you must see that you are being used.
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Old 11-13-2010, 08:33 AM   #20
El Hombre de la Mancha
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No good deed ever goes unpunished.
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Old 11-13-2010, 10:18 AM   #21
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Giving from your heart without any expectations can be the most rewarding thing. Throughout my life, I have given to people, only to get screwed over..sometimes that was their intention and others it was just because they couldn't give back due to other reasons. Now that I am older and wiser, I see that even though I was used, my good deed has come back to me 7 fold. When things seem tough or almost impossible to overcome, sure, I throw a fit and have a pity party, but guess what? Right around the corner is someone who cares enough about me to reach out and help me. I am not sure whether it's Karma, or just the fact that there are some really good people left on this planet, but I do know that I have experienced it and I know a real friend and good person when I see one.

Last December, when my daughter had emergency surgery, without people from this board who gave from their hearts, (some who didn't even know me) we would have been homeless and my little ones wouldn't have had a Christmas. Bad things do happen to good people, and sometimes those people get caught in a cycle... so next time that you hear a story, don't always assume that the person is lying or scamming. If you can help and want to, do it. Your reward in the end will far outweigh anything else you can imagine. Giving relief to someone who is tired, beat down and feels like there is no hope...well that makes you a Guardian Angel. Thanks to my Guardian Angel!
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Old 11-13-2010, 10:45 AM   #22
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This hobby is not for the soft of heart but you can't help it if you got one.....
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Old 11-13-2010, 11:02 AM   #23
Valentine Michael
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Sometimes you're helping a true friend in need. Sometimes you're being used. I don't want to be a patsy, but I also don't want to become so jaded that I'm cynical of everyone all the time. Good luck figuring out which is which.
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