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Old 11-11-2010, 07:20 PM   #1
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Default Should there be some requirements set in order to vote?

Wanted to split this off from another thread.

When our country was founded, you had to be, among other things, a property owner, to vote.

Back then it made sense. They wanted to insure that you had roots in the community before you had the franchise of voting. You'd be less likely to want to overspend and raise taxes if you actually owned property. You could just up and relocate to another town or voting district with little effort if you owned property.

Given the way that property taxes are spread by renters in large complexes where the income is affected by various tax schemes and deductions, most people who rent feel almost zero effect when a taxing entity raises taxes and from polls and also from being involved in elections, I find renters will almost always vote to raise property taxes without batting an eye.

Sitting in the 2008 election, I saw way too many uneducated voters walk in and simply ask, in very callous and coarse language that if I uttered the words, would offend. They'd ask "How do I vote for the N". I had to ask them to refrain from using those terms.

But they had zero clue about the election itself or what the other races were all about or even any idea of who was running for what.

I refused to eject someone who was obviously under the influence because I felt he made the effort to show up by stumbling and almost falling as he walked in and the property owner took me aside and told me what his "issue" was and that he knew him well enough to tell me he was worse than drunk.

Did he make an intelligent choice?

The election code has a lot of grey when it comes to mental ability or capacity. Someone with Alzheimer's or even dementia can still vote but to them they may be voting for some ticket or party that bears zero resemblance to what they think of from 50 years back.

Or you may have someone who is barely educable and mentally retarded but has been told to walk into the room and mark X or fill in that oval next to THIS word.

And they get candy from their handler for doing so.

Should that person vote?

Bottom line, there are requirements to get a license and operate a vehicle, requirements to buy and own a weapon.

Do you feel, as I do, that we need to examine the need to change this carte blanche attitude about everyone voting?

Set up some sort of minimum IQ or other qualifications?
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