I rarely contribute to these threads, but this one sounds fun
*I am petrified of Joan Rivers and E.T.
*I have an iHome in every single room in my house. There is ALWAYS music playing.
*I scream at my T.V when watching sports. And if I'm home, I'm usually in my underwear.
*I have this weird tapping thing I do. Either with my finger or with my foot.
*I am extremely superstitious; I wish on eyelashes, kiss the roof while driving under a yellow light, avoid climbing devices..etc.
*I am obsessed with strawberry condoms

*Confrontation makes me VERY uncomfortable. Especially when I am watching it on T.V. I have to change the channel.
*I am very anal about my dishes and my towels. If they are put away incorrectly/folded wrong I will go back and redo them. It will literally drive me crazy thinking about the misplaced glass in the wrong cupboard. Aside from that I am totally normal!!
Ha! There you have it