I think the concept of why some gents like to venture out to the streets and seek out SW's rings true also for the ones who dont do their research and decide to TOFTT- it would appear it is the "thrill of the hunt" or something like that. I think it is the adrenaline rush of it and also the possibility of actually finding a nice lady who provides a great quality service. One MUST understand that just because a woman has a few bad reviews does NOT mean she should or even will be overlooked and not considered. That is far from the truth. Sometimes not all people with click in chemistry and thus it ends the session with one or both parties feeling less than fulfilled. But another may come along for a chance at the ride and it ends with fireworks and a great review. It really just depends. Like SOME women post fake info or pics- SOME men also post fake reviews or lie in a review. Happens ALOT for an ADULT community you would think, nevertheless it happens all the same.
If a person REALLY wants to guarantee at the very minimum his/her possible hardship in a session- it is the responsibility of BOTH parties to do their homework individually- for a woman it means to screen and screen well, for the man it means being informed by way of reviews, posts, website, word of mouth, use of legit sites, experiment, experience, being active in the community and many other additional online resources.
But that is just my outlook based on what I have seen, heard and read.