So he rule stated the last to post for the interval wins. The interval was 6 minutes. No one but me posted from 9:10-9:19. Interval was 6 min!!! The thread was shortly closed AFTER that.
I did have multiple post during the 9 minute period, but the rule says "Be the last to post during the time frame". For the 9 minutes i was the the only and last person to post.
If you read the rules, I think I won? Did I shoot myself in the foot by making multiple posts? HAVE I MANAGED TO COCK BLOCK MYSELF?Given this is a grey area, I think it's up to Max.
MAX??? Max's call.
No cock blocking please.

as I managed to cock block myself!
If I didn't win, should we have a losers party for the top 10 most posters of the thread???
Shoot, it's probably better with no winner given how about 10 or so people worked on this challenge with a passion. A questionable win, probably does not do justice to them....