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Old 10-29-2010, 03:38 AM   #1
Lil General
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Question How honest are hobbyist ?

Alot of people say they get bbbj and other bb things. Providers are these guys being honest? Is there alot of bb action going on ?
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Old 10-29-2010, 07:35 AM   #2
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I have received BBBJ from all girls but 1 that I have seen so I think they are the norm in the hobby. As far as BBFS there is no way I would personally do it so I have no info on that but I am sure there are some that will offer it (most likely for a fee). Even if they do it I bet you won't find any provider that will admit to BBFS though on ECCIE.
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Old 10-29-2010, 08:42 AM   #3
Gonzo DFW
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Believe much of what I read, but all those resounding and vocal Os are, well, a bit fantastic at times. Except for me, of course.
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Old 10-29-2010, 08:59 AM   #4
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gptxman, I agree completely. While I am not a big fan of condoms, the only bb activity I engage in is the bbbj, and, admittedly, that is with almost anyone I see. You are right to assume that no provider, or hobbyist, will ever admit to riskier behavior, as it would surely put them on everyones dns list.
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:23 AM   #5
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if you read the ROS in the review, you will find BBBJ in most of them, esp. the GFE ones. I haven't heard much BB anything else though, just once in a while you will read it. So it's probably not that often, or guys just don't want to tell / write about it.
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:37 AM   #6
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Default Honesty

Originally Posted by Italian Hound View Post
Alot of people say they get bbbj and other bb things. Providers are these guys being honest? Is there alot of bb action going on ?
If you want to know if a particular provider offers a particular service, research her and find all of her reviews. If there is a pattern, you can conclude with an acceptable degree of certainty that she is providing that service. If the service is mentioned in her reviews and is clearly spelled or hinted at in her ads, then she is probably providing it. Beyond that follow the suggestions below.

The first thing to recognize is that all of us participating here, use varying degrees of deception in our personal lives, so that we can find the time and opportunity to indulge in the pleasures and fantasies in this playground. Never lose sight of this.

It matters not if we are single, married, divorced, or in a long term relationship. In some rare cases, couples have an open relationship and participate here with the knowledge of the spouse. They still have to keep their adult activities from damaging their careers and other areas of their personal lives, so deception still plays a role.

If we already deceive ( are dishonest with ) the people who matter in our lives, how much honesty do we owe to a lot of strangers that we probably will never meet?

The answer to that question will vary depending on the individual. The initial deception is obviously a necessary evil to begin playing here. Many are able to stop it at that level, and contribute to the board with honest and accurate reports. Doing so is the only way that the information can be valuable, and the quality of the site can be kept to high standards.

There is also a large group of participants who couldn't care any less about reporting accurately. They only care about themselves. Many of them have personal agendas and will use deception to advance that agenda.

So how do you separate the honest guys and girls from the rest?
That is a very difficult task. In the years I have been involved in this hobby, I have concluded that time is my best ally. The passing of time has a tremendous effect on revealing the true character of the man or woman behind the handle, no matter how anonymous we try to be.

This is the main reason why many hobbyists will wait until an established guy has reviewed a newcomer before they themselves take the plunge with the new provider. A review by a newbie has too many uncertainties to be considered reliable on the minds of many members.

Even the so called established guys can sometimes turn out to be nothing but con artists. They are simply better at carrying on deception to an art form. The passing of time will eventually reveal these individuals' true colors. So time is still a great ally.

Read everything here with skepticism. Good things, bad things, indifferent things, rumors, etc. You'll see that with time, you will be able to develop some trust on the reliability and honesty of some posters. Some of their posts will stand out from the rest. Even when you have developed a good hobby sense, don't let your guard down and get sloppy. Keep yourself and your playmates safe at all times.

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Old 10-29-2010, 10:58 AM   #7
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The numerous reviews and ability to send other Hobbyists emails re their experience is what makes this such a valuable research. The ROS section gets you detailed info and answers the BB question for particular Providers. I can't recall seeing anything re BBFS but there's quite a bit of BBBJ references which is good (hate condoms when I'm getting a BJ!). As far as honesty is concerned you take everything with a grain of salt and read as many reviews as possible. If there's a trend re the Provider's reportoire and you find a review that seems out of place you can discount that particular review and move on.
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Old 10-29-2010, 03:00 PM   #8
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As a group, we are as honest with the reviews and coments as the providers are with thier ads and comments. Fairly honest for the most part but seldom completly honest and some outright deceiptfull.
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