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Old 10-27-2010, 12:59 PM   #1
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Default Toy Drive

Well everyone knows what is getting close.. the holiday season. To most this is time of family, pretty lights, and celebrations. But unfortunately their are several families in our area that do not have the blessings we have. They cannot afford to give their children the type of Christmas that they would love.

Last year, I ran a toy drive from the beginning of November to Christmas. It went very well and a big thank you to all the wonderful gentlemen that contributed unselfishly to the cause.

Starting November 1st I will beginning this. Anything you could contribute will not only be appreciated by me but many many families in our very own town. If their are any providers that would like to do this with me, please pm for details. Every little bit counts.

Toy drive:
I am accepting any new unwrapped toys for the drive. Boys or girls toys, either is fine. For every toy I will take off 20$ Up to two toys. (half hr or longer appts. Please be considerate on your purchases. And anything you can do will help.

I apologize if this is considered an ad. I just would like to get the word out as far as possible to ensure as much success as last year.
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Old 10-27-2010, 01:10 PM   #2
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I used to do the same thing when I was a provider previously and was planning on doing it again this year! I am glad that there are other girls out there that care enough to do this as well! Good luck and THANK YOU!

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Old 10-27-2010, 03:47 PM   #3
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This is a very noble thing you are doing. I always give and help with the Marine Corps program "Toys for Tots". But I will also contribute to yours...
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Old 10-27-2010, 04:13 PM   #4
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Toys for tots is one of the charities I give to. I also take about 20 dollars out of every appt and donate on top of what you generous men give to me to donate. I believe in this cause.
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Old 10-28-2010, 10:17 AM   #5
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I agree. Throughout the year, us providers are constantly giving and treated with wonderful respect and gratitude from our fellow hobbyists. We should be able to support a local cause/charity in our efforts to 'give back'. I know some girls have given toys, clothes and monetary donations to local charities and there is no reason not too, mostly for the rate of some of our donations!

That being said, I will take brand new unwrapped toys and donate them to a local Angel Tree. The ages of children range from infancy-13. I will also take gift cards, however; I request them to be from toy-related stores only. Angel Tree provides gifts and toys for local children in our community who are in need. These gifts basically give the children hope that someone does indeed care about them.

Here is an old article related to over 7,000 children in need in 2008. Imagine what that number is now in the times we are currently living in; http://www.woai.com/content/news/new...8fmNpzNCw.cspx

My compassionate soul will also take $20 off scheduled playdates.
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Old 10-29-2010, 01:07 AM   #6
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Jez...you can always ask the gents to make a cash donation to a charity of their choice...and have them bring you a receipt for the donation during an appt. Then, you can offer them the 20 discount on the appt.

I did that several years ago and was a win-win for both of us. They could make a charitable contribution...and they also got the discount.

Also, last year I attended the annual Toy Drive Social...in Houston...at least the kids got all the toys that were donated during the event. Everyone had to bring two toys in order to attend...it was well worth the added excitement of that event! (lol)
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Old 10-29-2010, 09:25 PM   #7
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As always, I love to see posts like this during the holiday season and I think it is VERY generous of you to take YOUR valuable time to do so and for the gents to contribute. Too many people in this world have ostracized us and what we do. Most of society hates us and they would legalize and decriminalize illegal drugs before they ever merely ACCEPTED us as being human or even kind with a heart in the very least. I find it unacceptable and just vulgar in itself. Throughout the year I give to many of my favorite charities on a monthly consistent basis and I find many many many providers do as well.

It is amazing to see how much these ladies have given and continue to give. It is a blessing and warms my heart to see. Too many people think it is ok to use, abuse, and look the other way when it comes to how ladies are treated in this biz (as a whole and in general) but that NEVER breaks their spirit and they truly shine and show who the bigger person is through actions such as this one here. It is more than impressive, it is inspiring and hopefully everyone will take from this in some way- whether it is treating another with the utmost and deserved respect regardless of how they are employed, what race they are, poor or rich, etc etc etc. We are all but human. We all love, feel and cry. We all are the same but we are all unique within it.

Thank you NJ for what you do and have been doing! I know I appreciate your thoughts and actions as much as those who recieve the items you raise. You are a guardian angel to so many I am sure. Thank God for hearts and souls like yours. Please PM me as I would like to contribute some $ for you to use toward the purchase of toys and other needed items for your holiday fundraiser.

Likinikki: I LOVE your avatar! LOL Too Cute!!!

Kelli Ann Preston

P.S. Happy Halloween to all you wonderful ladies and gentlemen of Eccie!!!!
Happy Halloween to all the Admin and Mods!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:37 PM   #8
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This is an awesome thing to do in my opinion. I'll definitely have to go get some toys and at least get some toy donations to you girls even if I don't schedule an appointment. Although Charlie you are on my todo list lol!
I just have to work out the just getting back in the states frustration out of my system first! lol
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:39 PM   #9
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For several years now, the SO and I have adopted a family for Christmas. We get leads from various sources, most often a young military family. It is usually a 4 to 5 member family. We buy gifts for each family member, and provide a Christmas Dinner or a Gift Card for a Christmas Buffet. It is done completely anonymously through our source. We skip buying each other a present, since this is our present to each other. Very satisfying for each of us.

During this season, I have been known to pick up the ticket for a young military couple or family at a restaurant. Seems to make me feel better about myself.
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Old 10-29-2010, 10:49 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by oralee View Post
For several years now, the SO and I have adopted a family for Christmas. We get leads from various sources, most often a young military family. It is usually a 4 to 5 member family. We buy gifts for each family member, and provide a Christmas Dinner or a Gift Card for a Christmas Buffet. It is done completely anonymously through our source. We skip buying each other a present, since this is our present to each other. Very satisfying for each of us.

During this season, I have been known to pick up the ticket for a young military couple or family at a restaurant. Seems to make me feel better about myself.
I have to say this always surprises me when it happens to me. We get thanked all the time for our service but simple acts like finding out someone paid for you meal to thank you for your service for whatever reason I find to bring the most warmth to my heart. Especially for those that are separated from their families during the holiday season.
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