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Old 10-20-2010, 08:50 PM   #16
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All excellent responses so far, from Julie, London, Dallas, and Eden!! It's attitudes and personalities like your's which many of the "new BP" crowd don't quite understand!

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Old 10-20-2010, 09:12 PM   #17
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I believe that you should get the time you pay for, not more not less... unless both sides are OK with it. My biggest issue is when a provider doesn't respect my time. If you say you'll be ready or there at 5:00 be there at 5:00, if you call and say you'll be there in 5 minutes, don't show up 45 minutes late and act like it didn't happen... we have the same problems, traffic, etc. to deal with as you do, and we are expected to be on time. I like Dallas and Eden's way of booking space between appointments.
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Old 10-21-2010, 03:16 AM   #18
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I always thought the time starts once you arrive at the location. The little get to know ya chit chat always counted. I don't like to rush or feel rushed so I usually always book 2+ hours.
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Old 10-21-2010, 08:29 AM   #19
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Those who know me know I never look at the clock. I believe time starts when you arrive at my door. I am accustomed to my clients being anxious and usually a bit early, so I like to be ready atleast 30mins before the date. Being dressed up and ready early allows me time to feel sexy in my outfits and be in the perfect frame of mind when he gets there. Most of my sessions do run over, but never intentional. Sometimes we just get carried away. Like many of the other ladies, I do not book back to back dates, so it is never really a problem.
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:28 AM   #20
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most "reputable" providers will space clients withen a reasonable time frame

I could not handle the pace of "back to back"..I used to do that in Phoenix/Albuquerque when I was younger and needed money.
Now it is all about quality & not quantity

I applaud yall ladies above!!!
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Old 10-21-2010, 10:22 AM   #21
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Mr Giz don't know you darlin but am in lust with your first reply tee he he

I agree with all the ladies here ... good responses.

I am not a clock watcher and say if you have requested an hr of my time I usually go over a bit. Due to us chatting or whatever the case may be. Now I did have a gentleman take a call during our session. I thought at first it was a business call. It lasted about 20 minutes and it was from some lady he had the hots for that he had seen somewhere (another state). Then when he gets done with his personal call has the nerve to ask me was that counted in on his time. I politely said yes darlin that was definitely not a business call and I will not change my time because you wanted to talk with another lady. Now if that had been a business situation that may have been a different story.

I am not a revolving door at Macy's on Christmas so I can be flexable with the time. I like, LiL Red, want to be ready at least 30 minutes before the required time. I like to check and make sure the room (setting) me and everything is in place and then I can chill just before they get there. It puts me in a better mood and we both have a LARGE time.
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Old 10-21-2010, 11:05 AM   #22
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For me time starts when the door opens, whether it be opened for me or by me. While I am aware of the time I don't make an issuse out of it. There have been occasions where my date has arrived early and not only gotten his full time but got an extra 10 minutes or so for arriving early. There have also been plenty of times where the session has run over just because we were enjoying conversation!

If my date is running 20- 30 minutes late and I've been sitting there twiddling my thumbs waiting on him then his time starts 10 minutes after he should have been there. 10 -15 minutes late... I'm cool with that, shit happens, but I don't think anyone, provider or hobbyist should be made to wait longer than 20 minutes unless there is a really good reason behind it.

Also If you know you are running late... call the other party well ahead of the original start time and let them know! That way they are not sitting in the parking lot or hotel room getting up set.

As for ladies asking you to wait 20 minutes while they get dressed and counting that as your time.... that's just down right BS! Why should you have to wait any amount of time for them to change out of their jeans and t-shirt into lingerie just to come out of the bathroom to get naked?! Makes no sense to me! They should already be wearing whatever sexy thing they are going to change into or just skip it altogether and go straight to the naked!

I have never stopped anyone in the middle of that last round because time was up either. I always let'em get that last pop off. To me it's just cruel to have them be at the edge and say" Oh! Sorry! Times up!" On the flip side though I won't let a new round start if there is only 10 minutes left and I know they are slow poppers. It's all about good time management.
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Old 10-21-2010, 11:56 AM   #23
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When the door opens, when they are waiting on me.
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Old 10-21-2010, 11:56 AM   #24
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Default Overnight I can take my time, 1 hour 2 short

Originally Posted by April Showers View Post
I won't let a new round start if there is only 10 minutes left and I know they are slow poppers. It's all about good time management.
I understand what you mean....but this is precisely why 1 hour dates never worked for me in gauging if me and that lady would mesh for a multi-hour appointment.

If it takes me 45 to 50 good minutes of good sex to get my first bell, and the possibility of msog was out the window verbally because I was a slow popper or took too long, Id take it that she isnt really into intercourse as much or it would be limited for a longer booking. I know the donation is for the time, but if I come in door at 7...chat a sec, and get dressed at 8pm midstroke,close or not: this is against ettiquette? Whos time is it?

I usually book a two hour appointment if Im sorta doubtful a lady is overnight friendly, because I know for the first two hours.....minus a break, recharge, or daty.... Id be open to actual intercourse 1 hour and 30 minutes at the very least.
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