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Old 06-22-2009, 10:17 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by fubar View Post
Trinity does not like the fact that this has been made into a big fucking deal.
Judging from this thread, she evidently told several of her regular clients about it. That's fine, but unless she indicates otherwise -- which judging from fubar's comment she didn't -- it would be best if those regular clients assumed that it didn't need to be brought to a review/discussion board. I understand feeling "protective" toward a lady and being pissed at someone who is annoying her, but posting a thread about it doesn't accomplish a damned thing. (Unless the behavior is so egregious that it's worth naming the dude, but then it belongs in an alert and/or back channel DNS list.)
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:50 PM   #17
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Default I want to make one thing clear

I want to make one thing clear, I do not know the provider or the hobbyist in this situation. I in no way am critical of the provider. The Hobbyist was the one in my opinion that was wrong. It is rediculous and childish to continue trying to contact her. I really don' care how horny he was, why in the hell would he arrive 1.5 hrs ahead of appointment and expect the provider sitting waiting for him. It's just plain stupid.
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:55 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by fubar View Post
I do think that the mods should consider some form of probation for this particular hobbyist due to the circumstances. Mods, if you need additional information please PM me or Pisces for that matter.
WTF? Are you saying that the mods should exact some sort of punishment here for a hobbyist annoying someone else outside of the forum?
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:32 PM   #19
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FMH there is a more to this story. I am not going to post any additional information on a public board. That is why I asked the mods to PM if they wanted to pursue anything against said hobbyist. I do not have a personal vendetta against this hobbyist. I am just deeply disappointed in his actions considering that I am at least partly responsible for them getting together. Ya live and ya learn.
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:03 PM   #20
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But did anything happen on the board itself? That should be their only concern unless there is a danger to the community... and that would be an alert.

Originally Posted by fubar View Post
FMH there is a more to this story. I am not going to post any additional information on a public board. That is why I asked the mods to PM if they wanted to pursue anything against said hobbyist. I do not have a personal vendetta against this hobbyist. I am just deeply disappointed in his actions considering that I am at least partly responsible for them getting together. Ya live and ya learn.
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:21 PM   #21
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I'm with fubar it's time to stop the thread at this point. When I started it I was more then a little pissed at this clown, not nessessaryly enough to name names of any party involved including the provider. As fubar mentioned some background is involved that is on going and added to my POd attitude. Sorry to have stirred up more drama then nessessary. Next time I'll PM the AH and let him know what an idiot he is.......

To two of the parties I do offer my own humble apology, but not to that other idiot...
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Old 06-22-2009, 09:26 PM   #22
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Since pisces38 keeps bringing this post to the top, I am now going into action. I am outing myself. To preface ,this is way too much drama for me but pisces 38 has called me enough names now while hiding behind his avatar so now we are here. The story:

I work in FW but live in Dallas. Had apt. set with Trinity for FR. The schedule was iffy in that we agreed to meet between 4:30 and 5:00---because of the unpredictability of the traffic. I had a business meeting scheduled before that.

My meeting ended up finishing earlier than expected. So as a good customer I called to let her know that I would be there earlier rather than later---for her convenience as well as mine. I arrived at 4:00 and after getting myself an iced tea at the 7-11, I sat in my car reading and checking my emails from work. What you read is correct as I did make two calls and sent one text. For that, a big excuse me as I was under the impression from the provider that I was her only appointment of the day.

I was, from my understanding, her last apt. before she was to take time off. So again, trying to be courteous my intent was for her to get a head start for her planned time off. Again, bad me for trying to be considerate. Thought this a win-win.

At the allotted 4:30 time I then proceeded to have one of the best sessions I have ever had with any provider---it was passionate, eneregy filled, and a whole lot of fun. My review will be posted here tonight---despite all of this drama. Little did I know the drama to follow.

Checked this board and started to see these rumblings. My initial thought was oh no I think they are discussing me. On Sunday I thought that this was out of control and sent an email and text to Trinity the said provider, explaining what I read. I received a text back and I quote word for word, "I am on vacation and not mad at u."

End of story right? Wrong this pisces 38 or legacy guy as he is known on another board would not let it lie. So to sum up, was early, did call, did text---but just attempting to be polite. But pisces38 just keeps poking so here is some poke back. While waiting I noticed Dallas LE riding around and saw them go after and place a young AA provider into their cruiser---she appeared to be street walking in the lot. Very strange. So not a safe and secure location I might add for future hobbyists booking this lady.

Now onto pisces38. After he has contiued to call me names and cast aspersions on me let's discuss this guy. I have gathered that he is not only a WK but someone who has a vested finacial interest in Trinity. What do you call it: boyfriend? lover? father? You get the drift. It appears to me as if he is all things Trinity's man interest. What other reason is there for him to stir the pot? And let me remind you the session was out of sight.

To conclude then, if guilty then I am guilty of attempting to have good manners and trying to have the lady get to her weekend get away earlier rather than later. For that I am sorry. But pisces my man, enough is enough. You now know the whole story. So you can quit the name calling, quit the aspersions , and get back to your life with Trinity. I am not intimidated by you nor anyone else for that matter. Most of you would have done the same thing I did knowing what you know now. I did nothing wrong. Was not rude nor impolite nor out of control. I was a perfect gentleman.

And pisces ,unfortuantely for me I will not be seeing your girlfriend again. You can quit the attack and quit the name calling. I will not lower myself to tell you what I think of you and your opinions---although immature and childish are two words that come to mind for a man who is supposedly in his 70's and mature. Now hopefully this can be put to bed. Those of you who read this and support my position thank you. For those of you like pisces38/legacy who want to continue this childish thread and who want to pile on me ---well then sorry about your damn luck. Pisces I hope you are glad this escalated to this. I also have some questions for you sir--like how did Trinity get access to the lockerroom page? I saw it with my own eyes while at the incall. Breach in protocol perhaps? Certainly not from you!!!

pisces you can go back to whatever it is you do ok? I will put my reputation and manners and civility up against yours any day. So you can go back to your girl knowing that I will not be seeing her again---MY CALL--and thanks to your insistance now others know of the potential inherent dangers of seeing Trinity. pisces you have posted about this so often I feel as if I am the one being stalked. Please go back to your life and leave me the hell alone.

This should have been posted in the lockeroom as far as I am concerned, but now it's here thanks to pisces and I will live with that. pisces old man please go get a life---one without so much testosterone induced drama. Geeesh!!!!
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Old 06-22-2009, 10:45 PM   #23
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This is officially out of control. I jumped knee deep into this shitstorm and I regret it now after having received PM's from everyone involved (even the 3:00 session hobbyist) and I even talked to Jericho on the phone this afternoon. The three parties that were directly involved in this situation (TB, 3:00 hobbyist and Jericho) all expressed the same opinion. This was not a big deal and was being blown out of proportion. So my apologies to Jericho and any others on this board that I may have offended.

One final thing to clear up. Trinity and I are fuck buddies. That is the extent of our relationship. We are not lovers. We are not dating. I have no financial interest in Trinity.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:00 PM   #24
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Thanks fubar for corroborating my story. It is too bad that pisces38 has so much idle time on his hands. Fubar you and I are cool.

pisces38 I feel sorry for you I really do.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:03 PM   #25
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Meet me at Baby Dolls Ft. Worth tonight Jericho! LOL
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:43 PM   #26
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The story is out.

This one is done.

~Kelly TNT
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