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Old 09-30-2010, 01:56 PM   #31
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Default DD

spotted 1 eyed green horned frog......actually I think it was a spotted owl DD
The mentioned frog has been extinct for a long time.
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Old 09-30-2010, 02:13 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by catnipdipper View Post
spotted 1 eyed green horned frog......actually I think it was a spotted owl DD
The mentioned frog has been extinct for a long time.
Damn, where were the tree huggers when they needed them. Actually
didn't even know they existed I was just being a smart ass LOL.
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Old 09-30-2010, 02:41 PM   #33
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Default DD

The spotted owl is real but the 1 eyed frog think I was JKJKJKJKJKJKJK!
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Old 09-30-2010, 03:26 PM   #34
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Wow DD that hurt... Yes, I do have that many credit hours in five different disciplines but have yet to complete one yet. The story of my life; jack of all trades, master of none. It's not your fault or anyone else if they can only do one thing. Same thing with my professional life; a little of this, a little of that. I have built ships and buildings. I've worked with wood, concrete, and electricity. I've worked above ground and underground. For the rest of the readers, at no time have I ever claimed or hinted that I was a US Navy SEAL or any kind of special forces. That is DD for you. Always take a grain of salt with his posts. I did enter the Navy with an advanced program and changed programs a few years into my career. Remember its not bragging if you can do it. I don't brag about my life so many people have done so much more. My life is varied though which I realize when talking to other people. Many times they become defensive and seem to act like I'm telling them stories.

The original topic was are you afraid that a list or lists might be prepared and are you afraid that you will make the list. I point out the number of people erroneously on the "No Fly" list like Ted Kennedy. Anyone who has purchased more than two weapons in one month has their record flagged. Anyone who held a Top Secret clearance and then had it revoked for any reason, flagged. Jimmy Carter revoked a lot of clearances when he was president. Call your elected representatives and your name is on file. Janet Napi came out 48 hours ago and said she wants more information about Americans and our activities. She wants lists cross checked and people investigated. How many of these little lists add up to a problem?
The government purchased 500 vans that can see through walls and vehicles. A GOP representative has requested to know what departments are operating these vans. So far, he has been denied any answers. ?????????

For the record, Dale Dribble is an idiot.
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Old 09-30-2010, 03:34 PM   #35
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Default Fairy tales

I read a book as a kid whose main character was "Chicken Little." You bring back the memories of that one.

Galt if I booked you say a 90 minute session with the bodybuilder chick and I got to pick the type of session you would get would you accept?
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Old 09-30-2010, 03:53 PM   #36
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"Wow DD that hurt... Yes, I do have that many credit hours in five different disciplines but have yet to complete one yet. The story of my life; jack of all trades, master of none. It's not your fault or anyone else if they can only do one thing."

Yeah those of us who can do only one thing at a time, seems to work, I got my BS in Phycology, one class at a time, I then got my BS in Social Phycology, one class at a time and now I am 15 credit hours away from my BS in Sociology. See John I say this only to point out that when you do things one at a time you complete them.

"The government purchased 500 vans that can see through walls and vehicles."

Nope no paranoia here.
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Old 09-30-2010, 06:17 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
Yes - you have to go to the person's profile, use the drop down on the "User Lists" under the user's name and click on "Add to Ignore List".
Thanks Fritz,

Now I no longer have to read the ravings of the fringe lunatics.

Guess I didn't have to before, but it was like slowing down to see the car accident, you don't want to, but you can't help yourself.
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Old 09-30-2010, 06:54 PM   #38
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Bye big mike
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Old 09-30-2010, 07:05 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC View Post
Thanks Fritz,

Now I no longer have to read the ravings of the fringe lunatics.

Guess I didn't have to before, but it was like slowing down to see the car accident, you don't want to, but you can't help yourself.
No problem. But you'll have to excuse me as I adjust my tinfoil hat. The reception isn't as good in the bunker.
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Old 09-30-2010, 07:29 PM   #40
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"The original topic was are you afraid that a list or lists might be prepared and are you afraid that you will make the list. I point out the number of people erroneously on the "No Fly" list like Ted Kennedy."

Seems to me that this is the result of not enough information, or in other words lack of privacy invasion.

"Anyone who has purchased more than two weapons in one month has their record flagged."

This is nothing knew, this has been happening since 2002 as a result of Sept 11th and the Bush administrations fear that hidden terror cells were arming themselves.

"Anyone who held a Top Secret clearance and then had it revoked for any reason, flagged." Jimmy Carter revoked a lot of clearances when he was president."

Seems to me if they have had their Top Secret clearance revoked then this people may need to be checked out and monitored.

You know whats really sad about this type of shit, it puts me in a position of having to defend Obama whom is not someone I fond of.
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Old 09-30-2010, 08:07 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post

You know whats really sad about this type of shit, it puts me in a position of having to defend Obama whom is not someone I fond of.

DD that is why liberals like me love the far right fringe, it makes our party seem sane. Now if all of us Dems weren't big pussies we would point to our fellow citizens like JG and the folks he would like elected and say to the American public...."is this who you really want?"

I know the MAJORITY of conservatives and Repulicans and not like John Galt, but it appears the vocal, fringe minority is drowning out the sanity of the majority. So thank you John Galt and your brethren, you are the best example of why not to vote for the current Repulican fear mongers.
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Old 09-30-2010, 09:05 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by sipapi View Post
DD that is why liberals like me love the far right fringe, it makes our party seem sane. Now if all of us Dems weren't big pussies we would point to our fellow citizens like JG and the folks he would like elected and say to the American public...."is this who you really want?"

I know the MAJORITY of conservatives and Repulicans and not like John Galt, but it appears the vocal, fringe minority is drowning out the sanity of the majority. So thank you John Galt and your brethren, you are the best example of why not to vote for the current Repulican fear mongers.
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Old 09-30-2010, 11:18 PM   #43
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JOHN i am going to say what everybody else wants to say you have ADD you need some pills man if your so weak to be scare of every thing you read or see then you need to hide in a closet & get out your fat man porn & jack off & I mean you like to jack off to fat men pics.
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Old 10-01-2010, 01:06 AM   #44
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This is kind of too easy; psychology. Look on your diploma and check the spelling.

They have been flagging multiple gun purchases since 1978 well before the Patriot Act.

History Major<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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Old 10-01-2010, 03:59 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
This is kind of too easy; psychology. Look on your diploma and check the spelling.

They have been flagging multiple gun purchases since 1978 well before the Patriot Act.

History Major<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Just how many ATF investigations have you been a part of John, I bet not nearly as many as me, but this makes an interesting question. If they have been doing this since 1978 then why the sudden paranoia about "the list", didnt you make gun purchases being flagged part of your conspiracy. Unlike you John I dont spend a great deal of time writing this posts because I have a lot of other things to do and sometimes I dont see where word 2007 has assumed a word and inserted it., but if you best response is to point out a typo, you have lost this argument. But I am happy to put copies of my degrees on line if you'll list yours, oh wait thats right your working on 5 of them at the same time and finished none. Bye Bye are you ready to , cause I can do this all day every day.
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