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Coed Discussions - Dallas Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 09-21-2010, 09:45 PM   #46
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You are the co-ed...
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:39 PM   #47
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I come here for the Ladys
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Old 09-22-2010, 08:09 AM   #48
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I wish more Ladies who are semi -UTR, would post more.
I wish more tits and ass were shown too.
Thank you Ladies who post frequently,
we love flirting with you all!
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Old 09-27-2010, 04:44 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302 View Post
Thanks to the same group of ladies, co-ed is not provider friendly. Well sorta. Have you noticed a shortage of real active female participation in co-ed lately? I was never really with the men who believe providers should just post ads and go on about their business, but wow, did those gents have a point?

Your thoughts.....
I'm thinking this must be spill over from another thread I have missed? This seems to be the middle of a discussion, not the top, so I'm confused. "Same group of ladies" as... what?

Not having the ladies in coed removes a source of information, and I'm not seeing the upside.
The information posted in the sig line could be moved to the ladies individual profile page, but I don't really see it as that big a deal. Maybe if I was on a dial-up connection... If it motivates providers I'm interested in to post more, I'm for it.

As for the "Ass Hats and rude people", I wish everyone would be nicer, but also, grow a bit thicker skin. This site, ( for me anyway ) is about information and opinion. If everyone had the same information and opinions as me, I'd just use mine. People who are rude, or are ass hats, or are both, are giving us information about themselves as well as the topic they are posting about. It's just more information. Nothing wrong with that.
Almost everyone here is using an alias. Nobody makes anyone read, or post on any thread. The Mods are here to smooth out the bumps. Enjoy the good fortune of having this site, and resource, to help us find what we're looking for. When aspd started circling the drain, everyone started scrambling for an alternative. There's a reason so many ended up here.

The ladies who take advantage of what this site offers also must accept that their appearance, skills, price, age, intelligence, style, attitude, astrology sign, professionalism, spelling, manners, race, self-esteem, location, history, flexibility, wardrobe, education, management, cleanliness, empathy, grooming, alcohol consumption, imagination, pets, taste, common sense, phone numbers, ego, business associates, sexual preferences, tobacco use, future, punctuality, marketing ability, honesty, phone etiquette, energy, hours of operation, endowments, location, discretion, criminal record, aliases, inhibition, safety, thickness of skin, etc.
will all be discussed, reviewed, graded, rated, defended, measured, compared, attacked, recorded, judged, praised, misinterpreted, archived, respected, exaggerated, quoted, misquoted, reported, criticized, speculated on, objectified, coveted, and forgotten.

Let's face it. Like most other aspects of this hobby / industry, it aint for everybody. The price of fame and fortune is steep.

The men who take advantage of what this site offers must accept that the ladies will do the same concerning them, except that, for their own reasons, both economic and social, the ladies will probably do it more discretely.
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Old 09-27-2010, 08:57 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Tony Patella View Post

The whole flavor of the board seems to be dominated with ass-hats and ass-clowns lately, so I really pay very little attention to the drama. It would be a shame to lose the insight of the lovely ladies whose posts are enlightening and/or entertaining.

Speaking of ass-hats and ass-clowns, is it just me or have these fools been out in full force the last couple of weeks? (Both hobby land and real world.) I've had some real nut jobs show their true colors recently...
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Old 09-27-2010, 12:58 PM   #51
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I like to post in coed, it give the gents an idea of the personality I have. I'm not on the board everyday, because there is drama & assholes, but hey, thats life in general. I can handle pretty much what anybody says......its what I say that some can't handle. I was on aspd board very often. It was cool. But some people don't know the meaning behind opinions & facts. Alot of people take things personally, even though its not directed towards them. I just don't see any point in being rude to any lady or gent....DAMN, CAN WE ALL JUST GET ALONG??? LOL!!! Thats why its called a discussion board or form, however you consider it. Its not soppose to be about belittling anyone or arguing with anyone or being rude to one another. We all need to just agree to disagree. I feel like its very important for us ladies to be in the coed forum.
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Old 09-27-2010, 01:20 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Carly's Angels View Post
I like to post in coed, it give the gents an idea of the personality I have. I'm not on the board everyday, because there is drama & assholes, but hey, thats life in general. I can handle pretty much what anybody says......its what I say that some can't handle. I was on aspd board very often. It was cool. But some people don't know the meaning behind opinions & facts. Alot of people take things personally, even though its not directed towards them. I just don't see any point in being rude to any lady or gent....DAMN, CAN WE ALL JUST GET ALONG??? LOL!!! Thats why its called a discussion board or form, however you consider it. Its not soppose to be about belittling anyone or arguing with anyone or being rude to one another. We all need to just agree to disagree. I feel like its very important for us ladies to be in the coed forum.
What she said
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