Originally Posted by Camille
Yes, but at what point do men start leaning towards women younger than themselves and reversing that trend a bit Laurentius? After they marry? After they have kids? When they hit 40? Inquiring minds want to know..  An old BF of mine (who does just that) said, "I can't reverse my youth to apply what I've learnt in my maturity..so I reverse my approach and apply my maturity to the youth" . A round about way of saying he's re-capturing his youth lol.
Well, I'm 43 and it still hasn't happened to me. Sure, I've seen one provider who was under 30 when I first started seeing her, but she is also a full-fledged scientist (really); so she was sort of an exception to the rule. There's another lady under 30 I'm planning to see in a few months when I can arrange time to go see her, but she is similarly extraordinary.
I would say, based upon actual chronological age rather than age reported on websites, other than those exceptions, every provider I've seen for an appointment that involves sex has been +/- 5 years of my own age. (Yes, I've seen providers older than me.)
So my age preference isn't set in stone -- I'll see a woman in her 20's if she impresses the crap right out of me.
I don't think I'm a good sample from which to draw any generalizations, though. I really only see providers I genuinely like as people; so factors pertaining to the productivity of interpersonal communications factor in more strongly than they might in a wider sample.