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Old 09-06-2010, 10:08 AM   #46
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This story was broken here in Dallas by the Dallas Morning news.

The facts are pretty obvious.

What the fuck does the fact that FOX has picked it up and covered this news item have to do with anything?

Or would you prefer to go back to where only the dinosaur media only covered what they wanted and none of these issues that affect voters in cities like Dallas would ever see the light of day?

You've added nothing to the conversation with this last post other than to try and hijack the thread into a discussion of the ownership of FOX.

Go start a thread about that and I'm sure someone will respond with the info.
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Old 09-06-2010, 12:11 PM   #47
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Well, LL, EBJ's deal is a pretty straightforward case of malfeasance of which there are some reported among elected official's yearly. What is less common or consistent, is how they are treated by the FOX organization. I find it charming how FOX can find their way to stories involving those who don't adhere to their line but can't seem to, in the spirit of fairness and with the absence of bias they promote, muster the necessary indignity required to report with the same rigor and depth those misadventures of their compadres on the right. There's plenty of shenannigans going on with both sides and there's the real problem. EBJ didn't do what she did because she's a Democrat, black or female but she did it because others have done similar things and gotten away with it, she's a member of the "elected elite," and has lost sight of whatever meaningful it was that caused her to seek the position in the first place The sum of all those things is Washingtonitis. All this other divisive, wedge-issue b.s. merely gets in the way of clearly defining a problem, without which there is no real solution to be had.

Regarding Murdoch's citizenship, just curious since The Flat Earth Society brings up Obama's citizenship continuously.
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Old 09-06-2010, 02:05 PM   #48
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Should Fox have ignored a 7 term congress-person or should they have covered the story? Hate to tell you but they covered Tom Delay in just as much detail when he got shit on and OH, by the way, have you seen how all charges against Delay were dropped? Can't see this happening to EBJ here.

As for your ongoing attempt to divert this to Murdoch. HE is not the elected president and I haven't see anyone mention him except YOU in this thread with your sad attempts to deflect from EBJ's criminal bullshit and ongoing lies.

Beck slammed Dubya for years and still does. The big o still dogs on him and hell, Neil Cavuto can't stand any politician who wants to tax and spend no matter what is by their name, D or R.

the issue folks like you have is that you grew up with ZERO dissenting voices on news or radio and it completely brainwashed you and now when anyone mentions anything it seems to upset you about the facts because libs are all about feelings and not facts.

EBJ facts are she stole and lied.

Get over it.
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Old 09-06-2010, 02:10 PM   #49
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R4C: Keep up with the name calling....it only helps the reasonable thinking man to know which side of the issue he wants to be on and vote in November....

Please, keep up with the name calling...it makes you look so smart?
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Old 09-06-2010, 05:11 PM   #50
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Murdoch uses Fox to make money. That's his only stake in this country. He understands that notoriety sells, which is (in my opinion) why he gives pedestals to fruitcakes like Beck and Palin, who themselves are both masters of pandering to what the low-brow segment wants to hear. Both are on missions of personal glory and neither is qualified to do anything besides preach to the choirs.

If I want to hear an Intelligent viewpoint from the right, I'll often tune in to Bill O'Reilly. I frequently disagree with his perspectives (although often I agree), but I believe him to be a grounded and intelligent pundit capable of discourse based on logic and the available facts.

Getting back to the main point, EBJ is a flagship example of what's wrong in Washington and the D and R parties are both FULL of similar shit. The ONLY way to clean this mess up is to get involved and find better representatives to elect.
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Old 09-06-2010, 07:04 PM   #51
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Its too late. The patients now run the asylum. Just pay what ever taxes they ask for and shut up! Remember politicians prefer unarmed peasants 10-1.
Oh and be sure to face east and pray to Washington every day.
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Old 09-07-2010, 12:48 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by yaddayadda View Post
Its too late. The patients now run the asylum. Just pay what ever taxes they ask for and shut up! Remember politicians prefer unarmed peasants 10-1.
Oh and be sure to face east and pray to Washington every day.
In that case, I hope you all like Chinese and Indian food because this country is being run by idiots and the result will be economic subjugation by global leaders. Likely China first because they control our debt (our leash) and the near term market muscle.
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Old 09-07-2010, 12:51 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
Getting back to the main point, EBJ is a flagship example of what's wrong in Washington and the D and R parties are both FULL of similar shit. The ONLY way to clean this mess up is to get involved and find better representatives to elect.
You've hit the nail on the head.

I am involved at a very grass roots level and work hard to help find worthy candidates.

It is a very tough thing to do, find someone who has not fucked up so badly and believes in the things I do.
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:06 PM   #54
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more on Glenn Beck

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Old 09-07-2010, 11:22 PM   #55
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This is NOT about Beck no matter how much progressives want to make it a Beck issue.

This is about a lying cheating scumbag who ripped off people in her own district to give scholarships to her family and her work staff's family.

If you want to create a Hate Beck thread, go for it.

Trying to hijack this thread about EBJ will do little good. She needs replaced and it's a shame that the progressives who have taken over the Dem party failed to even consider that a washed up cheat like EBJ should have been challenged by someone else in her party that had a better vision.
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Old 09-07-2010, 11:48 PM   #56
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This thread is an example of why political discussions were banned on ASPD.
Never discuss politics or religion. It just pisses off almost everyone. Anyone going to start a thread about the Mosque near ground zero? Please don't!!!
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Old 09-08-2010, 10:05 AM   #57
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Ever notice how on most boards, the libs are the ones to resort to name calling first when the conservatives are simply pointing out facts?

In the current major issues such as building the mosque on ground zero, the libs are screaming racism and hatred for Islam.

Right now, as Hussein's policy decision push us further from recovery, the libs claim race.

It's as if race is thought to be some major trump card that excuses poor leadership and lack of intelligence on Hussein's part.

Funny. Back when it was Dubya going againt Kerry, they said oh, Kerry is so much smarter. But when they released the school records, Bush had a better GPA. OOPS. Facts are a bitch.

If he was not a token admission to Ivy League schools, Hussein should be proud to release his transcripts from college and produce his bar exam records. But whoops, he fails on that also.
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