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Old 09-03-2010, 06:51 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Boltfan View Post
Were you there TTH? Did you watch it? Or are you just posting the parts that someone told you should enrage you? What about LK's point that Dr. King's niece was there as a speaker? Did she degrade the "legacy" too or did that little fact just not fit with your theory? These people with which you disagree (hate), do you so blindly hate them that you won't even listen before you judge?

You are an amazingly shallow individual.
Did you watch the video? Did that seem non-political to you? Did they seem like well informed people just "concerned about" spiritual matters?
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Old 09-03-2010, 11:23 PM   #32
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Yes, I did watch the video. 13 minutes of edited video targeting individuals to make a point about hours of content and hundreds of thousands of people.

It isn't journalism and continuing to use that type of "content" to make your point IS the reason I said you are a shallow individual. For god sakes you are an attorney. You understand the rules of evidence better than most yet you rely on this to make your point.
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Old 09-04-2010, 01:39 AM   #33
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So you don't believe that Beck called Obama a racist either, huh??!!!
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Old 09-04-2010, 10:14 AM   #34
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There you go again, making ASSumptions.

No, he admitted he called Obama a racist and admitted it was wrong. I did not personally see him call Obama a racist but I will take his own word that he did. As previously stated I catch Beck maybe once a month. I do know that his views are massively distorted, most times intentionally distorted. If I read an article about him (and most all entertainment / political / sports / public figures) I make every attempt to watch the original speech / show / etc. to judge for myself what was said. For example when there were comments about Obama saying (paraphrasing) "at some point you've made enough money" I made every attempt to find the speech (and did on CSPAN) and watch what exactly he said. My impression of his EXACT WORDS IN CONTEXT OF THE ENTIRE SPEECH added to my conclusions that I disagree with in his personal and political philosophies.

What I don't do is rely on some blogger to tell me what to think and some amatuer to put together a hatchet job video to sway opinion about an entire speech or event. Believing the content is shallow. Using as reference to backup an argument is shallow.
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Old 09-04-2010, 10:59 AM   #35
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MLK preached self reliance and dignity, what happened?

Three out of four (75%) of all black children are born to single family households. (99% single mothers are head of household.) The reason for this is that if you marry the baby daddy you don't get government assistance. Now if its racist to point this out then the conversation stops there.
What is the reason? Well meaning people (including me) in the 60s though that if you give opportunity to the under served then they would take the opportunity to better themselves (Obama being the poster boy for this improvement). But what everyone ignored (see Lydon Johnson's Great Society) is that basic human nature will tell you that some people will trade their dignity for "free cheese" and not because they are hungry, just because they can. People game the system and when they do it takes money from all of us. What have we done (with all good intentions) to the black community? We have destroyed a couple of generations by being well intended idiots.....
You have to have MLKs attitude about helping...but dignity cannot be for sale, we have grown into a entitlement society....we are "owed" this and that.....BS.
To be a success it takes hard work and you cannot be "given" success and you must do the hard work. As bad as it sounds, you can't allow young healthy people to sit on their asses and collect money for nothing. All we do is lock them into the ghetto forever.
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Old 09-04-2010, 12:09 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by yaddayadda View Post
...Well meaning people (including me) in the 60s though that if you give opportunity to the under served then they would take the opportunity to better themselves (Obama being the poster boy for this improvement). But what everyone ignored (see Lydon Johnson's Great Society) is that basic human nature will tell you that some people will trade their dignity for "free cheese" and not because they are hungry, just because they can. People game the system and when they do it takes money from all of us. What have we done (with all good intentions) to the black community? We have destroyed a couple of generations by being well intended idiots.
+1 by 100%

HOWEVER, some of the poor aren't the only ones who "game the system," they just happen to be an easy target and lack the means to defend themselves. While I agree with you 100% about how things went awry in this case, I also am more concerned that more people are not intensly indignant and continually harping on the abuses our system receives from the very wealthy as the spread between the few ultra-rich and what's left of the middle class continues to grow - and that has been happening by artificial, non-market methods. I can never figure out how some guy gets paid Billions of $$$ in salary, perks and golden parachutes while driving a company into the ground - especially when there are literally thousands of other guys with high skills who would do that job for 35%-40% of the compensation package. There's inefficiency and cronyism at the top just like the bottom and private, large businesses are no more efficient than "big government." I won't even go into the little banking/investment adventures of Enron and the Housing Bust - that's so obvious surely no one missed those.

There is a lot of tax money involved, albeit indirectly. There can be all kinds of news stories about how spending by the rich drives the economy, but they are really a load of b.s. The reason I say this is that if more working people made more money (or there were more people working and earning wages) while the very few at the very top made less because those under them made more, there would be more households putting that money into circulation by making purchses and, yes, paying taxes. That's not a very clear sentence, but what it means is that 20,000 employees of a company can inject $5M into the economy better than 2 or 3 of the top executives. And, heaven forbid, what would happen if all of those extra dollars in obscene over compensation were actually used within a company to pay existing employees a little more or even expand the number of jobs?

What I think the TP and others who are upset and frustrated with current affairs are missing is that they believe less action by government will magically make the causes of our current problems disappear. Yes, government has screwed the pooch at times, but so does big business. The current mess we are in is a direct result of the government not doing enough to control questionable business practices. No one in government really wants a bad economy - hell, that's bad for them, too. What should be contemplated and better understood is the need to elect people who will do things for the people, not to the people. The real work and continual heavy lifting is about having the government work, not tossing is out. But, it is infantile and ultimately not in anyone's self interest to automatically assume that a corporation is some sort of wonderful, benevolent, caring entity. Government regulations that insist on businesses treating employees fairly and requiring them not to engage in shady and ultimately self-destructive activities (which, by the way, only negatively effect the employees, not the "smartest guys in the room" who dreamed up the schemes) are not bad and neither are the ones who attempt to keep reliability and saftey in place with food and other consumer products. Do some go overboard, well YES, but that's a better trade than coming out of a restaurant, grocery store or job site sick or dead.
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Old 09-04-2010, 12:22 PM   #37
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Why why why twist stats this way? Why is it a black issue? How about all the factors that have nothing to do with race? Avg income, where they live, are they underserved by the school system? Jobs? Public trasnport to jobs available? And on and on. Why focus on color? Why not look at the underlying reasons a group of people face problems, reguardless of their skin color? Are you saying other races placed in the same soco-economic conditions would not have high single parent households?

Racism exists. It will always exist. But, there is far less of it than when I was a kid in the 60's. I remember who sat where on a bus or which water fountian to drink out of. People don't spit at me when I have a black girl at my side any more. Or try to force me off the road because shes sitting in the front seat of my car next to me instead of the back seat. And I am not talking about just whites acting that way either.

Racism is about power, Power to influnce and control people for good or bad because of their skin color. Reguardless of their skin color, think of who would be affected most if racism dissappeared tomorrow. Which of our civic, political, and business leaders would loose all their power and influence? Are they truly interested in ending racism or are they selfserving?

As long as people of all colors insist on bringing out the race card first instead of last when something happens, there will continue to be heightened tensions between people of different skin color. My family no longer checks any race selections on any forms. If we have to give a race, we say other and write in American. Because thats what we all are reguardless of our skin color. The more people that start thinking of themselves as Americans first and color last, the less the racists have to work with. Be proud of who you are and your ethnic heritage but be an American first. Or what ever country your from.
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Old 09-06-2010, 01:17 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Did you watch the video? Did that seem non-political to you? Did they seem like well informed people just "concerned about" spiritual matters?

There is a HUGE difference between patriotic and political. In 3.5 hours the only thing political said was sara palin saying we need to restore our country.... And even that was patriotic.

And I am absolutely thrilled you picked this exact guy. I followed THIS EXACT GUY around and watched him interview about 45 different people. Every single interview he did he made sure he twisted everything he said. It was really amazing he didn't get punched in the face at least once or twice. I love how he didn't get my interview on there because I beat him every single time. I knew about the raciest thing, and Beck has since apologized. (Dear God are we all to be put to death for every single mistake we make.) This reporter (I use that word loosely) worked the crowd to get them as upset as he could. I was amazed that every single person kept themselves under control. I saw alot of the interviews in their entirety, and I can promise you they have been cut down to shreds. It's laughable at best.

Go ahead bring another one. I watched many of the liberal reporters and bloggers walking around. You could always tell who there were because they were the only ones NOT smiling.

This is an issue you will not win because you are wrong. Not being ugly at all, but having first hand information and watching these people you cling to as fact havers in this case, the truth is 100% on our side with this one. I'd love to see what else you can come up with on this. It's been pretty funny so far. And you know what FUCK BECK. It's not beck that we love and work for, it's the unity of our country. If your only interest is to tear down and not listen with an open heart and offer your ideas then be aware you are only making yourself great sport for the rest of us.

I disagree with Al sharpton but I'm sure he has good people following him. It's wrong to judge the way you do. It's old time politics and the future is changing. Keep up or be left behind. We ARE taking our country back. After 8-28, I can see we've already won. Either share ideas or get trampled in our wake.

You have a closed mind and a hardened heart adn it will keep the truth from you even if we smacked you in the face with it. It sorta reminds me of the dwarfs in "The Last Battle" by CS Lewis. They were surrounded by beauty and good food but only thought they were in a tiny stable. ALL BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T listen or believe.

I think it was you that posted the compare between MLK and Beck. OK First, Did he really own a Delorian at that age? Holy shit that's hot... ok ok, now, I do believe Beck himself has said many times he's about as unworthy as they come. Heaven rejoices more for one sinner that comes home than for the life that lived right and never needed redemption.

It should piss you off that the people you are taking as having the truth are flat out lying to you. Why doesn't it? And why are you more interested in throwing mud than seeing the awesome movement that is all around us? American's waking up for the first time. People are really CARING about their country. It's been a long time since that's happened.

One thing I will say is I'm so thrilled that the progressives are having to scrape their own underwear to find things to write bad about the tea party. <-that is a generalization. I don't know what else to call the people that are conservative politically, and liberal socially. It is not intended to categorize 8-28, do don't even try.) Oh yes change is coming again, and it's lead by People that were born free and have freedom in their blood. You can't defeat a free man fighting to defend his home. One free man fighting is worth 50 paid slaves.
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:07 PM   #39
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If you're interested in the unity of your country, sugar, why don't you get your Svengali to stop attacking our President as unamerican and as a racist. That might be a start.

Or quit having him give a platform to guests who call atheists "parasites."


Or quite calling other's theology "evil"?


And you're wrong on the racist apology. He's defended the statement as recently as late July:


Or stop wearing T-Shirts with false quotes on them:


Or just stop lying in general:





You can go to this website for a spreadsheet that keeps track of some of Mr. Beck's lies.

Face it, Kayla, you've fallen in love with a lying political hack. And a bad one at that. He's the problem in America, not the solution or even part of the solution. He's a sleazy opportunist of the worst sort who preys on the naive and the politically unsophisticated among the general population like Father Coghlin did in the 30's and McCarthy did in the 50's.
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Old 09-06-2010, 10:06 PM   #40
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The problem with the political personalities is that they use many half truths to make their points. The American public is too lazy to look up the facts so the half truths become gospel.

Friends of mine used to send me a lot of political emails. Finally, I sat down and spent all of five minutes debuking every point their email stated. I sent it back to them and asked them to look up the facts before sending out these emails. Half truths are worse than lies.
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Old 09-06-2010, 10:20 PM   #41
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pyramider....you hit the nail on the head!!
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Old 09-06-2010, 11:01 PM   #42
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You keep showing your ass and it is amazing that you lack the reading skills to comprehend the posts here.

YOU keep making this about Beck, not LK, not me, and not several others. GET OVER HIM. Your fixation on him is borderline delusional. BECK IS A FUCKING ENTERTAINER and his job is to get people going. He sure has your attention. What was discussed at this event is what was mentioned by LK at it wasn't about his show. You don't like the messenger, fine. But you keep ignoring the fact that most of us feel that The Cat in the Hat could have hosted this event for all we cared. It was about the message that was delivered but OTHERS, not just Glen. Glen just lent his celebrity to get the word and and frankly he did a good job at getting a crowd to this event.

So if you don't like Bono's music do you dismiss all the good he does by lending his celebrity to good causes? If you don't like Clooney's acting do you dismiss the good he attempts by being an activist for many worthwhile causes?

Absolutely amazing... (and your sources continue to be crap).
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Old 09-07-2010, 06:05 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Boltfan View Post

You keep showing your ass and it is amazing that you lack the reading skills to comprehend the posts here.

YOU keep making this about Beck, not LK, not me, and not several others. GET OVER HIM. Your fixation on him is borderline delusional. BECK IS A FUCKING ENTERTAINER and his job is to get people going. He sure has your attention. What was discussed at this event is what was mentioned by LK at it wasn't about his show. You don't like the messenger, fine. But you keep ignoring the fact that most of us feel that The Cat in the Hat could have hosted this event for all we cared. It was about the message that was delivered but OTHERS, not just Glen. Glen just lent his celebrity to get the word and and frankly he did a good job at getting a crowd to this event.

So if you don't like Bono's music do you dismiss all the good he does by lending his celebrity to good causes? If you don't like Clooney's acting do you dismiss the good he attempts by being an activist for many worthwhile causes?

Absolutely amazing... (and your sources continue to be crap).
So the messenger doesn't matter. If Hitler came out and said something nice about the Jews, everything is OK??!!!

Bullshit. This guy is a poltiical pimp of the worst kind and he's just muzzling himself temporarily because his latest shtick was wearing a bit thin or because it's election season and a few focus groups showed that this would motivate a few more voters that what he was previously doing. His past idiocies are always relevant as to his motivations (and frankly, those of his followers).

You make the generalization that my sources (which included the leading media watchdog group in the United States) are crap, but you don't deny a single thing that they say. Nor could you since many of them have the evidence on video.

Despite the fact that the Democratic President is a cowardly little milquetoast who won't attack his enemies or propose real solutions for real problems, not all Democrats are that way. Some will fight back when attacked. Imagine that! What a radical notion.
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:16 AM   #44
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OK I'm too busy today to fuss with this but here's a link http://www.glennbeck.com/content/vid...338017/1016015

Go to the one that says "their story" about media matters. They retracted what they said. Again... they SAID, not facts. No one is perfect and it's laughable that people expect perfection from those they hate or they will crucify them. Do you know how I even found out about Glen? It was because of people like TTH that ragged on him so bad. I just HAD to see who they were talking about. So thanks really. I'd never have known if it weren't for people like you.

Point 2. I don't think any one here said Glen was perfect or not guilty of any thing. Do you not understand that we don't give a shit. Who cares if he got a speeding ticket or went to jail or did a million other things. And I hate to break it to you TTH but I randomly picked a link and the entire article was false. I think there was one little thing that was true (something like the people were white) but the rest was all bullshit.

I'm still failing to understand why you demonstrate such hate and bias to Americans coming together? Are you happy we are turning socialist? You are the only one stuck on one guy. Open your mind a bit.

I happen to agree with the Tshirt. Just because you say it's false, I'm supposed to ... what?

OK I went and opened a few more, and you know I can't stop laughing. Are you serious? I mean really? Tell you what... Take out from each of these (very left wing sources) which statements you'd like an answer too or are upset about. (If you pick the frog I'm going to fall out of this chair laughing.) I can tell you all about that frog. maybe if you listened to the other side, you wouldn't look such a fool right now.

Both of the sources you sited are nothing close to a real legitimate "watch dog" group. If you start out your presentation with hate toward one side, then hmmmm exactly how non-bias could you be? Really? OKOK, I HAVE to work now but this was great. Thanks guys.

OH OH I have to add that I hate this president. He's the worst piece of shit EVER. Adn we had carter... Damn. We want to unite our country under a God fearing man that does what's right. Not this son of a bitch that's tearing us apart.
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:38 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
So the messenger doesn't matter. If Hitler came out and said something nice about the Jews, everything is OK??!!!

Bullshit. This guy is a poltiical pimp of the worst kind and he's just muzzling himself temporarily because his latest shtick was wearing a bit thin or because it's election season and a few focus groups showed that this would motivate a few more voters that what he was previously doing. His past idiocies are always relevant as to his motivations (and frankly, those of his followers).

You make the generalization that my sources (which included the leading media watchdog group in the United States) are crap, but you don't deny a single thing that they say. Nor could you since many of them have the evidence on video.

Despite the fact that the Democratic President is a cowardly little milquetoast who won't attack his enemies or propose real solutions for real problems, not all Democrats are that way. Some will fight back when attacked. Imagine that! What a radical notion.
#1 - You are attempting to compare Glen Beck, an entertainer whose points you do not agree with, to Hitler, a man who was mostly responsible for killing MILLIONS. Good job there. I sunk my dingy once; I now know how the people on the Titanic felt.

#2 - I commented on your "source". Again, YOU HAVE SELECTIVE READING SKILLS. Video evidence? Show me the RAW footage and we can have a discussion. I do not respond to the edited crap you submit as "evidence". Why don't you use full clips of the actual video these hacks attempt to edit to make their point? You post on here enough that I know you have the time to seek the truth. Why not go to the source to research the content and make up your own mind? I do and it is amazing how often the video is edited to make the other party look like a monster. BOTH SIDES do this to each other which is why I trust the unedited source, not mediamatters and the other sites like them on the right. I have caught them in so many lies about public figures it is amazing they have any credibility with you. I don't frequent them so I don't know them. I am sure you have them bookmarked. Do you use them to get pumped up before a case like Drew Brees and his pregame yelling chants? Like LK said, don't you feel insulted by the lies coming from them? So they get 10% right (maybe, big maybe). Do you want 90% wrong as your reference material.

What would happen if you relied on Law Journals and case reference that was 90% wrong? How long before you are the laughing stock of the local courthouse?

I am an independent that is typically conservative fiscally and liberal socially (I like prostitutes for god sakes). I educate myself on most all sides and love to have fun with people that wear blinders like you. The cult of personality does not change my mind because they can make me laugh or cause me to do research on a topic that is important to me. THAT is what you will never get.

And, to end this charade, show me where once in this thread (or any other) I have come out IN AGREEMENT WITH Glen Beck and his antics. You won't find it because I don't support entertainers for their political views, either side.
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