most ladys don't allow them, or any other markings! I try my best to never get any marks left on me. If a man seem to linger in one spot with his lips, I force him to move on....I don't allow biteing...I don't let anyone use rope on me....I don't allow real tight holds or scratching on me....
Now, I do have a gentleman or two, when I am with them I totally get lost in the moment. I am sure that more then one lady will chime in here and back me up on this one!

When they leave, I take a look in the mirror, and there they are...plain as daylight....marks left on my neck, and/or on my chest.
Quickly I grab some ice and head to the bath room....I plug in my blow dryer and then I start with the cold, and then the hot....then the cold, then the hot....until it clears up as much as it can. If it is being stubborn, and will not clear up, then I will cancel any dates I have for the next day.
My question is, does it really matter to you men whether or not we have marks on us? Are we too concerned about it, or is it appreciated that we try to be as blemished free as possible?