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Old 08-18-2010, 09:26 PM   #1
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Default political beliefs and sex

Would you turn down a date if the person in question was a polar opposite to you politicaly?

There was a provider who used to be on my "to see" list, but after reading some of her threads, I became very disenchanted.

She is very beautiful, well reviewed and established, but way too far to the left for my tastes.

Some would argue, "It's just sex, who cares what her political values are?"
I would retort that I'm just as interested in what's between her ears as well as what's between her legs.

Am I being fickle/superficial?

A peso for your cerebral meanderings.
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:32 PM   #2
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We all make choices based on actual information, apparent information, rumor and speculation.

If you want WYSIWYG, go for it.

If you feel "disenchanted," skip any immediate opportunity, do more research, then regather your thoughts, regroup your needs and vote one way or another with your benjis.
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:39 PM   #3
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I don't give a crap what my friends political beliefs are just as long as they are tolerable in person and don't go on some crazy rant trying to change my views and ruin the date.

But if you think her opinions are going to ruin a good time then don't see her, or just don't talk about the things you disagree about.

It's really so simple.
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:40 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Garland_Bone View Post
Would you turn down a date if the person in question was a polar opposite to you politicaly?

There was a provider who used to be on my "to see" list, but after reading some of her threads, I became very disenchanted.

She is very beautiful, well reviewed and established, but way too far to the left for my tastes.

Some would argue, "It's just sex, who cares what her political values are?"
I would retort that I'm just as interested in what's between her ears as well as what's between her legs.

Am I being fickle/superficial?

A peso for your cerebral meanderings.
I believe you are reading too much into the situation. I am very political and quite frankly I have had numerous magnificent sessions with ladies who are on the other end of the political spectrum.

I suppose to each their own but it sure as hell does not stop me!
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:50 PM   #5
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I agree with Skylar. Political viewpoints don't have to ruin a date, if you avoid touchy topics.

Or, for a little fun, you could make each other super mad by talking politics and then grudge-f**k. That might be an even better option!

Marla's $0.02
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Marla View Post
I agree with Skylar. Political viewpoints don't have to ruin a date, if you avoid touchy topics.

Or, for a little fun, you could make each other super mad by talking politics and then grudge-f**k. That might be an even better option!

Marla's $0.02
Mmmm yummy you gotta love some consensual, hot and disgruntled sex!!
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:05 PM   #7
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Default Provider or not Provider

Some of my best friends are 180 degrees from me on politics, religion, war and etc. I have the best time debating with them and teasing them and they would feel the same. My wife was the opposite of me on certain issues, we had a great marriage and that just added spice - of course we respected each other and never, well rarely, made it personal.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:15 PM   #8
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Default Don't even give it a thought!

Somebody is gonna thump me upside the head for this; so imagine me grinning ear to ear like a Cheshire cat as I type this; as I have an impish sense of humor.

You shouldn't worry about providers being leftists.

First, despite the leftist talk a provider may talk; when it comes to her own product, she is the ultimate capitalist.

Maybe she votes to use government to seize the output of YOUR labor and give it to the homeless. But when the matter is made direct and present -- it will be the rare provider indeed who gives out freebies to the homeless. Where the rubber hits the road personally, she is a capitalist.

Second, again despite the leftist talk many providers talk; when it comes to their clients, they seem to have no prejudice at all against the "greedy capitalist oppressors" who are well off or even quite wealthy. They most assuredly don't want the government seizing their clients' wealth thereby destroying their own business.

So she may be talking the leftist talk; but every time she collects an envelope, she is walking the capitalist walk.

(She might also be a right-wing tax protester by failing to report all of her cash business income; though if this is the case, I wouldn't expect an admission. If this doesn't occur, it would be the ONLY all-cash sole proprietorship in which it didn't. I'm not condemning that, btw. Just pointing out that it is, in effect, no different than being a right-wing tax protester.)

Within HER profession; she likely also favors a meritocracy -- something that leftists seriously oppose.

So don't worry about it. Whether she admits it or not, she's a hardcore capitalist. All that liberal stuff is not born out in actions.

If you don't believe me, ask her if, like Planned Parenthood, she adjusts her rates on a sliding scale based on the income of her clients.

So some of these meritocracy-supporting, right-wing tax-protesting capitalists may try to sound like leftists -- but don't believe them.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:23 PM   #9
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If we're talking about providers, it depends on the nature of her views and just how different they are. If I view her views as immoral, I won't patronize her. And I do view what some would describe as "political views" as immoral.

If it's a civilian date, I won't date anyone who has radically different political views than I do. There's just no way that I could have a serious relationship with them. Politics is too important and too personal to me to be able to do that.
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:45 PM   #10
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I don't care about their political views. I'm there for one thing and one thing only. So if she happens to be a bleeding heart, yellow bellied liberal elitist, I can revel in the satisfaction of screwing an "Obama-ite".
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Old 08-19-2010, 07:54 AM   #11
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Seriously, folks, how much is politics going to come up in a 1-2 hour date? Or a one time visit (regardless of the time)?

First of all, there is barely time for any conversation at all (what the hell are you doing with those clothes still on? lol).

Second of all, I never engage in personal conversation (politics, religion, family). This is, after all, a discreet meeting.

[My apologies to those ladies who have developed regulars who are multiple hour customers. They really don't fit the norm and are quite possibly an exception.]
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Old 08-19-2010, 09:02 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Laurentius View Post
Somebody is gonna thump me upside the head for this; so imagine me grinning ear to ear like a Cheshire cat as I type this; as I have an impish sense of humor.
Impish humor or not, you've done a fine job at highlighting the difference between theory and real-world practicality. In theory, we can all be Kumbaya but even Joan Baez is a hell of a lot wealthier than I am. Those albums and concerts weren't free despite her being born lucky with her singing gift in the midst of a wealthy nation in a world desperately in need of her money.


Governments all over the US want prostitution to be illegal and use their police powers to seek out and arrest people. We're all pretty much libertarians when it comes to the proper role of government when we're the target.

...and while there are some actors that I won't go watch (Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Oliver Stone, that fat ass who calls himself a documentary producer... Michael something), there aren't any providers I've met that I would boycott over their politics. I'm 53 y/o with my own education and life experiences. Why on Earth would I expect them to view the world the way I do?

Hopefully none have boycotted me because I'm a small, limited government radical.
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Old 08-19-2010, 10:32 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by NormalBob View Post
Hopefully none have boycotted me because I'm a small, limited government radical.

There is nothing radical about wanting small and limited government. Hell, that is what our Founding Fathers wanted. It has only been over time that the Constitution has been corrupted and laid aside as our most basic written doctrine on governance. Liberals, progressives and even some Republicans have perverted the true meaning of our form of government. That is precisely why the "Tea Party" movement is so popular. Real Americans can read the Constitution and know that those in Washington have ripped it to shreds and thrown it in the trash can. We just want our country back-- nothing radical about that. Thus endeth my rant
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