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Old 03-18-2010, 08:24 PM   #1
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Default Oasis Massage in Panama City

Perhaps one of the easier massage joints to find in Panama is Oasis. They are located just below the Veneto Hotel Casino, which is very easy to reach by taxi.

Of course don't have the driver take you to Oasis directly or there will be a comission added onto your bill. Better to go into the Veneto hotel first and maybe have a beer and look around there. There are many freelance Colombian girls we work the Veneto, so you might find something worth taking back to your hotel.

The price at Oaisis is $50 for full service before 2:30pm, and goes up to $80 after 2:30pm. I think they ar open pretty late. Full service is exactly what it sounds like, no extra tip or "door fee" required.

Here is their website.

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Old 03-22-2010, 10:02 AM   #2
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Default What other places would you recommend?

Originally Posted by asktiquica View Post
Perhaps one of the easier massage joints to find in Panama is Oasis. They are located just below the Veneto Hotel Casino, which is very easy to reach by taxi.

Of course don't have the driver take you to Oasis directly or there will be a comission added onto your bill. Better to go into the Veneto hotel first and maybe have a beer and look around there. There are many freelance Colombian girls we work the Veneto, so you might find something worth taking back to your hotel.

The price at Oaisis is $50 for full service before 2:30pm, and goes up to $80 after 2:30pm. I think they ar open pretty late. Full service is exactly what it sounds like, no extra tip or "door fee" required.

Here is their website.

TQ, I have been to Panama on three differenet occasions, what other places can you recommend. Personally I preferr Panama over CR, but haven't really spent much time in CR to make a fair comparision.
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Old 03-22-2010, 06:47 PM   #3
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Perhaps the best place is Golden Times. It has been around for at least seven years, and they have alot of top notch Colombian talent.

Highest end MP with quality in Panama is "Golden Times". Every cabby knows how to get there...and they get 15-20 tips from the place for just taking you there and waiting. Gringos pay $95 for any chica of their choice which also covers the "propina" the taxi driver gets from the joint. So...don’t let the taxi driver overcharge you for waiting while you have fun there.
The current price is about $80 for an hour, you might pay more if a taxi driver takes you, he gets a cut. Personally I am against taxi commissions so but you would have to figure out how to get there without one.

It's in a strip mall next to a grocery store, but there is a big difference in hours. My advice is go there once and then figure out how to get back.

Here is a good article on Panama in general.


Let us know how it goes.
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Old 03-23-2010, 07:24 AM   #4
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Ask: thank you for your imput and the links, not sure when I'll be back down there, but, will check out some of your recomendations and give some feedback.
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Old 03-28-2010, 05:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by AljanSATX View Post
TQ, I have been to Panama on three differenet occasions, what other places can you recommend. Personally I preferr Panama over CR, but haven't really spent much time in CR to make a fair comparision.
I agree that Golden Time is a must see.

If you like freelancers, check out Habano's Cigar Bar across the street from the Marriott downtown. Also La Bodeguita and the casino at the Veneto Hotel. All these are evening places, and La Bodeguita gets going particularly late, about 11:00 PM or midnight. The going rate is around $100 for an hour or two for a hottie. Less attractive women will run less, and a Playboy Centerfold type may ask and receive more -- as far as price goes though, it can vary a lot depending both on the particular woman, your negotiating ability, and whether there's any chemistry.

If you like strip clubs, Miami Club, close to Golden Time in El Dorado, is your best choice if you want to get laid and don't want to drop an arm and a leg. The cost is about $90 to $100 for about an hour. If you're looking for drop dead beautiful women, comparable to Golden Time in a strip club environment, and either don't mind paying U.S. prices or just want to enjoy the show, I'd recommend Le Palace and Elite downtown. Elite has the better shows, and Le Palace according to some (I'd disagree) has the better looking women. You'll have to buy your date about $150 worth of liquor, then pay her around $200 or $300, for anywhere from an hour to mid-afternoon the next day. A better idea is to negotiate something in the club for the next day, in which case you might get away paying $100 to $150. If you do this in Elite be careful that management doesn't find out you're trying to arrange something on the side -- they have been known to fire the women and have them deported back to Colombia when they find out.
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Old 05-03-2010, 01:26 AM   #6
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Golden Time is the best I always forget which numbers I want...
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:11 PM   #7
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Sometime in the last couple of years the Marriott started stoping guys from bringing the girls into the hotel. I was also told the other, upscale hotels nearby are doing the same.
It was pretty easy to navigate around the policy by going to the bar for 15 minutes. Any other intel about this situation?
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Old 08-09-2010, 10:23 PM   #8
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Hey, was wondering if I could get directions to Golden Times. I've got a rental, but it's damn hard to find out where this place is.
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Old 08-10-2010, 06:58 AM   #9
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It's listed the the phone book under Golden Time.

It's also in a centric area of Panama City, inside a strip mall next to a grocery store. Sorry, no specific directions, but let your fingers do the walking.
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Old 08-13-2010, 06:11 AM   #10
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on my way back to panama as i type this. what a great place to hobby and the variety is awesome. this is my 4th trip in the last year. i feel a lot safer in panama than i did in san jose costa rica. i may have to check out the golden time on this trip if i can ever get out of the veneto hotel.
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Old 08-13-2010, 06:24 AM   #11
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Default Bon Voyage

Originally Posted by mcfish View Post
on my way back to panama as i type this. what a great place to hobby and the variety is awesome. this is my 4th trip in the last year. i feel a lot safer in panama than i did in san jose costa rica. i may have to check out the golden time on this trip if i can ever get out of the veneto hotel.

McFish hope you have a good trip, look forward to your report, when you return.
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Old 08-21-2010, 03:57 PM   #12
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friday night the oasis had only 3 girls on the floor when we walked in. the place looked dead so we went to the new club near by on the same street> moulin rouge is the name and it just opened recently. it had about 12 girls but none met my expectations so i went back to the veneto and picked out 2 and was informed that not many motels in the area allow you to check in with 2 ladies. finally after 3 hotels we found a room. both were very helpful and did provide good service. they were both colombian and they do have there drawbacks. cbj is almost a common practice with the columbians and one did not allow daty. pricing was 100 each for 1 hour of service.

today i am going to try and go to golden time this afternoon and then party at the veneto later this evening and again tomorrow....
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Old 08-21-2010, 06:50 PM   #13
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bad news the golden time does not open until 7pm. so i went back to the moulin rouge and they had 4 girls working and the fee is 83 for 1/2 hour and 125 for a full hour. 2 met my expectations and i contracted for 1/2 hour with each. again both were columbian and did provide excellant service.

in a few minutes i am going to go back to gloden time and see what it is all about...
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Old 08-22-2010, 03:22 PM   #14
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i made the trip back to golden time and their group of ladies was a beautiful site to behold. they sit you in a room with 10 padded chairs and the girls come in one at a time and do a model on the runway tour and then out of the room and the next one enters. each girl has a number attached to her and when you have seen one that you want you just let the male that is in charge of your parade of ladies know that number you would like and then he calls her back. when she comes back you can talk to her and then head off to a room for your pleasure.

i did not book a date as they were all columbian in appearance and looks. i went there in search of a petite oriental but they had none in my grouping of ladies. there wasn't much difference in the ladies at the golden time and what was available at the veneto. the only difference was the pricing being much better at golden time and you don't have to have a room or find a motel to take your date.

i ended up spending the night with a lady i had seen at the moulin rounge i offered her a deal and once she was off at the massage parlor. she came to my hotel and we gambled, had dinner, and enjoyed each others company from 12am until she left at 2pm today. she is columbian and her name is luz and i highly recommend her. she is not the prettiest lady in the parlor but she met my requirements for size and passion in our first meeting earlier that day. this is my last day in panama and i think if she has any energy left i will see her again tonight.
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Old 08-22-2010, 05:01 PM   #15
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All in all it sounds like you had an enjoyable trip. Have any pictures to share? Have a safe trip home.
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