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Old 08-07-2010, 12:29 AM   #16
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TTH, can you provide some source document to back up your claim that the GOP is dominated "far right religious types". Being in the GOP, I find there is a fringe element in the folks I meet who might qualify for that but I see just as extreme by some portions of the Democrats like NAMBLA. Should I claim that the Democrats are controlled by that fringe group?

Instead of making it legal, how much money is wasted by various police departments on trying to catch the girls? THAT could amount to a good cost savings.

I've heard from many folks that know cops that a lot of them don't care about busting escorts, only those in vice. As long as the forbidden issues like drugs or minors and nasty abusing pimps are kept away from the hobby, they let it slide.

BUT, most of us on SHMBs make up only a small part of the issue. We strive to keep it simple.

But there are many bad guys who aren't on boards posting who do horrible things.

Read the alerts about the robber and then know he is not the only one. Hell, back when it seemed there was one on every corner and in every building over near Emerald, AMPs used to get robbed all the time. And some still do but they have gotten smarter.

Escorts get killed, beaten, robbed and raped. Would making it legal here stop that? Doubtful. There will always be those who will do it in ways that will skirt any new law letting it happen in hopes of getting income tax from the hobby.

Do you know anyone who wants to fill out a 1099? You have an overnighter and right now, you're supposed to fill one out and give it to the girl if I understand current tax law.

I don't think it will come up anytime soon no matter what anyone thinks. Not in Texas.

WE are not the "mom and pop" sitting around reading the horrific stories about the young girls FORCED into the sex trade all over the world...
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Old 08-07-2010, 10:10 AM   #17
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I hate to point this out but it doesn't get any better than this. Dallas is the best place in the world for PFP. I have been to all over the world and sure Thailand is fun and Europe is sexy, Africa is wild, Hong Kong is just nuts, Nevada is soooo depressing.....on balance with cost, selection, service...Dallas is Mecca for the hobby.

Legalize, I hope not. Australia has it and its about as much fun as a root canal....too commercial, too expensive (for what you get) and the women are marked in the community and harassed outside of the workplace....sorry stuff.

Don't change a thing.
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Old 08-07-2010, 06:30 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
TTH, can you provide some source document to back up your claim that the GOP is dominated "far right religious types".
There's more polling on this than Carter has little liver pills. And really, you don't need polling. Just watch a Republican convention. But since you ask:

Today, Republicans outnumber Democrats among white evangelicals by more than two-to-one (51%-22%), and hold a 63%-29% lead when partisan "leaners" are included. Although Republican Party identification among both evangelicals and non-evangelicals increased slightly following the September 11 attacks, it has since retreated to pre-9/11 levels for non-evangelicals. Among evangelicals, it has continued to rise. Today, white evangelicals make up 22% of the population, and constitute nearly four out of every ten (39%) Republicans.


Gallup's final survey conducted before the 2004 election estimated that 63% of voters who attended church weekly or almost every week voted for Bush; 37% voted for Kerry. Sixty percent of those who seldom or never attended church indicated a vote choice for Kerry; 40% voted for Bush. The same directional patterns have been observed between self-reported importance of religion and vote choice.


White evangelical Protestants have been one of the most faithful Republican constituencies in presidential elections in recent years, voting overwhelmingly for GOP candidates. In 2004, for example, 79% of white evangelicals supported President Bush, while just 21% supported his Democratic opponent, John Kerry. White evangelicals also accounted for a third of Bush's total votes that year.

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Old 08-07-2010, 10:18 PM   #19
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You are showing your lack of education on how conventions work.

The conventions are a tiny percentage of actual GOP voters. TINY percent. It is why most GOP folks want to scrap the party platform, it is written by those who show up at the precinct convention. At the one held in my precinct in 2008, out of hundreds and hundreds of voters, 6 showed up.

MOST GOP voters hold jobs and can't lose the money they earn by volunteering to attend the state conventions where they are held. Once you get to the county there is a weeding out process where yes, that far right selects who goes on and finally to the state and then the national in presidential.

As for polls, are you referring to the same sort of polls that had Gore/Lieberman or that Edwards/Kerry would win handily in 2004 that Bust won so handily?

Your comparison of the conventions as being a far representation is akin to saying that Rangel has never cheated on his taxes ever. Or that the leader of PETA who wants all of us to immediately stop eating any meat and to confer human rights on ALL other life represents the Dems.
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Old 08-08-2010, 01:53 AM   #20
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Actually, I know very well how conventions work. I've been a delegate to the State Democratic Convention on a number of occasions and an alternate to the Democratic National Convention once. I cited no data on conventions. Likely the percentage of evangelicals there would be higher, although not by as much as you would expect.

However, the polling I cited is all from the 2004 - 6 time period. And Bush didn't thrash Kerry as you suggest, If Kerry had gotten a few more votes in Ohio, he would have been President. There is polling from 2008 that is similar, although not quite as marked. The difference in 2008 was that a few, though not many, younger evangelicals defected to Obama. They care about racial equality and the environment. Older evangelicals are almost all George Wallace type voters on social and civil rights issues.

Here is a recent paper that summarizes a recent poll on the issue. I've got the cross tabs at home. There is a small shift, but not much.

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Old 08-08-2010, 02:19 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Actually, I know very well how conventions work. I've been a delegate to the State Democratic Convention on a number of occasions and an alternate to the Democratic National Convention once. I cited no data on conventions. Likely the percentage of evangelicals there would be higher, although not by as much as you would expect.

However, the polling I cited is all from the 2004 - 6 time period. And Bush didn't thrash Kerry as you suggest, If Kerry had gotten a few more votes in Ohio, he would have been President. There is polling from 2008 that is similar, although not quite as marked. The difference in 2008 was that a few, though not many, younger evangelicals defected to Obama. They care about racial equality and the environment. Older evangelicals are almost all George Wallace type voters on social and civil rights issues.

Here is a recent paper that summarizes a recent poll on the issue. I've got the cross tabs at home. There is a small shift, but not much.

I'm torn. I can't decide if I'm happy or troubled by the fact that one of my state delegates has 1000 posts on a whore board. Is it hard to get through security with the face of a boar hog? Does the tux help?
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Old 08-08-2010, 08:26 AM   #22
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Black tie gets you in many places.
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Old 08-08-2010, 01:19 PM   #23
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And this is why ASPD moved political discussions to a separate forum.
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:40 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Black tie gets you in many places.
So do generous contributions. Besides, pigs are very clean animals.
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