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Old 07-28-2010, 01:57 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Brooke Daniels View Post
Lol, funny topic.

People that don't know north, south, east and west. Then I have to give directions like a nincumpoop.
A-fuckin-men. How can people go through life not knowing which way is north? How the fuck do you use a road map without knowing that? One of the most basic skills in the world.
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:28 AM   #32
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Max.....holishit thatwuzfunni

My peeves:

1. aDS ThAt ArE WrItTeN lIkE tHiS......

2. Opening the door and expecting the provider to be reasonably dressed like she is in her pics; only to see her in sweat pants, flip flops, old tee shirt, no make-up and looking just she just crawled out of a tent (or any combination of those)......a real dick-limper to say the least.

3. Not calling to say you're running late, or worse yet, can't make the appointment. Everyone has things that can come up at the last minute to change your plans but there is NO EXCUSE for not at least calling. I know, this goes BOTH WAYS for clients and providers alike.
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:31 AM   #33
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I am on day two of my mental health break from the hobby, not working too well since I am reading this damn site. I am grumpy. Maybe I need to cancel the internet on my phone.

Pet peeve number one is the unsolicited text messages asking how I am doing. If you want me to come over, name the place and time. If I am available I will be there, if not don't act like you are offended. We both know why you are contacting me.

Number two is obviously fake orgasms. I enjoy the illusion that I am a fabulous lover, but at least try and make it believable.
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:35 AM   #34
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LOL monkmonk "how u doin" haha had to do it

i could sit here and rant and rave all day but i choose to think happy thoughts
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:59 AM   #35
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Default do you call dominos

on tues for a pizza on fri or do you call when you get hungry. when you go to the emergency room to you have a reservation made. often guys happen to call when their horny and have money once the erection is relieved and the money is gone so is the need to call. providers often complain that hey its a business first but are outraged that they should be ready to make 200=300 for an hours work when others go to work each and every day 8-12 hrs a day for a fraction of that. based on heathers limited menu and recent poor reviews its quite possible she is often used as "plan b" ie the girl with better reviews, better attitude more open menu has to beg off last minute and a guy is just looking for a quick fix with a ok looking girl with a low pricetag hence the last minute calls. that being said if all providers could provide their availabilliy for march 2011 i'd appreciate as i believe i am gonna be horny then
Originally Posted by Sweet Heather View Post
Whaaat?? You mean I'm the only one that sits by her phone all day fully made up and dressed to the nines, legs spread, playing with myself breathlessly awaiting a phone call?? Whaat?
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Old 07-28-2010, 09:44 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by petiteassman View Post
on tues for a pizza on fri or do you call when you get hungry. when you go to the emergency room to you have a reservation made. often guys happen to call when their horny and have money once the erection is relieved and the money is gone so is the need to call. providers often complain that hey its a business first but are outraged that they should be ready to make 200=300 for an hours work when others go to work each and every day 8-12 hrs a day for a fraction of that. based on heathers limited menu and recent poor reviews its quite possible she is often used as "plan b" ie the girl with better reviews, better attitude more open menu has to beg off last minute and a guy is just looking for a quick fix with a ok looking girl with a low pricetag hence the last minute calls. that being said if all providers could provide their availabilliy for march 2011 i'd appreciate as i believe i am gonna be horny then
Yikes! Is it just me?!?!?....LOL
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Old 07-28-2010, 11:25 AM   #37
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Mine is having to check this sight from my I-phone. You can imagine the typo's and spelling mistakes when trying to post a review that way.
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Old 07-28-2010, 02:35 PM   #38
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Bang to Hype ratio is out of whack. Almost every time I get enamored with someone in the upper or maybe out of me target price range I find myself asking, self did you have a $.5 better time than with (insert name of one of my ATFs) the answer is almost always no, with the notable exception of Reese McClain.
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Old 07-28-2010, 03:10 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Avery Blake View Post
Okay another of my pet peeves-guys that call 45 minutes before wanting to have a session. Sorry guys, but most of us girls do not sit around in full makeup and lingeries just waiting for you to call us. We have lives too! Ladies, am I right?????
Okay, now I have to take issue with this. I've seen similar comments several times recently.

I mean this in the most polite and respectful way possible, but this is your profession. We are not 'dating', and if I call you it is not to make a 'date' for the ballet this weekend.

Most of the time I do not know I have 2 hours to kill until my wife yells into the office that she is going to meet her sister for lunch and to go do some shopping afterward. I am not the 20-something bachelor I used to be. The days when I could say I answer to no one are long gone. The only time I can hobby is when I manage to squeeze out an hour or two away from a wife, children, in-laws, and an employer, all who seem to want to know exactly where I am every minute of the damn day.

Some of the members here like to chide others for short-notice appointment requests, or half-hour and quickie appointment requests. That seems very short-sighted from where I'm sitting.

I would love to have the luxury to take off anytime I wanted, to go spend half the afternoon, evening, or even all night with a lovely lady from this board - including you Avery, but that's just unlikely to ever happen in my case.

And I know damn well that a large percentage of this hobbying community has similar restrictions on their free time, even though they may not be vocal about it on the board.

Being considerate of others goes both ways. We seem to be good about not judging others sexual preferences, fantasies, fetishes, etc. Why is it so hard to accept that hobbying is frequently something the gents have to 'squeeze in' to their schedules or do without altogether?
Cheers, and happy hobbying.
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Old 07-28-2010, 03:29 PM   #40
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It may be our profession, but that doesn't mean all of us can be "beck and call" girls. LOL A lot of us have chosen this profession as it allows "Us" to be available when we have time and are given some notice of your desire to spend time with us. All our lives seem to be full and busy, the gents and the ladies. Make a note of those who are available at the drop of a hat and those who aren't. It's all a part of doing your research. I know I can not be ready for an appointment at the convenience of all the gents who hobby and have wanted to see me "right now". I hate to say no, but last minute calls are not something I can offer either, so I understand that sentiment.

I wouldn't deem to know what it's like for the gents and the demands on their time. However, having known so many gents, I do know that most of you are cunning enough to figure out some way to get around your obligations on occasions and see the ladies who also have demands on their time and need some sort of notice in order to be able to spend time with you.

The good thing about the hobby is there seems to be enough different wants, desires and needs for each of us to have those met. WALDT
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Old 07-28-2010, 03:44 PM   #41
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Max, I have no issue with a lady declining an appointment request for lack of lead-time, or any other reason for that matter.

My issue is with the criticism of gents who call and ask a lady if she is currently available.

Why should I get my hand smacked for inquiring?
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Old 07-28-2010, 04:25 PM   #42
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I think the consensus from a lady's point of view is that, some of the gents , unwittingly, make comments about not being able to book with the lady they want, or whatever, among the many other unwitting remarks men can make...LOL (We love ya anyway) We are physically reviewed and critiqued from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet and on every other aspect about us and our personalities. Aside from the hobby aspect of our lives, we have many many other things going in our lives as do you. Many of us strive to do the best we can do in all aspects of our lives when possible. Please be patient that some find it annoying that some gents have little or no patience with us other than being exactly what they want when they want it...kinda like getting their happy meal. LOL Warm wet holes are available 24/7 in some areas of DFW, or so I've been led to believe.

It's not as easy as it might seem to be us. Most of the ladies just need some time in order to pull off the illusion you seek or to feel as though she is giving the best she is able to. Prep for a visit is most of the work...the visit themselves are not normally overtaxing or go without being enjoyed by us as well...and then there's the after session clean up of place and self. I can only speak for myself, but I spend approximately 3 1/2 to 4 hours of doing what I feel is necessary for my clients to thoroughly enjoy their one hour session when that is all the time they have to spend, and I do this so I don't end up getting slammed all over the board because I had messy hair or a broken fingernail or even because a client felt I wasn't relaxed enough.

All that being said...just note, it can be a peeve to the ladies who want to excel and don't want to known as last minute, disheveled, and out of sorts girl. It really ain't easy being easy....LOL

Oh...and sorry if a lady has made you feel you got your hand smacked...uncalled for and unnecessary...a polite decline and maybe a suggestion that she really needs more time in order to book.
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Old 07-28-2010, 05:57 PM   #43
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Some times ladies are available on short notice. Never know unless you ask. Have seen lots of ladies on 1 or 2 hours notice. I understand if they can't, but what's the harm in asking?
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Old 07-28-2010, 09:58 PM   #44
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I do hope I don't get the "bitch award" for this one.

My pet peeve is girls making posts that appear they want to prove their intelligence. I know a lot of the ladies are very bright, but the posts that appear to try too hard (and include multiple spelling and grammatical errors) are annoying to me.

Another is for a provider to announce her retirement months/years in advance. Or, multiple retirements.

My pet peeve from men is having a hobbyist act as if you are invisible. Even if we aren't your type, we are still worthy of a greeting. I smile at people in Wal-Mart
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Old 07-28-2010, 11:18 PM   #45
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I've never understood why the ladies don't post new pics more often. Hell, new cellphone pics taken in the mirror are a lot better than the same ol tired glamor shots from '06. Not posting fresh pics, to me = lazy!

Just sayin...
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